Covid-19 News

Stay informed with the latest Covid-19 news at The Thaiger, your go-to source for pandemic updates. Keep up-to-date on global developments, vaccine rollouts, and safety measures. Our comprehensive coverage includes essential information on travel restrictions, case numbers, and government policies.

Whether you’re seeking guidance or simply staying aware, The Thaiger’s Covid-19 news page is your essential resource for navigating these unprecedented times. Engage with our expertly curated content, designed to keep you informed and prepared as the world continues to adapt to the ongoing pandemic. Stay safe and stay connected with The Thaiger.

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    Which is the best copy trading platform?

    Copy trading has become increasingly popular with investors around the globe over the past decade. It's considered a simple way to capitalise on market opportunities with little effort. But is it really a shortcut to making big bucks in the...

  • Tình hình Covid-19 tại Việt Nam: Ba bệnh nhân nặng âm tính nCoV ba lần liên tiếp

    Đến ngày hôm nay, sức khỏe của 4 bệnh nhân Covid-19 nặng tại Bệnh viện Bệnh Nhiệt đới Trung ương đã có nhiều tiến triển, trong đó ba người đã có kết quả xét nghiệm âm tính ba lần. Bốn bệnh nhân nặng gồm một người phụ nữ 64 tuổi (bác gái của “bệnh nhân 17”), tiền sử rối loạn tiền…

  • Cập nhật COVID-19 tại Việt Nam (Tối 2/4): Tổng cộng 227 người nhiễm nCoV

    18h ngày 2/4, Bộ Y tế công bố thêm 5 ca nhiễm COVID-19 mới, gồm hai người liên quan đến Bệnh viện Bạch Mai, một người liên quan đến bar Buddha & Grill, hai ca từ nước ngoài về nước. Như vậy, ngày hôm nay ghi nhận 9 ca bệnh mới, nâng tổng số bệnh nhân lên 227. Tổng số…

  • Cập nhật COVID-19 tại Việt Nam (Chiều 2/4): Thêm 11 bệnh nhân nCoV khỏi bệnh

    Chiều 2/4, 11 bệnh nhân được Bệnh viện Bệnh nhiệt đới Trung ương công bố khỏi Covid-19, xuất viện. Các trường hợp xuất viện gồm các bệnh nhân: 19, 63, 76, 78, 107, 129, 131, 132, 138, 179 và 198. Bác sĩ Phạm Ngọc Thạch, Giám đốc Bệnh viện Bệnh Nhiệt đới Trung ương, cho biết các bệnh nhân kết…

  • All new arrivals to Thailand banned, effective immediately

    Effective today, and until at least April 15, Thailand will bar all arrivals due to the increasing number of Covid-19 coronavirus cases. Thaveesilp Wissanuyothin, spokesman of the Center for Covid-19 Situation Administration, says that PM Prayut Chan-ocha has ordered the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to issue a new directive prohibiting any new arrivals. “The spread of Covid-19 must be stopped.…

  • National curfew announced. Takes effect tomorrow.

    Thailand will announce a nationwide curfew between 10pm – 4am starting tomorrow (Friday) to try to curb the spread of the Covid-19 coronavirus. The government made the announcement in a statement today. There will be some exceptions to the new measure, including the transport of medical supplies, movement of people into quarantine, patients and travel of medical personnel, according to…

  • 250 Germans fly out of Phuket before airport closes on April 10

    Some 250 German nationals flew out of the southern island of Phuket this morning on a special flight chartered to take them home before the airport closes on April 10. Condor Airlines flight DE8759 took off at 10:10am. Phuket has closed all its land and sea borders already, and Thailand is under a state of national emergency until at least…

  • ‘Pheu Thai’ pledges to work with the ruling party to fight Covid-19

    Thailand’s main opposition party ‘Pheu Thai’ has pledged to work with the government in the battle against the Covid-19 outbreak. Party leader Sompon Amornvivat acknowledged that… “Thailand is now facing a crisis of immense proportions, which is affecting everyone’s daily life, with impacts on our health, income and the economy, all of which challenges our ability to weather the crisis…

  • Bangkok, Phuket order convenience stores closed overnight to battle virus

    To fight the spread of the Covid-19 coronavirus, Bangkok’s convenience stores, food shops and stalls are to be closed from midnight to 5am, effective from now until end of April, by order of City Hall (the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, or BMA). A BMA spokesman says that all public and private parks in communities, housing estates and condos will also be…

  • Thai Airways goes into hibernation until end of May, others ground fleets too

    After a decade of financial struggles and corporate upheaval, Thailand’s national flag carrier, Thai Airways, with a previous reputation as one of Asia’s premier airlines, is ceasing all flights for a period of at least two months, due to the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic. The Civil Aviation Authority of Thailand has now allowed the suspension of all domestic and international flights.…

  • DSI Thailand tells 100 officers to self quarantine after an officer contracts Covid-19

    100 officers at the Department of Special Investigation have been asked to self-quarantine after one of their officers tested positive for Covid-19. Yesterday DSI deputy director-general, Triyarith Temahivong, said that an investigation officer in the Office of the Secretary of the department had become infected with the disease and around 100 officers who were in close contact with him will…

  • Thailand confirms 104 new coronavirus cases (Thursday)

    Thailand now has at total of 1,875 Covid-19 coronavirus cases, with 104 new cases confirmed over the last 24 hours and 3 more patients dying. Total deaths now stand at 15. Taweesin Visanuyothin, spokesman for the government’s newly formed Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration, made the announcement today (Thursday). This continues a hopeful trend of new cases in Thailand overall…

  • Cập nhật COVID-19 tại Việt Nam (Sáng 2/4): Tổng cộng 222 người nhiễm nCoV

    Sáng 2/4, Bộ Y tế công bố thêm 4 ca nhiễm COVID-19 mới, bao gồm một người chăm sóc bệnh nhân tại bệnh viện Bạch Mai, ba người nhập cảnh được cách ly ngay​​​​​​, nâng tổng số ca nhiễm COVID-19 tại Việt Nam lên 222. Tính đến thời điểm hiện tại, số ca liên quan đến Bệnh viện Bạch Mai…

  • Chiang Rai puts strict conditions on people entering the province

    As of yesterday, the Governor of Chiang Rai Prajon Pratyakul issued an order that ‘everyone entering Chiang Rai province will have to wear a face mask and undergo screening at checkpoints’. “This order will apply to all visitors whether, on foot, private vehicles or public transport, those who cannot provide evidence of being a local resident or having a workplace…

  • Phuket reports 12 new coronavirus cases, all from Patong

    The southern island province of Phuket confirmed 12 new cases of the Covid-19 coronavirus today (Thursday), bringing the total on the island to 87. All appear to have originated in the island’s Patong area, most from the Bangla Road red light district. The town of Patong was placed on unofficial curfew yesterday as its governor issued a public decree urging…

  • Thailand’s food delivery services are booming

    Whilst most businesses have been turned upside down by the disruptions caused by the Thai government’s reaction to Covid-19, along with enforced closures, at least one business is booming at this crazy time. With restaurants closed to sit-down customers, the delivery services are providing a valuable service getting food to customers stranded at home whilst applying social distancing for the…

  • Thai banks report they can handle the impacts of the virus

    As the Covid-19 coronavirus continues to spread in Thailand, authorities have temporarily shut off shopping malls, entertainment and sporting venues while allowing food stalls and restaurants to open, but only for take-out and delivery services. The measures have led to social disruption, unemployment, leave without pay and salary cuts. However, a senior official at the Bank of Thailand reports, “Thailand’s…

  • 70% of Thais follow social distancing guidelines, 80% or more needed

    “Social distancing is a very powerful tool to fight against Covid-19 and this weapon needs the engagement of all Thais.” “Social distancing,” a new phrase for many since the Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak began in January, is considered a crucial strategy to help stem the spread of the disease. And according to the latest survey conducted by the Department of Mental…

  • Yala authorities fear local Muslims will ignore Friday prayer ban

    Officials in Yala in Thailand’s Deep South are urgently trying to convince Muslim leaders of the need to follow orders that suspends traditional Friday prayers at all mosques. The Chularatchamontri, spirtual leader of Thailand’s many Muslims, ordered prayers suspended over worries that large gatherings may spread the Covid-19 coronavirus. Provincial governor Chaiyasit Panitpong, meanwhile, appealed to residents to contact health authorities…

  • Coronavirus UPDATE: Bad 24 hours in UK and US, Panama comes up with novel prevention

    World totals surged in the past 24 hours to reach 935,287 cases since the start of the outbreak of the Covid-19 coronavirus in late December (totals read at 7.50am Thai time). The case numbers will likely move through the 1 million milestone in the next 24 hours. 47,192 people have died as a result of the Covid-19 virus and 194,000…

  • Covid-19: Hà Nội mở rộng xét nghiệm nhanh

    Thành phố mở rộng các điểm test nhanh và ai có dấu hiệu nhiễm Covid-19 đều được xét nghiệm. Chiều 1/4, tại cuộc họp Ban chỉ đạo phòng, chống dịch Covid-19 thành phố, Chủ tịch UBND TP Nguyễn Đức Chung cho biết, sau 2 ngày xét nghiệm nhanh các trường hợp liên quan đến bệnh viện Bạch Mai, thành phố sẽ mở rộng test…

  • Stranded migrant workers can stay and work in Thailand, for now

    Today the Thai Labour Ministy is allowing stranded workers from Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar to stay and work beyond the expiration date of their work permits, due to the recent closure of their borders. Labour Minister Mom Ratchawongse Chatumongol Sonakul says that the migrant workers are allowed to continue with their work until the borders reopen. “This decision will benefit…

  • 6 Covid-19 recovered patients head home to their families

    The hospital director in Songkla, Dr. Supat Hasuwankit, posted on his Facebook page today, that it was a happy moment for 6 patients and their families after having been in hospital since March 17t fighting against the deadly Coronavirus, to finally go home. “The group had been to Malaysia, to attend a religious ceremony earlier this month, which is where they…

  • Tình hình Covid-19 Thế giới (Chiều 1/4): Hơn 850.000 người nhiễm nCoV toàn cầu

    Covid-19 vẫn chưa có dấu hiệu “giảm nhiệt” trên toàn cầu, đặc biệt lây lan nhanh ở châu Âu và Mỹ, nâng số ca nhiễm lên gần 850.000 trường hợp, trong đó gần 42.000 người tử vong. Diễn biến dịch bệnh Covid-19 trên toàn Thế giới: 854.612 ca nhiễm và 42.044 người chết tại 202 quốc gia và vùng lãnh…

  • Dead train passenger in Prachuap Khiri Khan had coronavirus

    A train passenger found dead yesterday in the province of Prachuap Khiri Khan, about 240 kilometres south of Bangkok, has tested positive for Covid-19 coronavirus. The 57 year old man, who was not named, was found dead in front of a restroom after his train from Bangkok to Narathiwat in the far South stopped for a rest break, according to authorities.…

  • Phuket’s Patong all but shut down

    A notice from Patong municipality is urging Patong’s residents to stay at home and not venture out of doors, including the Soi Bangla entertainment area, which has become the hotbed of Covid-19 coronavirus in the island province of Phuket. The announcement, on government letterhead, says citizens who need food and water can contact authorities for delivery. The notice, seen below,…

  • Thai Immigration proposes extending tourist visas until June 30

    The Thai Immigration Bureau has asked the Cabinet to approve a measure extending tourist visas until June 30 for foreigners stranded in Thailand following the disruption of international flights due to the Covid-19 coronavirus. According to a report in Thaivisa, the Immigration Bureau wants foreigners who have had their travel plans disrupted by the virus, be given a visa extension…

  • PM may suspend public transport over virus fears

    Even though intra- and interprovincial travel has fallen by about 40%, following the declaration of a national state of emergency last week, PM Prayut Chan-o-cha said today that he might order a reduction or even a suspension of public transport if the rate of Covid-19 coronavirus infections does not show a sustained drop. The PM says he “might have to…

  • Thai PM says tourists will get automatic visa extensions

    Thai PM Prayut Chan-o-cha is concerned that foreigners seeking visa extensions have been gathering in their hundreds at Thailand’s immigration offices each day, at a time when social distancing is needed due to the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic. This from a spokesman for the Foreign Affairs Ministry today. Deputy ministry spokesman Natapanu Nopakun announced that the cabinet has responded with a…

  • First Covid-19 death in Pattani, southern Thailand

    Early this morning an elderly man has passed away from Covid-19 in Yarang district, Pattani province, this is reported as the first fatality from the disease in the deep south provinces. The man was 77 years old, a villager of Moo 5 village in tambon Yarang. On March 13, he was visited by a son who came from Nong Chik…

  • Thailand coronavirus cases rise to 1771, two more deaths

    Thailand now has 1771 Covid-19 coronavirus cases, with 120 new cases confirmed over the last 24 hours and 2 more patients dying.The government’s Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration made the announcement this morning (April 1). The cases are divided into three groups… The first group of 51 are connected to cluster cases. One person joins the “boxing match cluster,” 11…