Covid-19 News

Stay informed with the latest Covid-19 news at The Thaiger, your go-to source for pandemic updates. Keep up-to-date on global developments, vaccine rollouts, and safety measures. Our comprehensive coverage includes essential information on travel restrictions, case numbers, and government policies.

Whether you’re seeking guidance or simply staying aware, The Thaiger’s Covid-19 news page is your essential resource for navigating these unprecedented times. Engage with our expertly curated content, designed to keep you informed and prepared as the world continues to adapt to the ongoing pandemic. Stay safe and stay connected with The Thaiger.

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    Which is the best copy trading platform?

    Copy trading has become increasingly popular with investors around the globe over the past decade. It's considered a simple way to capitalise on market opportunities with little effort. But is it really a shortcut to making big bucks in the...

  • Cập nhật COVID-19 tại Việt Nam (Sáng 6/4): Không có ca nhiễm nCoV mới, tổng ca 241

    6h ngày 6/4, Bộ Y tế không ghi nhận thêm ca nhiễm Covid-19 mới nào. Số người dương tính với nCoV đến nay là 241, trong đó 91 người đã khỏi, 150 người đang tiếp tục được điều trị. Tính đến sáng nay, cả nước có hơn 3.000 người nghi nhiễm đang được theo dõi cách ly, giảm gần 600…

  • British PM running government from hospital – the latest

    Boris Johnson, the British PM, has become the first world leader hospitalised by the Covid-19 coronavirus. He was admitted to hospital for tests last night after suffering “persistent symptoms 10 days after testing positive for the virus”. The UK Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab will chair the Government’s Covid-19 daily meeting after Boris Johnson was hospitalised as a “precautionary step” although…

  • Reimbursement for medical bills for Covid-19 in Thailand

    According to a Facebook post on the ‘Thai Khu Fa (Government House)’ page, the Thai government has informed that private hospitals are not allowed to send medical bills to Covid-19 patients or their family, the post says that the government will reimburse all the medical bills back to the hospital. Many complaints were sent the government that Covid-19 patients at…

  • New immigration measures for stranded visitors considered by Thai cabinet tomorrow

    “Under the government’s social distancing policy, these tourists will no longer have to visit the immigration bureau and risk contracting the virus in a crowd.” Thai Immigration officials are seeking cabinet approval for new measures to categorise foreigners stranded in Thailand because of the Covid-19 crisis. The proposals will be submitted to tomorrow’s cabinet meeting. Last week Thai TM Prayut…

  • 3M denies masks destined for Germany were seized in Bangkok and re-routed to US

    “We cannot speculate where this report originated.” US, Minnesota-based, 3M is denying allegations that 1000s of its face masks, heading for Germany, were ‘seized’ during transit in Bangkok and diverted to the US. The incident is reported to have occurred on April 3. 3M has explained to Germany’s DPA News that it had received no reports of masks being seized or…

  • No, 5G does NOT cause coronavirus

    “About the only similarity between 5G and the Coronavirus is that you can’t see them. And that’s about it!” The Thaiger enjoys a good conspiracy theory as much as the next person – hey, maybe Francis Bacon really DID write all of Shakespeare’s works, and maybe we’re all ruled by lizard people – but mostly, in the 21st century we’ll…

  • Phòng chống dịch Covid-19: Tinh huống vi phạm, mức xử phạt và xử lý hình sự ra sao?

    Trong số 13 hành vi vi phạm được chỉ rõ trong văn bản Sở Tư pháp Hà Nội ban hành về phòng, chống dịch Covid-19, 7 hành vi có thể bị xử lý hình sự. Những hành vi vi phạm thông thường nơi công cộng như không đeo khẩu trang, vứt khẩu trang bừa bãi, tập trung đông người, che…

  • Preparing further measures to control the spread of Covid-19

    The Thai Ministry of Interior Permanent Secretary has sent an urgent official memo to Provincial Governors around the country informing them that the National Covid-19 Coronavirus Disease Management Centre is calling for a range of measures to be addressed immediately and urgently. “These measures are in accordance with overall stepped up measures to help stop the spread of Covid-19 and…

  • PCT – we’re all going to be suffering from Post-Coronavirus Trauma

    OPINION The sun will rise. All this utter disruption to our lives will come to an end at some time. But the hangover will linger a lot longer than the fairly sudden stop to just everything we were familiar with. Whilst economists will argue whether it’s a recession or depression, the world will go into a long re-awakening after the…

  • UK suffers largest one day increase in Covid-19

    The United Kingdom has recorded 708 new deaths from coronavirus today, the largest one day rise since the outbreak began. Figures released yesterday by the Department of Health and Social Care, suggest a total of 4,313 people have now died in the UK. In a press briefing yesterday, UK cabinet minister Michael Gove opened by saying “Our thoughts today are…

  • Phuket: Patong on official lockdown from today

    Phuket’s Governor Pakkapong Thaweepat has issued a closure order for Patong with all non-essential travel in or out of the popular tourist town banned in an attempt to slow a potential large scale outbreak of Covid-19 in Phuket. In recent weeks the daily reports of new cases in Phuket were mostly focussed on cases in Patong, especially around the Bangla…

  • Úc phát hiện thuốc điều trị Covid-19 tiềm năng

    Nhóm chuyên gia tại Đại học Monash, Úc phát hiện thuốc chống ký sinh trùng Ivermectin có thể ức chế sự nhân lên của nCoV trong phòng thí nghiệm. Thuốc này được đánh giá là thuốc điều trị Covid-19 tiềm năng. Tiến sĩ Kylie Wagstaff tại Đại học Monash, trưởng nhóm nghiên cứu, chia sẻ: “Ivermectin được sử dụng rất…

  • Tình hình Covid-19 Thế giới (Sáng 5/4): Hơn 1.200 người chết một ngày do nCoV ở Mỹ

    Mỹ ghi nhận số ca tử vong trong ngày do nCoV cao kỷ lục: 1.224 ca, nâng tổng số người chết lên 8.376 trong số hơn 308.000 ca nhiễm Covid-19. Cụ thể, tổng số ca nhiễm Covid-19 ở Mỹ đến nay là 308.533 người, trong đó có 8.376 người chết, là vùng dịch lớn nhất thế giới, theo thống kê…

  • 102 new Covid-19 cases today (Sunday), total now 2,169, 3 more deaths

    Thailand now has 2,169 confirmed cases of the Covid-19 coronavirus, after the newly formed Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration reported 102 new cases this morning (Sunday). 3 new deaths were also reported, bringing the total to 23 since the outbreak first emerged in January. Taweesilp Visanuyothin, spokesman for the centre and the Public Health Ministry, made the announcements at today’s…

  • 10 new coronavirus cases in Phuket today (Sunday)

    The island of Phuket in Thailand’s south has reported 10 new Covid-19 coronavirus cases today (Sunday), bringing the total to 119. Today’s new cases aren’t all in Patong, as has been the trend over the past week, with new cases being reported in Bang Tao, just north of Surin Beach area. Among the confirmed cases announced today are six members of…

  • Cập nhật COVID-19 tại Việt Nam (Sáng 5/4): Không ghi nhận thêm ca nhiễm nCoV mới

    6h ngày 5/4, Bộ Y tế không ghi nhận thêm người nhiễm Covid-19 mới nào. Số ca nhiễm đến nay là 240, trong đó 90 người đã khỏi bệnh. Đồng thời, số ca nghi nhiễm cũng giảm mạnh. Tính đến sáng 5/4, cả nước có 1.268 người nghi nhiễm đang cách ly tại các bệnh viện, so với 3.736 ca…

  • Broke and stranded, Russian tourists take shelter in Phuket temple

    When their flight was eventually cancelled, they had no money left and decided to walk from the airport. They didn’t know where to go. When they came across Wat Mai Khao they asked to take refuge there. Tourism authorities in Phuket are now trying to help the 3 stranded Russian tourists who have taken shelter at the local temple. Their…

  • China enters suppression phase in battle against Coronavirus

    There are now so few coronavirus cases in China that some days authorities don’t have any new cases to report. China has gone from reporting thousands of cases a day back in February to reporting a handful each day now. Recently new cases are slightly higher, but almost all of them are imported cases from travellers recently returning from abroad.…

  • Hong Kong riot police quarantined

    Hong Kong, rocked by violent protests since last June, now faces a new hurdle. Almost all members of an elite anti-riot squad will be placed under quarantine for 14 days after an officer involved in mass arrests at an anti-government rally earlier this week tested positive with Covid-19 coronavirus. Now Hong Kong’s entire police force may have to undergo coronavirus testing…

  • Even if effective, Thailand’s curfew may be extended

    Deputy PM Wissanu Krea-ngam told reporters on Friday night that even if the current nationwide curfew, currently 10pm to 4am, shows signs of helping reduce gatherings and preventing crime, it could be extended. “The primary purpose of the curfew is to encourage social distancing and combat the spread of the Covid-19 coronavirus.” Critics of the curfew say the limited 6…

  • Officer who allowed 152 returnees to leave airport without quarantine has been ‘recalled’

    152 Thais who arrived home from the US on Friday were inexplicably allowed to return to their homes to self quarantine, rather than endure the mandatory 14 day quarantine at state facilities faced by other arrivals. As a result, the permanent secretary of the defence ministry has recalled an army major-general from Suvarnabhumi International Airport and ordered an investigation. A…

  • Krabi and Phang Nga issue lockdown orders

    Governors Kitibadee Prawit of Krabi and Siripat Pattakul of Pang Nga have issued orders on Saturday closing travel in and out of their provinces, applicable from yesterday “until further notice”, with essential services being the only exception. Richard Barrow, long time blogger and British expat stated “It would seem that all foreign tourists in Krabi province have to check out…

  • Quảng Trị: 6 người vượt biên để trốn cách ly Covid-19

    Nhằm trốn cách ly dịch Covid-19, một nhóm gồm 6 người đàn ông từ Lào vượt biên giới vào Việt Nam bằng đường tiểu ngạch. Nhóm sáu người này bao gồm: Nguyễn Văn Cứ (56 tuổi), Trần Văn Toàn (33 tuổi), Nguyễn Văn Vinh (44 tuổi, cùng trú tỉnh Nghệ An), Nguyễn Văn Ngọc (25 tuổi), Nguyễn Văn Sự (33…

  • Cập nhật COVID-19 tại Việt Nam (Tối 4/4): Thêm duy nhất 1 ca nhiễm nCoV, nâng tổng số lên 240

    18h ngày 4/4, Bộ Y tế ghi nhận thêm duy nhất một ca dương tính nCoV, là người từ nước ngoài về được cách ly tập trung ngay. Như vậy hôm nay chỉ có thêm 3 ca nhiễm Covid-19 mới được ghi nhận, trong khi 4 bệnh nhân tại TP HCM được tuyên bố khỏi Covid-19. Tổng số bệnh nhân…

  • UPDATE: PM vows to track down the errant passengers. Chaos at Suvarnabhumi – VIDEO

    UPDATE: PM orders yesterday’s BKK arrivals to report to state quarantine facilities, or be arrested. The Thai PM Prayut Chan-o-cha has told 152 Thais who landed at Suvarnabhumi International Airport yesterday afternoon, and refused to enter the state-organised quarantine, to report themselves before 6pm tonight (Saturday) so they can start their 14 day supervised quarantine, or else. A total of…

  • British businessman jumps to his death in Bangkok

    A British businessman is dead in an apparent suicide this morning in Bangkok. The man, whose name is being withheld pending notification of kin, jumped from the outbound Srirat expressway onto Ramkhamhaeng Road in Bangkok’s Hua Mak district. Police declared the man dead at the scene. The man had left an Izuzu D-Max pickup truck parked on the Sirat Expressway…

  • Tin Covid-19: Hà Nội sẽ phạt người ra đường không vì mục đích thiết yếu

    Với chỉ thị cách ly xã hội từ Thủ tướng Nguyễn Xuân Phúc, các trường hợp vi phạm sẽ bị xử lý nghiêm. Một tuần vừa qua, số ca nhiễm Covid-19 ở Hà Nội tăng gần gấp đôi so với 3 tuần trước và liên tục phát hiện các ca nhiễm mới ở ngoài cộng đồng. Đánh giá thành phố…

  • Journalists barred from field reporting during curfew hours

    “There shouldn’t be any news during that 6 hour period.” Journalists have been instructed not to report in the field during the nationwide curfew that went into effect last night night. Deputy PM Wissanu Krea-ngam told reporters at the government’s Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration that journalists will not be exempted from the curfew, though he said that newspaper circulation,…

  • Tình hình Covid-19 tại Việt Nam: Giảm gần 1.000 ca nghi nhiễm

    Tính đến 8h ngày 4/4, theo thông tin từ Bộ Y tế, cả nước có 3.736 người nghi nhiễm đang cách ly tại các bệnh viện, giảm 935 trường hợp so với hôm qua. Theo số liệu do Trung tâm Đáp ứng Khẩn cấp Sự kiện Y tế Công cộng Việt Nam tổng hợp từ tất cả tỉnh thành, có…

  • Cập nhật COVID-19 tại Việt Nam (Sáng 4/4): Số ca nhiễm tăng nhẹ, 90 người hồi phục

    Sáng nay, Bộ Y tế ghi nhận thêm 2 ca nhiễm Covid-19 mới, trong đó một người liên quan đến Bệnh viện Bạch Mai, một người được cách ly ngay khi nhập cảnh. Tổng số bệnh nhân Covid-19 tại Việt Nam là 239 người. Tổng số bệnh nhân khỏi bệnh là 90 người. Bệnh nhân 238: Nữ, 17 tuổi, ở…