Covid-19 News

Stay informed with the latest Covid-19 news at The Thaiger, your go-to source for pandemic updates. Keep up-to-date on global developments, vaccine rollouts, and safety measures. Our comprehensive coverage includes essential information on travel restrictions, case numbers, and government policies.

Whether you’re seeking guidance or simply staying aware, The Thaiger’s Covid-19 news page is your essential resource for navigating these unprecedented times. Engage with our expertly curated content, designed to keep you informed and prepared as the world continues to adapt to the ongoing pandemic. Stay safe and stay connected with The Thaiger.

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    Which is the best copy trading platform?

    Copy trading has become increasingly popular with investors around the globe over the past decade. It's considered a simple way to capitalise on market opportunities with little effort. But is it really a shortcut to making big bucks in the...

  • Bangkok closures – the details and the panic buying

    After today’s announcement from the BMA that the closures around the city would be ramped up, supermarkets started filling up as the shelves started becoming increasingly empty. The additions to the closure list is the latest efforts to curb the spread of Covid-19 around the Thai capital. Bangkokians have started to stock up on essential goods after the Bangkok Metropolitan…

  • Độ tuổi mắc COVID-19 ở Việt Nam ngược với tình hình ở Vũ Hán và Ý

    Theo Chủ tịch UBND TP Hà Nội Nguyễn Đức Chung, độ tuổi mắc bệnh COVID-19 do virus corona đang ngược với tình hình dịch bệnh ở Vũ Hán, Trung Quốc và ở Ý. Chiều qua, chủ tịch UBND TP Hà Nội Nguyễn Đức Chung chủ trì họp Ban chỉ đạo phòng chống dịch COVID-19 của TP Hà Nội với các…

  • Cập nhật dịch COVID-19 tại Việt Nam: Ca nhiễm 92 là du học sinh từ Pháp về

    Ca nhiễm COVID-19 thứ 92 tại Việt Nam được xác định là 1 du học sinh 21 tuổi trú tại Đà Lạt. Theo thông báo từ Bộ Y tế ngày hôm nay (21/3), “bệnh nhân 92” là nam, 21 tuổi (trú tại phường 9, thành phố Đà Lạt, tỉnh Lâm Đồng), là du học sinh tại Pháp. Ngày 16/3, bệnh…

  • Bangkok closes shopping centres and markets from tomorrow

    It’s the lockdown you have when you haven’t really declared a full lockdown. Today’s announcement from the Bangkok government is a step close to a virtual close-down of most Bangkok retail. Today’s order closes all department stores and markets in the capital for three weeks. The measures are the latest attempts to stem the rise in cases of Covid-19 around…

  • Thailand closes many of its land borders

    Interior Ministry, Anupong Paojinda, has given governors full authority to close all border provinces, but must leave one international checkpoint active for special circumstances. The move is the latest in Thailand’s attempts to block any arrivals to contain the Covid-19 outbreak, which has spiked sharply with new cases this past week. “The only exception will be Chiang Rai as it…

  • WHO praises Thailand’s coronavirus measures

    Do not adjust your monitor, that’s what actually happened yesterday in Bangkok. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has praised Thailand’s efforts to stem the spread of the Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak sweeping the world, and for being the first country outside of China to identify and report the virus. The WHO’s Dr Daniel Kertesz made the comments while meeting with Public…

  • Thailand confirms 89 new Covid-19 cases, 411 total

    Thailand’s Ministry of Public Health and its Department of Disease Control has confirmed 89 new cases of the Covid19 coronavirus this morning. The total of cases in Thailand now stands at 411 since the virus first struck Thailand in January. 51 cases of the new cases are linked to previous clusters… Lumphini Boxing Gym cluster – 32 Bangkok night club…

  • Covid-19 UPDATE: 89 new cases in Thailand, Italian attempts fail to control escalation in cases

    Despite four weeks of ‘lockdown’ including closing borders, cancelling flights, closing schools, limiting domestic travel and closing public places, Italy’s level of new cases, and deaths, continues to rise at an alarming level. The best efforts of Italian health officials has failed to contain the spread of the disease, particularly in the north of the country. The death toll from…

  • Chinese tourist packing their bags to come back to Thailand

    Some groups of Chinese say they’re ready to pack their bags and start travelling again. And, astonishingly, Thai tourism officials say they they’re preparing for a return of Chinese tourists! Chinese tourists groups say they expect to resume their travels in April as the novel coronavirus (Covid19) infections start to subside in China. Thai tourism officials say they are aiming…

  • Hà Nội: Người dân phố Trúc Bạch mừng như Tết ngày dỡ cách ly

    Trẻ em vẫy cờ, người lớn đổ ra đường trong tâm trạng hớn hở “hơn bắt được vàng” vì được ra ngoài sau 14 ngày phong tỏa vì phố có người nhiễm Covid-19. Vào lúc 19h ngày 20/3, nhiều người tập trung phía ngoài rào sắt chờ đợi thời điểm phố Trúc Bạch (quận Ba Đình, Hà Nội) hết phong…

  • Thai government “in discussions” over stranded foreigners

    Thailand’s government will hold “discussions about what to do” regarding about an estimated 500,000 tourists stranded in the country by the Covid-19 coronavirus situation, and who may be facing overstaying if a reasonable solution cannot be found quickly. With many countries sealing their borders, or preparing to, options for tourists to go home or make a visa run, even retirement…

  • 25 Covid-19 cases awaiting test results in Phuket, 5 cases confirmed yesterday

    At a tetchy meeting of the Provincial Communicable Diseases Committee in Phuket Town yesterday, Phuket’s Govenor Phakaphong Tavipatana finally admitted to five cases of Covid-19 on the holiday island, three of them still active. After weeks of obfuscation and denying active cases of the coronavirus in Phuket, the Governor finally came clean after repeated questions from a frustrated Phuket press…

  • COVID-19 tại Việt Nam: Hai điều dưỡng bệnh viện Bạch Mai nhiễm SARS-CoV-2

    Hai ca nhiễm COVID-19 mới, bệnh nhân 86 và 87 là hai nữ điều dưỡng ở Trung tâm Bệnh Nhiệt đới thuộc Bệnh viện Bạch Mai, Hà Nội. Đây là những nhân viên y tế đầu tiên của Việt Nam mắc COVID-19, theo thông báo chiều 20/3 của Bộ Y tế. Bệnh nhân 86: 54 tuổi, điều dưỡng của Phòng…

  • Grab Food launches ‘contactless delivery’

    Today, GrabFood has introduced the “contactless delivery” to ensure the hygiene and health of customers during the Covid-19 crisis. Tarin Thaniyavarn of Grab Thailand says, “Grab has been closely monitoring the Covid-19 situation and is prepared to execute any necessary measures to promote safety standards for everyone involved.” GrabFood and its restaurant providers have also reevaluated safety guidelines… Drivers will…

  • Phuket immigration offers 30 day extensions for stranded foreigners

    “Please, any foreigners coming to the Immigration office must wear face masks. If they don’t have one, they will have to go get one first, then we can talk.” On Wednesday the Sorts and Tourism Minister said that he’d been discussing the problem of overstaying tourists and visitors, due to a lack of flights or border closures in their home…

  • Culture clash over foreigners’ refusal to wear face masks

    With the rapid rise of Covid-19 coronavirus cases in Thailand, more than tripling in the space of a week, a culture clash previously seen in China, is rearing its head in the Land of Smiles. While Thais, even in areas with no infections, consider face masks obligatory and a sign of concern for the welfare of others, many visitors and…

  • COVID-19: Nga giải mã thành công bộ gene virus corona (SARS-CoV-2)

    Ngày hôm qua, Bộ Y tế Nga cho biết các nhà khoa học nước này đã giải mã thành công đầy đủ bộ gene của virus corona chủng mới (SARS-CoV-2) gây nên đại dịch COVID-19. Theo thông báo từ Bộ Y tế Liên bang Nga, các nhà khoa học của Viện nghiên cứu quốc gia về cúm mang tên A.…

  • Day and night – Bangkok deep cleaning phase

    Deputy Bangkok Governor Sakonthi Pattiyakul, posted on his Facebook, revealing that Bangkok is in its “deep cleaning phase” and all 50 districts will be affected. Focusing on the ground and public seating, authorities will first use disinfectant sprays to spray down everything then use a wipe with at least 70% alcohol to minimise any potential Covid-19 threats. This will continue…

  • Government House sanitised, coronavirus impact to last “at least a year”

    “Thailand’s population will face the impact of the coronavirus for at least a year, it is the time to unite, not pointing fingers and we will go through it together.” The Government House compound in Bangkok has been ‘sanitised’ after a security officer for Finance Minister Uttama Savanayana tested positive for the Covid-19 coronavirus. Uttama himself has been in self-isolation…

  • Thailand confirms 50 new Covid-19 cases, including infant

    Thailand today confirmed 50 new cases of the Covid-19 coronavirus, bringing the total to 322 since the virus first arrived in the Kingdom in January. Suwannachai Watthaningcharoenchai, director-general of the Department of Disease Control, made the announcement at today’s press briefing by the Ministry of Public Health. 278 patients remain hospitalised, 43 have returned home, and there has been one…

  • COVID-19 tại Việt Nam: 9 bệnh nhân mới đều trở về từ nước ngoài, nâng tổng số ca lên 85 người

    Đêm qua, Bộ Y tế công bố thêm 9 ca nhiễm COVID-19 tại Việt Nam, nâng tổng số ca từ 77 lên 85 người. Tất cả 9 trường hợp mới này đều từ nước ngoài nhập cảnh Việt Nam. Bệnh nhân 77: Nữ, 25 tuổi (địa chỉ ở Nhân Chính, Hà Nội). Bệnh nhân là du học sinh tại Anh,…

  • Returning Thais face being turned away if they can’t show “fit-to-fly” health certificate

    As calls mount for the government to place Thailand under lockdown, many Thais abroad, trying to return home, face being locked out if they cannot show a health certificate, which can be difficult to get in many countries. Thailand’s Civil Aviation Authority (CAAT) announced yesterday that travellers from 11 more countries would be required to present health certificates and proof…

  • Chiang Mai orders lights out and fences up

    Chiang Mai provincial governor Charoenrit Sanguansat yesterday announced 2 new confirmed cases of Covid-19 and 374 suspected cases in the region. “We will keep most public places closed throughout this month.” The governor has ordered fences up and lights out at all walking streets, entertainment venues, spas, karaoke bars, massage parlous, gaming centres, fitness clubs, cinemas and theatres. Even the…

  • First cases of Covid-19 announced in Phuket

    News sources in Phuket are widely reporting 5 cases of Covid-19 in Phuket. The ‘confirmation’ has been reported by The Southern News, Phuket People’s Voice, Phuket Andaman News and Newshawk Phuket. Before today the Phuket Governor has not confirmed any cases on the island. In a meeting at the Centres of Disease Control in Bangkok (below), officials tried to avoid…

  • Thai Chamber of Commerce assures public, discourages panic buying

    The Thai Chamber of Commerce yesterday reassured the public that production of food and other consumable goods is more than adequate to meet domestic demand, and that there is no danger of shortages. Many manufacturers having already ramped up their capacity to ensure there are products on shelves around the country. The Chamber of Commerce and Board of Trade of…

  • Visitors from 15 locations must show health certificates, insurance before boarding flights to Thailand

    Clarifying earlier reports, Thailand’s Civil Aviation Authority (CAAT) say that it will require air travellers, whether Thai or foreign, coming from 15 locations to show health certificates proving they are free of the Covid-19 coronavirus, and proof of insurance covering virus treatment, before boarding flights to Thailand. Earlier reports were that passengers from all locations would have to present the…

  • Follow Covid-19 coronavirus cases in Thailand here – live tracker

    Understandably residents in Thailand are wanting to know where the current Covid-19 Coronavirus cases are around the Kingdom. HERE’S an interactive map to follow the cases around the country. Check todays latest news on the Coronavirus cases in Thailand here…

  • Bangkok governor issues stern warning over closures

    Bangkok’s governor Asawin Kwanmuang is warning business owners that they face heavy fines, even jail if they disobey orders to close. And in an apparent warning to police, he said “the same applies” to those responsible for ensuring the ban is enforced. Asawin says six types of establishment have been ordered shut until the end of the month to try…

  • 60 more cases reported in Thailand, taking the total to 272

    Thailand’s director-general of the Department of Disease Control, has announced 60 new confirmed cases of Covid-19 coronavirus infection. 43 of the people were linked to boxing stadiums (including the ‘Lumphini cluster’ at a boxing stadium north west of the capital), entertainment venues, and religious ceremonies. The latest cases is the highest number of new cases in Thailand in 24 hours,…

  • Dịch COVID-19 ngày 19/3 tại Ý: Hơn 35.700 người nhiễm, gần 3.000 người chết

    Ý đang là tâm dịch COVID-19 ở châu Âu, với thêm 475 ca tử vong ghi nhận trong ngày 18/3. Đây cũng là ngày có số người chết cao kỷ lục ở nước này. Ảnh: Tuổi trẻ. Sau khi thống kê số liệu liên quan đến dịch COVID-19 đến ngày hôm nay (19/3), tổng số ca tử vong vì đại…