Covid-19 News

Stay informed with the latest Covid-19 news at The Thaiger, your go-to source for pandemic updates. Keep up-to-date on global developments, vaccine rollouts, and safety measures. Our comprehensive coverage includes essential information on travel restrictions, case numbers, and government policies.

Whether you’re seeking guidance or simply staying aware, The Thaiger’s Covid-19 news page is your essential resource for navigating these unprecedented times. Engage with our expertly curated content, designed to keep you informed and prepared as the world continues to adapt to the ongoing pandemic. Stay safe and stay connected with The Thaiger.

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    Which is the best copy trading platform?

    Copy trading has become increasingly popular with investors around the globe over the past decade. It's considered a simple way to capitalise on market opportunities with little effort. But is it really a shortcut to making big bucks in the...

  • Bangkok Airways cancels all domestic flights from April 7

    Bangkok Airways has announced today that they will cancel all it domestic flights from April 7 – 30. The company’s vice president, Tresarum Sitakalin says the flights that are being cancelled are… Bangkok – Chiang Mai Bangkok – Phuket Bangkok – Trat Bangkok – Sukhothai Bangkok – Samui Samui – Phuket “The company had previously decreased flight frequencies on these…

  • 6 new coronavirus cases in Phuket (Wednesday)

    Phuket has confirmed 6 new Covid-19 coronavirus cases today (Wednesday), bringing the total on in the southern province to 75 since the outbreak began in January. Phuket has effectively sealed its borders and become a virtual fortress. It will close its airport on April 10 but some flights are still leaving taking foreigners back home. All the new cases have a…

  • Urgent repatriation notice for Swiss and German citizens as immigration rules tighten

    An urgent repatriation notice has been issued for Swiss and citizens in Thailand. According to Richard Barrow’s Twitter feed, flights are being urgently chartered to evacuate citizens of both nations: A notice posted on the Embassy of Switzerlad’s website reads… For Swiss travellers in Thailand: Swiss charter flights from Thailand to Switzerland/update… Bangkok – Zurich – Good news: seats are…

  • Cập nhật COVID-19 tại Việt Nam (Sáng 1/4): Tổng số ca nhiễm nCoV lên 212 người

    Sáng 1/4, Bộ Y tế công bố thêm 5 ca nhiễm COVID-19 mới, gồm 1 nhân viên công ty Trường Sinh, 1 người lây nhiễm trong cộng đồng, và 3 người được cách ly ngay khi nhập cảnh. Bệnh nhân 208: Nữ, 38 tuổi, nhân viên công ty Trường Sinh cung cấp dịch vụ tại Bệnh viện Bạch Mai. Bệnh…

  • Thailand’s 2020 exports to fall 500 billion baht

    There is no doubt Thailand’s fragile export business is gong to be hit hard by the coronavirus outbreak. Following on from the impacts of the high Thai baht value, regional competition and the fallout from the US-China trade wars, Thailand is poised for one of its worst performing export years. “Under the worst-case scenario in which the coronavirus Covid-19 crisis…

  • Bangkok police arrest 6 Vietnamese in mask hoarding sting

    Immigration police yesterday arrested 6 Vietnamese nationals in a sting operation, for allegedly hoarding hand sanitiser and facemasks. The items are highly prized due to the current Covid-19 coronavirus situation. They were arrested at a house in Bangkok’s Suan Luang district. Police reportedly found 142,500 face masks and 12,000 bottles of hand gels, 13 barrels of alcohol, three gel making…

  • PM warns not everyone eligible for 5000 baht aid package

    “About 20 million people have registered for the assistance. But this does not mean they will all get the money.” A week ago, the Thai government announced it would supply “informal workers” with 5000 baht per month for 3 months during the Covid-19 coronavirus crisis. Now it warns it will take it back from those who have registered but are…

  • Đà Nẵng: Nhiều người bị xử phạt vì không đeo khẩu trang phòng chống Covid-19

    12 người không đeo khẩu trang nơi công cộng bị chính quyền phường Thọ Quang phạt từ 100.000 đến 300.000 đồng mỗi người. Sáng hôm qua, ông Võ Đình Công – Chủ tịch UBND phường Thọ Quang (quận Sơn Trà) cho biết, trong số 12 trường hợp bị xử phạt vì không đeo khẩu trang nơi công cộng, 8 người…

  • Coronavirus UPDATE: Bangkok NOT being locked down, sobering forecast for US

    Across the world the total number of Covid-19 cases has reached 858,000 (8am Thai time), registering 42,114 deaths and 177,141 people fully recovered. In the US, the number of cases has reached 187,729 – nearly 24,000 new cases in the past 24 hours and 726 people dying over the past day. Here is our page for all the latest Covid-19…

  • Stranded. Nearly 21,000 Russians struggling to get home.

    The Russian Ambassador to Thailand claims there are about 20,800 Russian citizens stranded in the Land of Smiles. Ambassador Tomikhin says they’re desperate to get home. He says that most of them are stuck in Phuket and neighbouring provinces (Phuket is in virtual lockdown with the airport being closed to all passenger flights on April 10). Another 8,000 in and around…

  • Immigration: Beware online swindlers claiming they can extend your visa

    After a wave of complaints, the Immigration Bureau yesterday issued urgent advice to tourists and visitors about extending their visas amid the Covid-19 coronavirus crisis. While some immigration offices have requested that expats to file their 90 day residence reports reports online to promote social distancing and avoid crowded conditions, officers say fraudsters have been going online on Facebook and…

  • Buriram quarantine violators to be housed at racetrack

    Well known north-eastern politician, tycoon and local “kingmaker” Newin Chidchob posted on Facebook today that officials in the northeastern province of Buriram have prepared the Chang International Circuit as a special place for “stubborn people” who ignore self-quarantining rules. Officials confirmed that those who ignore the 14 day self-isolation guidelines will be housed at the race track building until their…

  • Chon Buri bans alcohol sales 6pm to 6am

    Chonburi’s governor has banned the sale of alcohol in the province, including Pattaya, from 6am to 6pm, effective immediately, and restaurants are now only allowed to offer takeaways – all to fight the spread of the Covid-19 coronavirus. The order is over and above all other closures in the province over the past two weeks. The provisions of the order…

  • COVID-19: Trạm xét nghiệm nhanh nCoV đầu tiên tại Hà Nội

    Trạm xét nghiệm nhanh có 5 lều bạt dã chiến, với hơn 20 nhân viên y tế, cho ra kết quả sau hơn 10 phút. Trạm xét nghiệm nhanh đầu tiên của Hà Nội dựng trong sân trường THCS Đống Đa (số 28 Lương Định Của, Kim Liên) bắt đầu hoạt động từ sáng nay (31/3). Ngoài trạm ở quận…

  • “Far from over” in the Asia-Pacific region – WHO update

    The World Health Organisation (WHO) has officially announced today, that the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic is “far from over” in the Asia-Pacific region. Regional Director for the Western Pacific at the WHO, Takeshi Kasai, says… “Let me be clear. The epidemic is far from over in Asia and the Pacific. This is going to be a long-term battle and we cannot…

  • Tình hình Covid-19 tại Việt Nam: Toàn quốc ‘cách ly toàn xã hội’ trong 15 ngày

    Thủ tướng yêu cầu cách ly toàn xã hội trên toàn quốc, không tập trung quá 2 người nơi công cộng. Lệnh có hiệu lực từ 0h ngày 1/4 và kéo dài trong 15 ngày. Theo chỉ thị của Thủ tướng Nguyễn Xuân Phúc về phòng chống Covid-19 ban hành sáng 31/3, cách ly toàn xã hội được thực hiện theo…

  • No more shutdown announcements in Bangkok, for now

    “Bangkok will not announce any further measures or continue to shut down the city.” This, from Taweesin Visanuyothin a spokesman of the government’s Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration. “Due to the daily number of confirmed cases remaining at a stable level, Bangkok officials have come to an agreement that they will not announce any more measures or force people to…

  • All public transport to Phuket, Pattani, Yala and Narathiwat suspended

    Thailand’s Land Transport Department has suspended all public transport in an out of Phuket, Yala, Pattani and Narathiwat, due to the rapid spread of Covid-19. The four provinces are in the south of Thailand. The department’s director-general, Chirut Visarnchit, says that the suspension includes under-provincial and chartered services, but public transport to the other destinations is unaffected, but certain measures…

  • Bangkok monks now sporting bespoke facemasks

    Monks (well, some of them, anyway) in the nation’s capital have begun wearing custom face masks and even facial shields, as they make their daily morning alms rounds. Abbot Phra Maha Somkiat Yansuttho and his novices from Bangkok’s Wat Matchan Tikaram temple, aka. Was Noi, wore face masks while they went out to ask for alms and chat with neighbouring…

  • Ministries will give up 10% of their 2020 budget to fight Covid-19 in Thailand

    The third round of government measures are set to apply 10% of the country’s fiscal 2020 budget allocated to each ministry, and put into a central funding pool to battle against the Covid-19 pandemic as well as the rehabilitation of the economy. Deputy PM Somkid Jatusripitak says that the central fund will be overseen by PM Prayut Chan-o-cha. “The measures…

  • 127 new coronavirus cases in Thailand (Tuesday), total 1651, 10 deaths

    The Department of Disease Control of the Ministry of Public Health today (Tuesday, March 31) confirmed 127 new Covid-19 coronavirus cases in its daily press briefing. 1 more death was reported, bringing the national total to 10 since the outbreak began in January. The latest number raises the total number of confirmed infections in Thailand to 1,651 The southern island…

  • Tình hình Covid-19 Thế giới (Sáng 31/3): Gần 800.000 ca nhiễm nCoV toàn cầu

    Covid-19 vẫn chưa có dấu hiệu “giảm nhiệt” trên toàn cầu, đặc biệt lây lan nhanh ở châu Âu và Mỹ, nâng số ca nhiễm lên gần 800.000 trường hợp, trong đó gần 38.000 người tử vong. Diễn biến dịch bệnh Covid-19 trên toàn Thế giới: 783.910 ca nhiễm và 37.775 người chết tại 203 quốc gia và vùng lãnh…

  • 30,000 Thai hotels to lose all revenue during April

    According to the Thai Hotels Association, out of the 32,564 hotels registered in Thailand, 95% will lose all revenue during April as the temporary lockdown escalates around the country. Adviser to the THA, Surapong Techaruvichit says that the number of hotel closures is growing every day as more provinces have imposed stricter lockdown policies. “Phuket is the latest major tourism destination…

  • Cập nhật COVID-19 tại Việt Nam (Sáng 31/3): ‘Bệnh nhân 204’ là bé trai 10 tuổi

    6h ngày 31/3, Bộ Y tế ghi nhận một ca nhiễm COVID-19 mới – “bệnh nhân 204”, là bé trai 10 tuổi được cách ly ngay sau khi nhập cảnh TP HCM. Bệnh nhân 204: Nam, 10 tuổi, ngụ phường Cát Lái, Quận 2, TP HCM. Ngày 14/3, đi từ Prague, Czech tới Istanbul, Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ trên chuyến bay…

  • Thừa Thiên – Huế: Bị phạt 10 triệu đồng vì tung tin trực thăng phun hóa chất

    Một người phụ nữ tại Thừa Thiên – Huế đã bị Sở Thông tin Truyền thông xử phạt 10 triệu đồng về hành vi tung tin sai sự thật trên mạng xã hội. 9h sáng 30/3, bà Trần Thị Cúc (40 tuổi, phường Kim Long) sử dụng tài khoản mạng xã hội Zalo tên “Phong Lan Tím” để đăng tải…

  • Third stimulus package coming, valued at 500 billion baht

    Thailand’s economy has been hit hard by the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic, as it’s heavily reliant on exports and tourism. As of yesterday, Thailand had reported 1,524 cases of coronavirus and nine deaths as a result of the outbreak. So the finance minister yesterday announced a new stimulus package valued at more than 500 billion baht to alleviate the impact. The…

  • 8 killed as Medevac plane crashes in Manila – VIDEO

    “Unfortunately, no passenger survived the accident.” A plane evacuating a Covid-19 coronavirus patient exploded during takeoff in the Philippine capital of Manila on Sunday, killing all eight passengers and crew. The victims included an American and a Canadian. The plane, owned by a Philippine-registered charter service Lionair, was bound for Japan. It burst into flames at the end of the runway…

  • Restrictions announced for Chon Buri, that means Pattaya too

    New restrictions are now in force in the eastern province of Chon Buri, due to the Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak. Chon Buri’s governor and the Chonburi Committee for Communicable Diseases have come to several new resolutions regarding restrictions and closures… Extensions on all entertainment venue closures, such as bars, nightclubs, spas, massage shops, gogos, etc. The anticipated end date will be…

  • Cập nhật COVID-19 tại Việt Nam (Tối 30/3): Tổng số ca nhiễm nCoV lên 203 người

    18h ngày 30/3, Bộ Y tế ghi nhận thêm 9 ca nhiễm Covid-19 mới, trong đó 8 bẹnh nhân liên quan bệnh viện Bạch Mai gồm 7 nhân viên Trường Sinh và một bệnh nhân. Hiện tại tổng số ca nhiễm Covid-19 của Việt Nam là 203 người. Bệnh nhân 197: Nam, 41 tuổi, ở khu đô thị Thanh Hà,…

  • Tình hình Covid-19: Nữ du khách bỏ trốn khi bị đưa vào khu cách ly tại Đà Nẵng

    Nữ du khách người Mỹ Danielle Smith (29 tuổi) có biểu hiện nghi nhiễm Covid-19 đã bỏ trốn khi lực lượng chức năng đưa vào khu cách ly y tế. Khoảng 9h ngày 30/3, bệnh viện 199 (Bộ Công an) tiếp nhận trường hợp nghi nhiễm nCoV – Danielle Smith từ Trung tâm Y tế quận Sơn Trà có biểu…