Covid-19 News

Stay informed with the latest Covid-19 news at The Thaiger, your go-to source for pandemic updates. Keep up-to-date on global developments, vaccine rollouts, and safety measures. Our comprehensive coverage includes essential information on travel restrictions, case numbers, and government policies.

Whether you’re seeking guidance or simply staying aware, The Thaiger’s Covid-19 news page is your essential resource for navigating these unprecedented times. Engage with our expertly curated content, designed to keep you informed and prepared as the world continues to adapt to the ongoing pandemic. Stay safe and stay connected with The Thaiger.

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    Which is the best copy trading platform?

    Copy trading has become increasingly popular with investors around the globe over the past decade. It's considered a simple way to capitalise on market opportunities with little effort. But is it really a shortcut to making big bucks in the...

  • Over 100 arrested in Bangkok for illegal gambling

    Too close and too many people. Over 100 have been arrested illegally gambling in a secret casino near the Nonthaburi Market. The Department of Provincial Administration raided a casino in the greater Bangkok Metro Area‘s Nonthaburi province and discovered 200,000 baht in cash, Hi-Low boards and two gaming machines, along with 108 people, some estimates as high as 122, taking…

  • Police say most Chiang Mai curfew violators drunk

    More than 250 people have been arrested in Chiang Mai province since the national state of emergency was enacted on April 3 to fight the spread of the Covid-19 coronavirus, after breaking its subsequent curfew. Police say most were drunk. Another 43 people were arrested overnight on Tuesday for violating curfew. Police report that amongst those arrested, 2 were in…

  • Tin Covid-19: Tỷ lệ tử vong do nCoV tăng theo độ tuổi

    Với tình hình diễn biến phức tạp của đại dịch Covid-19, tuổi tác là một yếu tố quan trọng ảnh hưởng tới diễn biến bệnh và tăng nguy cơ tử vong. Theo kết quả nghiên cứu được công bố trên tạp chí Y học Lancet ngày 30/3 với dữ liệu khảo sát từ 38 quốc gia, nguy cơ tử vong…

  • Aviation industry estimates that 25 million jobs are in peril

    Amongst industries hit during the Covid-19 situation, the aviation industry has probably been hit harder than most with huge investments, millions of staff, complicated infrastructure, small margins and thousands of down-stream businesses. It will also take a lot longer to wind the whole aviation machine back up when things eventually settle down. The International Air Transport Association estimates that some 25…

  • BIG arrest on price gouging of Covid-19 safety gear and fake test kits

    2 Chinese men identified as Chen Lei and Wein Pinpin have been arrested inside a home in Pra Khanong district, Bangkok, after officials received a tip-off that fake Covid-19 test kits were being smuggled into the country. 45,000 fake Covid-19 test kits, 350,000 medical masks, and 1,200 infrared thermometers were seized. The evidence was valued at 33,750,000 baht. These items…

  • Koh Lanta restricts entry after 4 confirmed cases of Covid-19

    The beautiful Koh Lanta in Krabi province is to be shut down after 4 confirmed cases of Covid-19 infection were found on the island. Today in an emergency meeting with the top executives of Krabi province, alongside 8 district sheriffs, Krabi’s governor Kitibadee Prawit, says “further measures to prevent the spread of Covid-19 are being added as the 4 infected…

  • Pattaya issues three month prison sentence to curfew violators

    Three Thai men were caught in Pattaya yesterday evening violating the Emergency Decree curfew and sentenced to three months in prison. Pattaya City Police posted on their Thai social media channels and reminded its Thai and English audience not to go out between 10 pm and 4 am without a valid reason or face the consequences. After a rise in curfew…

  • Bangkok deploys mobile testing units

    The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration is providing testing at home for people who may have caught the coronavirus disease. City governor Aswin Kwanmuang said yesterday that the BMA, along with the Mor Lab Panda Facebook page, are sending mobile teams to conduct Covid-19 testing to the homes of people who complete an online questionnaire and are at risk. People who test…

  • Phuket migrant workers permitted to return home

    Some migrant workers were allowed to leave Phuket to return to their homes yesterday, as the provincial administration agreed to temporarily lift the travel ban so they could rejoin their families. One worker who hails from the nearby province of Nakhon Si Thammarat, told Thai PBS that he has been out of work for 2 months, and his family could…

  • UPDATE: Visa amnesty signed by PM

    UPDATE: PM Prayut Chan-o-cha today signed an executive order granting visa amnesty to foreigners left stranded in Thailand by the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic. The order, released by the Ministry of Interior, grants “special permission for some classes of aliens to stay in the Kingdom.” It was signed by Prayuth and head of the Ministry of Interior, Anupong Paochinda. ORIGINAL STORY:…

  • Tin Covid-19: Thủ tướng Anh Boris Johnson “không phải dùng máy thở”

    Hiện sức khỏe của Thủ tướng Anh Boris Johnson đã dần ổn định sau khi có một đêm trong phòng hồi sức cấp cứu vì nhiễm Covid-19. Người phát ngôn của phủ thủ tướng cho biết, ông Boris Johnson, 55 tuổi, ở trong tình trạng ổn định, đã được cho thở oxy nhưng không phải dùng máy thở. Hiện, ông…

  • International visitor numbers down 35% January-March, exceeding worst predictions

    International visitor numbers to Thailand from January to March dropped by 8.5 million, or 35.3% year-on- year, according to the Civil Aviation Authority of Thailand. You can be sure the specific numbers for March would have been a lot worse. The biggest decline, unsurprisingly, was in Chinese visitor numbers, which dropped by 59.4% compared to 2019, to around 2.4 million.…

  • Mẹ của HLV Pep Guardiola qua đời vì Covid-19

    Hai làng bóng Anh và Tây Ban Nha cùng bày tỏ sự thương tiếc khi mẹ của HLV Pep Guardiola mới qua đời do nhiễm dịch Covid-19. Châu Âu nói chung và Tây Ban Nha nói riêng vẫn đang là tâm dịch Covid-19 toàn cầu ở thời điểm này và vẫn chưa có dấu hiệu dừng lại. Ngày 6/4, bà…

  • Tình hình Covid-19 Thế giới (Chiều 8/4): Hơn 81.000 người chết vì nCoV toàn cầu

    Đến ngày hôm nay, toàn thế giới ghi nhận hơn 1,4 triệu ca nhiễm Covid-19, trong đó hơn 81.000 người tử vong. Theo thống kê của Đại học Johns Hopkins, thế giới hiện ghi nhận: 1.414.738 ca nhiễm (tăng 72.366 ca). 81.259 ca tử vong (tăng 6.701). 298.642 người đã hồi phục. 211 quốc gia và vùng lãnh thổ. Mỹ…

  • Pattaya commences ‘restricted access’ from April 9 onwards

    Today, Chon Buri’s governor Pakkhathorn Thianchai has approved the Pattaya City’s proposal to restrict access to the town at 2pm from tomorrow (April 9) for 21 days. It is not a new curfew, but a limitation on people travelling in and out of the city region. Pattaya City will commence a 24 hour lock down of the city’s borders where…

  • 111 new Thai coronavirus cases. 3 more deaths, all foreigners

    Thailand’s National Covid-19 Coronavirus Disease Management Centre has announced 111 new confirmed cases of the Covid-19 coronavirus today. Total cases now stand at 2,369 nationwide. 3 foreign men died, pushing the total death toll up to 30. 42 of today’s new cases were all returnees from a religious festival in Indonesia. The new fatalities include a 48 year old Russian man…

  • Chiang Mai bans booze to battle coronavirus

    There’s likely to be a rush on for booze over the next few days in Chiang Mai. The northern province is banning alcohol sales for 10 days, from April 10 – 20 in its local battle with the Covid-19 coronavirus. Provincial governor Charoenrit Sanguansat issued the order yesterday. He says the Chiang Mai Communicable Disease Committee has already issued emergency…

  • Health ministry begs children to ‘save parents’ and avoid Songkran visits

    Songkran, the traditional Thai New Year festival, is typically a week long celebration including a mass exodus to the provinces as dutiful children visit their homes bringing best wishes to their elders. This year’s celebrations have been postponed indefinitely to prevent that exodus, for fear of spreading the Covid-19 coronavirus to the provinces and among the elderly. Now the the Department…

  • Cập nhật COVID-19 tại Việt Nam (Sáng 8/4): Thêm 2 ca dương tính nCoV, tổng 251 ca

    6h ngày 8/4, Bộ Y tế công bố thêm hai ca nhiễm Covid-19 mới, gồm một người hàng xóm với “bệnh nhân 243”, một người điều trị tại bệnh viện ở Hà Nam. Như vậy, tổng số bệnh nhân Covid-19 toàn quốc là 251 người. Tổng số bệnh nhân khỏi Covid-19 là 122 người. 129 người còn lại hiện đang…

  • Phuket reports 14 new coronavirus cases, total now 140

    Phuket has reported 14 new Covid-19 coronavirus cases today (Wednesday). The island is on virtual lockdown, especially Patong, home of the Bangla Road red light area, the flashpoint of most of the island’s infections. The new number bring the island’s infections to 140. Phuket has closed off all land and sea routes and barred entry to all but essential goods vehicles,…

  • Boris Johnson ‘stable’ but on oxygen support as he battles coronavirus

    Britain’s PM Boris Johnson spent his second night in an intensive care unit receiving supplemental oxygen, as Britain reels under the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic that’s confined its exuberant leader to a bed reserved for the sickest patients. Johnson is the first world leader to fall sick with the virus. UK Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab, who is carrying out the PM’s…

  • Government doubles cash stimulus period for informal workers

    The Thai government is doubling the period of monthly cash handouts for “informal workers,” from 3 months to 6. Finance Minister Uttama Savanayana made the announcement after yesterday’s weekly Cabinet meeting. The government initially only planned to provide cash to 3 million people for 3 months. The new stimulus marks a huge investment by the Thai government to keep the…

  • Link between Covid-19 infections and ‘smell blindness’

    The Royal College of Otolaryngologists, Head and Neck Surgeons of Thailand is alerting doctors to pay special attention to signs of anosmia (loss of smell or ‘smell blindness’) with Covid-19 patients and people who are being tested for Covid-19. Anosmia was found to be more common in patients with mild symptoms of Covid-19. The chairperson of the royal college, Professor…

  • More than 600 prosecuted for violating emergency decree

    The national state of emergency declared on March 26 and the resultant curfews are no laughing matter, and violators are being prosecuted to the full extent of the law. More than 600 people nationwide have been prosecuted for defying the emergency decree invoked to contain the spread of the Covid-19 coronavirus. A spokesman for the Office of the Attorney General says…

  • Covid-19: Your questions answered

    by Andrew J Wood We are living in extraordinary times. With the world forced into a complete shutdown and travel by any means frowned upon and commercial aircraft largely grounded GLOBALLY we are all in #StayAtHome so we can #TravelTomorrow mode. Our national leaders are also making televised addresses reinforcing the gravitas of the moment. No-one captured the mood of…

  • Tình hình Covid-19 tại Việt Nam (7/4): 27 người xuất viện hôm nay

    Trên cả nước, tổng cộng có 27 bệnh nhân Covid-19 xuất viện hôm nay, đưa tổng số ca khỏi bệnh lên 122 người, 123 người còn lại đang được điều trị tại nhiều cơ sở y tế. Các bệnh nhân được rời đi từ 7 cơ sở y tế, tiếp tục theo dõi cách ly 14 ngày. Trong số 27…

  • Boxing fans preparing to donate blood plasma to help others with their recovery

    Today, boxing fans who has fully recovered from the Covid-19 virus has announced that they are planning to donate their blood plasma to help doctor and medical officials study on ways to help others. With the donation fans are hoping that it could help with the recovery of other patients and hopefully, find a cure for the pandemic. A ring…

  • Cập nhật COVID-19 tại Việt Nam (Tối 7/4): Thêm 4 ca dương tính nCoV, tổng 249 ca

    18h ngày hôm nay 7/4, Bộ Y tế ghi nhận thêm 4 ca nhiễm Covid-19 mới, trong đó một ca liên quan đến quán bar Buddha ở TP HCM, 3 người nhập cảnh cách ly ngay. Như vậy, trong ngày hôm nay, tổng cộng có 4 ca nhiễm Covid-19 mới, nâng tổng số bệnh nhân toàn quốc lên 249 người.…

  • Curfew violations on the rise

    Despite the Emergency Decree of a nationwide curfew enforced by police checkpoints, armed soldiers, hefty fines and threats of jail time, people are still found to be violating the orders by going out. This from Dr Taweesin Visanuyothin, spokesman for the Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration. “Not only are people ignoring the curfew, but the numbers of those caught violating…

  • Thai government schools push reopening to July 1

    The cabinet announced today that government schools will be permitted to reopen from July 1 instead of May 16, which was in the original school calendar. A government spokesman says the cabinet acknowledged that the first semester of the 2020 academic year will have to be adjusted and schools will be permitted to start the semester on July 1, a…