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    The top strategies and tips for successful gold trading

    Are you thinking about trading gold and entering the realm of online CFD trading? This yellow metal is so important that it has earned a reputation as the ultimate symbol of wealth. And for investors, it has long been considered...

  • Pheu Thai leader Paetongtarn vows to reclaim Bangkok seats

    Pheu Thai’s leader Paetongtarn Shinawatra has stepped into the ring with a new role, aiming to revive the party’s fortunes in Bangkok after last year’s crushing defeat by the Move Forward Party (MFP). Paetongtarn signed an order on Thursday to establish a panel dedicated to crafting political strategies, overseeing MPs and Bangkok Metropolitan councillors, and providing them with crucial advice.…

  • NHRC urges Thai govt to stop deportation of Vietnamese activist

    The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has urged the Thai government to halt plans to deport Vietnamese activist Y Quynh Bdap, expressing concerns for his safety. Authorities arrested 32 year old Y Quynh Bdap in Bangkok this week. He is a prominent figure within the Montagnard ethnic group from Vietnam’s Central Highlands and co-founded Montagnards Stand for Justice, an organisation…

  • Thailand free of human bird flu cases since 2006

    Thailand remains free of human bird flu cases, according to the Department of Disease Control (DDC). Authorities urge travellers from H5N2 outbreak areas to self-monitor for respiratory symptoms within 14 days of arrival and seek medical attention if symptoms arise. Travellers entering the country have been advised to remain vigilant for irregular respiratory symptoms. Immediate medical consultation is recommended if…

  • Sustainability needs more than ESG compliance, says expert

    Achieving sustainability requires more than just adherence to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles, according to Rajeev Peshawaria, CEO of Stewardship Asia Centre. Speaking at a conference in Bangkok this week, Peshawaria emphasised that a genuine desire for a better future is crucial. The ESG framework, which has been around since the 1990s, is proving effective in some areas but…

  • Monsoon meltdown: Thailand braces for scattered rain

    The monsoon in southwest Thailand has taken a backseat, leading to reduced rainfall across the country. However, some northern areas are still in for a soaking, prompting warnings for residents to stay vigilant against heavy and accumulated rain. Northern region: Thunderstorms are expected to cover 30% of the area, with particularly heavy rain forecasted for Mae Hong Son, Chiang Mai,…

  • MFP’s support for Pheu Thai sparks coalition speculation

    The Move Forward Party (MFP) has recently shown a surprisingly empathetic stance towards the ruling Pheu Thai Party, sparking accusations that their previous antagonism may have been an act. Observers have noted two key developments suggesting a possible reconciliation between the two largest parties, following Pheu Thai’s earlier decision to abandon a post-election promise to form a government with MFP.…

  • PM Srettha dismisses resignation rumours amid court case

    Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin dismissed rumours of his potential resignation or dissolution of the House of Representatives before the Constitutional Court rules on a case that could see him removed from office. The controversy stems from his appointment of Pichit Chuenban as a PM’s Office minister. “I never think about resignation or a House dissolution. Let the legal procedure take…

  • World Tourism Council: Innovative strategies to combat overtourism

    Tourism is in crisis as overtourism sparks protests and unrest across the globe. The World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) has a plan to turn the tide, urging cooperation between businesses and local communities to manage the influx of visitors. As travel demand skyrockets post-pandemic, locals in several countries are pushing back, calling for measures to control the surge of…

  • Thaksin’s political comeback: A masterstroke or misfire?

    Former Thai PM Thaksin Shinawatra, despite facing charges under the lese-majeste law, is plotting a grand comeback. Engaging with influential political figures and major families, the 74 year old former prime minister plays the long game with a cunning new strategy. Thaksin is abandoning the 100-party list MP seat strategy, focusing instead on the 400 constituency MP seats, a tactic…

  • PM Srettha blasts army over unapproved salary deductions

    The Royal Thai Army (RTA) has been caught in a controversy following revelations about questionable salary deductions from conscripts, including a 500 baht fee for cleaning a septic tank. However, the RTA claims these documents were never approved or implemented. Colonel Richa Suksuwanon, Deputy Spokesperson for the RTA, addressed the uproar yesterday. He clarified that the leaked document detailing the deductions…

  • Bangkok to launch raids on illegal pet markets after tragic fire

    Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) announced it will launch raids on unauthorised pet markets across the city following a devastating blaze at a Chatuchak district pet market that resulted in the death of over 5,000 animals. Bangkok Governor Chadchart Sittipunt, alongside BMA representatives and an animal protection organisation network, addressed the media on Wednesday regarding the fire at Sri Somrat Market.…

  • Bill leaves bad poll taste: Over 60% oppose controversial amnesty bill

    An online poll revealed that more than 60% of respondents are against a contentious draft amnesty bill, proposed by Poonsuk Poonsukcharoen of Thai Lawyers for Human Rights and seconded by a staggering 36,723 people. The bill, currently under parliamentary consideration, sparked a fierce public debate. Conducted between May 13 and June 12 in accordance with Article 77 of the Constitution,…

  • Victims condemn news agency for airing monk sex scandal videos

    The Thai victims of a sex scandal involving a former monk condemned a news agency for publishing their explicit videos, causing embarrassment and making other victims scared to provide information to the police. A Thai couple, A and B, and their friend, C, sought help from Saimai Survive after the former monk, Phra Ajarn O, allegedly manipulated them into having…

  • Bangkok rail fares capped at 20 baht by March 2026

    The government is set to implement a 20-baht fare cap across all of Greater Bangkok’s rail network by March 2026, Transport Minister Suriya Jungrungreangkit announced yesterday. Suriya confirmed the decision following a meeting with the Common Ticketing System Policy Committee. The committee approved the plan to impose a 20-baht limit on ticket prices throughout Bangkok’s rail network and has instructed…

  • Thai court to review 2001 Thai-Cambodian MoU’s constitutionality

    Palang Pracharath Party (PPRP) Deputy Leader Paiboon Nititawan has taken his concerns about the 2001 Thai-Cambodian memorandum of understanding (MoU) on joint development in the Gulf of Thailand to the Constitutional Court, questioning its alignment with the Thai constitution. Paiboon had initially requested the Ombudsman to petition the court on April 10 but, after the Ombudsman failed to act within…

  • Family searches for missing 77 year old Thai woman in Bangkok

    Relatives are urgently searching for a 77 year old woman who has been missing for two days after visiting a health centre in the Khlong Sam Wa district. Efforts to locate her have so far been unsuccessful. Facebook user Ratchakorn Wichaitcharn posted an announcement seeking help to find the elderly woman, Ubon Jaitam, who disappeared from Public Health Service Centre…

  • Diplomats unite to celebrate LGBTQI+ rights in Bangkok

    In a display of unity and support, the European Union delegation, alongside the embassies of Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States, hosted a vibrant reception to celebrate Pride Month at the US Chief of Mission’s residence in Bangkok. Themed Pride, Rights, Thrive, the evening party yesterday marked a significant milestone in Thailand’s journey towards LGBTQI+ equality, highlighting the…

  • BMW flips after hitting old toll booth at Chaeng Watthana

    A black BMW crashed into an old toll booth at Chaeng Watthana, flipping over and injuring one person. The accident occurred when the driver momentarily took their eyes off the road. Facebook page JS100 Radio reported that the incident happened yesterday at the old toll booth which has not been dismantled yet. The car, travelling at around 40 kilometres per…

  • Pheu Thai in crisis: Will new strategies save the day?

    Political analysts predict the ruling Pheu Thai Party will deploy fresh strategies to revive its sagging popularity after a lacklustre performance over the past nine months. Despite a government survey by the National Statistical Office showing 44.3% satisfaction with the administration, a NIDA Poll tells a grimmer story: only 25.19% of the public are content. A significant 34.35% of respondents…

  • Train travel from Bangkok to Beijing inching closer

    Train travel between Bangkok and Beijing is moving closer to reality as Thailand gears up to expand its rail network. This new venture promises to transform travel and trade in the region, connecting major cities in Thailand, Laos, and China. The State Railway of Thailand (SRT) announced a trial service between Bangkok and Vientiane, the capital of Laos, on July…

  • Thai court reviews PM and Move Forward Party dissolution

    The Thai Constitutional Court convened to address significant political issues, including the alleged subversion by the Move Forward Party (MFP) and a petition questioning Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin’s qualifications following the appointment of Pichit Chuenban as Minister attached to the Prime Minister’s Office. The court reviewed a petition from the Election Commission (EC), filed by the political party registrar, that…

  • Bangkok steps up crackdown on illegal begging

    Police in Bangkok have intensified efforts to curb illegal begging, with the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security (MSDHS) spearheading routine inspections in collaboration with various sectors. The initiative, announced by Varawut Silpa-archa, involves inspecting for illegal beggars five times a month, aiming to address the persistent issue effectively. During these inspections, Thai beggars are transferred to the Centre…

  • Siberian Husky in urgent need of blood donation after snake bite

    A Siberian Husky faces a dire situation after being bitten by a snake and requiring an urgent blood donation at Kasetsart Animal Hospital in Bang Khen. The dog’s condition necessitated an immediate amputation of its right hind leg to prevent the spread of infection. The heartfelt plea for help was posted on the Facebook page ปู่ลอยด์, urging dog owners to…

  • MRT wins legal battle to extend Orange Line

    The Supreme Administrative Court has upheld a previous ruling by the Central Administrative Court, greenlighting the Mass Rapid Transit Authority (MRT) to ink a deal with Bangkok Expressway and Metro Public Company (BEM) for the Orange Line extension from Bang Khun Non to Min Buri. The legal tussle began when Bangkok Mass Transit System Company (BTSC) took the MRT to…

  • Robot surgeons to take over public hospitals after trial success

    In a revolutionary leap for healthcare, robot-assisted surgery is set to be rolled out in more public hospitals following a triumphant trial at Rajavithi Hospital, announced the Department of Medical Services. Rajavithi Hospital began its journey with robotic surgeries in 2020, a visionary project spearheaded by the Ministry of Public Health, according to Dr Amporn Benjapolpitak, head of the department.…

  • EC ordered to present evidence against Move Forward Party

    The Election Commission (EC) has been ordered by the Constitutional Court to present its list of witnesses and evidence in the high-stakes case against the Move Forward Party (MFP) before the next hearing on June 18. The nine judges of the Constitutional Court convened today to deliberate the EC’s petition to dissolve the MFP. The embattled party had already filed…

  • On track: SRT proposes dual-track railway to Nakhon Ratchasima

    The State Railway of Thailand (SRT) proposed two options for the construction of a dual-track railway between Bangkok and Nakhon Ratchasima, assuring locals that the Simathani Bridge will not be demolished. The meeting, held at the Ministry of Transport, aimed to finalise plans and address concerns. The meeting was attended by Deputy Minister of Transport Surapong Piyachote along with numerous…

  • Shock fare hike on MRT Blue Line: Pay up to 45 baht from July 3

    The Thai Cabinet approved a fare increase for the MRT Blue Line, effective from July 3. This means passengers will soon be paying between 17 baht and 45 baht for their journeys, up from the current maximum of 43 baht. Deputy Government Spokesperson Kenika Anudit announced the decision yesterday, June 11, confirming that the Cabinet had greenlit the draft regulations…

  • Human skeleton found next to Rat Burana office in Bangkok

    A human skeleton was discovered next to the Rat Burana District Office in Bangkok. The body is believed to have been deceased for over a month. A woman is convinced it is her missing relative after identifying a necklace on the remains. At 10am today, residents reported finding a human skeleton in Soi Rat Burana 23, Rat Burana District, Bangkok.…

  • Cyber police dismantle global call centre scam network in Bangkok

    Thai cyber police dismantled a global call centre scam network, arresting a key member in Bangkok. The investigation revealed that the network had defrauded victims of over 200 million baht, claiming they were coerced into working in Poipet, Cambodia. Police Lieutenant General Worawat Watnakornbancha, Head of the Cyber Crime Investigation Bureau (CCIB), directed the operation led by Police Major General…