
International Education

  • Thai schools prepare for nationwide reopening July 1

    Thai schools prepare for nationwide reopening July 1

    Thailand’s distance-learning experiment has been declared a failure, after the Education Ministry’s surveys found 60-70% of students aren’t ready to use television as the main channel for their studies. Now the ministry and schools are gearing up for classrooms to reopen nationwide. Thailand’s education minister says the ministry had to adjust its plan of airing …

  • Parents wary about school preparations for return to class on July 1

    Parents wary about school preparations for return to class on July 1

    Schools are set to re-open on July but parents, whilst keen to see their children back at school again, are rightly concerned about efforts being taken to keep them safe from Covid-19 infection. Although children worldwide have, generally, been spared the ravages of Covid-19, they are still able to become infected and pass it on …

  • 6 guidelines issued for schools to re-open in July

    6 guidelines issued for schools to re-open in July

    The government is considering allowing schools in Covid-19 infection-free areas to open in July, and the Public Health Ministry has issued 6 guidelines to schools nationwide on how to guard against the spread of virus among students and faculty once they reopen. The Department of Health’s director-general made the announcement yesterday. “The first point that …

  • Thai Doctor faces charges in “wombs-for-hire” scandal

    Thai Doctor faces charges in “wombs-for-hire” scandal

    A Thai doctor faces charges of human trafficking and involvement in a Chinese-funded cross-border surrogacy service, using Thai women to carry babies for Chinese couples. Police say that the doctor, whose name is being withheld, previously worked at a state hospital in the Victory Monument area of Bangkok and allegedly provided “assisted-reproductive services” to surrogate …

  • Curfew may be shortened another hour – Midnight to 4am

    Curfew may be shortened another hour – Midnight to 4am

    The Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration, headed up by the Thai PM, is mulling knocking off another hour from the national curfew. If it goes ahead the curfew would shortened from 11pm – 4am daily to Midnight – 4am daily. It could happen as early as June 1, along with other relaxations of restrictions. The …

  • Government prepares for safe reopening of schools on July 1

    Government prepares for safe reopening of schools on July 1

    Officials from Thailand’s Ministry of Public Health are working closely with the Education Ministry to facilitate the safe reopening of schools on July 1. There has been recent debate if the schools system would be ready by that date. The rollout of online learning has only been since Monday this week, with early bugs being …

  • Officials fix online class glitches, schools may wait on opening

    Officials fix online class glitches, schools may wait on opening

    Schools are set to open July 1, but it could change if it seems too risky to have students, teachers and parents crowding schools so soon after the country was in the middle of its Covid-19 outbreak. Meanwhile, the government is working on getting kids set up with virtual classrooms after glitches in the system …

  • Criticism over bad English lesson in Thai online class

    Criticism over bad English lesson in Thai online class

    Thai schools are pushing for online learning to slow the spread of the coronavirus, but a recent English lesson posted online is just proof that basic English levels remain poor in the country. The video of a Thai teacher with poor pronunciation spread across the internet, with some saying she should be a student rather …

  • e-learning leaves many students locked out of new school term

    e-learning leaves many students locked out of new school term

    Many Thai children, with no smartphone or internet to access online classes, find themselves unable to begin their new school term and participate in the online learning. The issue has become a hot topic among netizens after cases emerged in the northeastern Nakhon Ratchasima province of children unable to join online classes. One 54 year …

  • Online learning system to support re-opening of schools

    Online learning system to support re-opening of schools

    Thailand’s Ministry of Education is launching an online learning system designed as a back-up in the event that the re-opening of schools is deemed unsafe. With Thaialnd’s schools set to reopen their doors from July 1, a televised and online system is being tested to supplement children’s learning. The new system, set to be tested …