Thai-language teacher suspended for throwing books at her students

A Thai-language teacher was suspended after she was caught on video throwing textbooks at her students and even hitting a teenage student in the head with a book. Khun Sudawan, a teacher at the Manchasuksa State Secondary School in the Isaan province Khon Kaen, had been checking over class assignments and noticed many students had not finished.
As Sudawan started to raise her voice, some of the students in the back of the classroom started recording her outburst on their mobile phones. The videos show the teacher throwing the textbooks at the students, ages 16 to 17, and hitting a student in the head with a book.
The video was shared on social media and the school board decided to suspend Sudawan while school officials investigate. The local Secondary Educational Service Area Office is also reviewing the incident to determine whether the teacher should return to work or have her teaching license revoked.
The school’s deputy director said “Ms. Sudawan is now suspended and we have issued her with a warning for her aggressive behavior. A substitute teacher will handle her class in the meantime.”
The deputy director also said the teacher had already apologized to school officials and the students, some of whom had accepted the apology and said sorry to her in return for not doing the work.
There was a mixed reaction from the students in the class and one of the students, Amarit Tuankham, said that the teacher was very committed to the class and teaching. She also went on to say that they were wrong not to have finished the assignment and did not expect that reaction from the teacher.
The student who filmed the incident, Nantaporn Paedmod, said she deserved to be suspended as she should not have acted aggressively.
SOURCE: Pattaya Today
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