Month: March 2020

  • Covid-19 NewsHuge jump as Thailand confirms 32 new coronavirus cases

    Huge jump as Thailand confirms 32 new coronavirus cases

    Thailand today confirmed 32 new cases of the Covid-19 coronavirus. The announcement was made at an afternoon press conference with the Department of Disease Control, and confirmed by The Ministry of Public Health. The list of new infections is varied, and includes nine from a boxing gym, three more who had contact with a cluster that had a party with…

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  • Việt NamDu khách Anh chê khu cách ly Việt Nam ‘bẩn thỉu’ bị đồng hương lên án

    Du khách Anh chê khu cách ly Việt Nam ‘bẩn thỉu’ bị đồng hương lên án

    2 du khách người Anh chê bai khu cách ly Việt Nam ‘bẩn thỉu’, nghèo nàn trên Sky News. Không chỉ khiến dân mạng Việt tranh cãi, mà ngay những người Anh cũng bàn tán sôi nổi. Ngày 10.3, trang Sky News đăng tải bản tin có nhan đề: “Coronavirus: British couple say they’ve been abandoned in ‘filthy’ Vietnamese hospital”…

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  • Politics NewsHealth minister denies racist tweets

    Health minister denies racist tweets

    “Many farang dress dirty and don’t shower. As hosts we have to be very careful.” Deputy PM and Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul certainly knows how to grab the spotlight: just days after messages posted on his Twitter account caused a social media uproar and prompted the account to be shuttered, he has denied making the tweet. In a short…

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  • Covid-19 News83 students returning from Italy quarantined

    83 students returning from Italy quarantined

    83 Thai students arriving on a Thai Airways flight from Italy were taken from U-Tapao International Airport to Sattahip naval base in Chon Buri this morning for Covid-19 coronavirus screening. Six students had fevers and were separated and taken to nearby hospitals for tests and a 14 day mandatory quarantine. The other 77 were taken to guesthouses within the naval…

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  • Covid-19 NewsCoronavirus UPDATE: Fortress Australia, Europe new ‘epicentre’

    Coronavirus UPDATE: Fortress Australia, Europe new ‘epicentre’

    As of lunchtime today, there are 156,766 cases of the Covid-19 coronavirus in the world. There have been 5,839 deaths and 75,937 patients who have now recovered. Italy now has more active cases than China, and new Chinese cases have drastically reduced over the past two weeks. The countries with more than 1,000 confirmed cases below… INFOGRAPHIC: In other…

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  • Việt NamTừ 16-3 phải đeo khẩu trang khi đến nơi công cộng

    Từ 16-3 phải đeo khẩu trang khi đến nơi công cộng

    Đeo khẩu trang nơi công cộng, dừng cấp thị thực tại cửa khẩu và học trực tuyến, giảm nhẹ chương trình, rút ngắn thời gian học để phòng chống dịch COVID-19. Văn phòng Chính phủ vừa thông báo kết luận của Thủ tướng tại cuộc họp thường trực của Chính phủ về phòng chống dịch COVID-19. Thủ tướng chỉ đạo…

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  • Covid-19 NewsThailand now lists UK, USA as “high risk” countries

    Thailand now lists UK, USA as “high risk” countries

    Thailand has added the UK, USA and several other countries to the list of countries it regards as being “high risk” for Covid-19 coronavirus contagion. The list now includes: Japan, France, Spain, Switzerland, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, the UK and USA. An update posted on the Tourism Authority of Thailand website yesterday advised travellers arriving in Thailand from these…

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  • Northern Thailand NewsKhon Kaen University students in anti-government demonstration

    Khon Kaen University students in anti-government demonstration

    “We are afraid of the virus. But, we are also duty-bound to study and seek the government’s ouster.” Adding to a growing trend, students at Khon Khaen University in northeastern Thailand held a second demonstration last night, despite fears of the Covid-19 coronavirus spread, saying they’ve “had enough” of the government. Students from all departments gathered at the multi-purpose ground…

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  • Covid-19 NewsGovernment tries, fails to clarify visa-on-arrival confusion

    Government tries, fails to clarify visa-on-arrival confusion

    After days of rumours, assertions and flip-flops, Thailand’s Foreign Ministry in a press briefing yesterday provided some much-needed clarity regarding visa-on-arrival (VOA) status for 18 countries and visa exemption for three countries with high infection rates of the Covid-19 coronavirus: they are cancelled. Cherdkiat Atthakor, director-general and spokesman of the Foreign Ministry’s Information Department says the cancellations are in place…

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  • Covid-19 NewsUS and China compete to control the narrative on the origins of Covid-19

    US and China compete to control the narrative on the origins of Covid-19

    With the two year trade war between the economic super-powers still being sorted out, the Chinese and US governments have entered into a tit-for-tat exchange of blame for the origins of the Covid-19 virus this week. Conspiracy theories have been fired back and forth between officials in the two countries. Washington has described the coronavirus outbreak as the “Wuhan Virus”.…

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  • Environment NewsSmoke and mirrors, northern Thailand’s annual smog problem

    Smoke and mirrors, northern Thailand’s annual smog problem

    Congratulations Chiang Mai. Again you are the world’s Number One. Sadly, you’re the number one in the world’s worst air pollution, again. The third time in this week alone. And, sadly, because the problem is almost completely avoidable, but not easily solved. Chiang Mai city has a PM2.5 micron reading this morning of 282, whilst just north of the city…

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  • Việt NamChung cư Hòa Bình quận 10 ra sao sau khi có bệnh nhân nhiễm virus corona

    Chung cư Hòa Bình quận 10 ra sao sau khi có bệnh nhân nhiễm virus corona

    Chung cư Hòa Bình, quận 10, TP.HCM được phong tỏa khi ca nhiễm COVID-19 thứ 48 được xác nhận tại đây. 20 người tiếp xúc gần với anh này có kết quả âm tính. Trưa 14-3, sau khi nhận thông tin về bệnh nhân thứ 48, Trung tâm kiểm soát bệnh tật TP.HCM cho biết hệ thống phòng dịch đã…

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  • Việt NamTiền Giang: Đánh chết bạn nhậu vì ‘lầy’ mãi không chịu về

    Tiền Giang: Đánh chết bạn nhậu vì ‘lầy’ mãi không chịu về

    Người đàn ông 40 tuổi nhậu với nhóm bạn, khi đã say xỉn nhóm bạn khuyên răn về nhà ngủ thì xảy ra mâu thuẫn dẫn đến xô xát, hậu quả là ông này bị đánh chết. Hôm nay, Công an thành phố Mỹ Tho, tỉnh Tiền Giang tạm giữ hình sự đối với Trương Văn Cảnh (30 tuổi, ngụ…

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  • Covid-19 NewsManila goes on lockdown

    Manila goes on lockdown

    “It’s a lockdown It’s just a matter of protecting and defending you from Covid-19. That’s about it.” Some 12 million people in the Philippine capital of Manila are now in near total lockdown after a Thursday order from the nation’s president Rodrigo Duterte banning domestic travel and an announcement earlier today of a nighttime curfew in the capital. The president…

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  • Việt NamTP.HCM phát thông báo khẩn đến toàn bộ hành khách trên chuyến bay từ Doha

    TP.HCM phát thông báo khẩn đến toàn bộ hành khách trên chuyến bay từ Doha

    Trung tâm Kiểm soát bệnh tật TP.HCM vừa thông báo khẩn đến hành khách trên chuyến bay QR 970 ngày 10-3 vì một bệnh nhân có nguy cơ nhiễm COVID-19. Một trường hợp được xác định có nguy cơ cao mắc COVID-19 tại TP.HCM đã đi trên chuyến bay QR 970 của Hãng Qatar Airways ngày 10-3 từ Doha về…

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  • Covid-19 NewsHealth minister to “suggest” closing bars, nightclubs

    Health minister to “suggest” closing bars, nightclubs

    Thailand’s gaffe-prone public health minister and deputy PM Anutin Charnvirakul is back at it, telling a press conference this afternoon that the Public Health Ministry will “suggest additional precautions” to the government and Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha on Monday, including the temporary closure of bars and entertainment venues, including nightclubs, concerts, live music venues and other venues where people congregate.…

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  • Crime NewsWife and sister stabbed to death in Chon Buri, second domestic murder in a day

    Wife and sister stabbed to death in Chon Buri, second domestic murder in a day

    Police in Chon Buri province are hunting a suspect who allegedly stabbed his wife and her sister to death in the central province’s Panthong District yesterday. Panthong police were notified of the incident, at a shrimp fishing pond on Panthong-Baankhao Road, at 6:30pm. Police arriving at the pond and adjacent home found it locked. They broke the bedroom door to…

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  • Politics NewsPM urges unity in the face of adversity

    PM urges unity in the face of adversity

    In a nation battered by drought, a slowing economy and the Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak, Thailand’s Prime Minister Prayut Chan-ocha has appealed to the public to unite and join the government in its efforts to overcome. In a public statement yesterday, the PM said some of the measures adopted by his administration to cope with the threat of coronavirus contagion are…

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  • Covid-19 NewsPhuket Covid-19 ‘updates’

    Phuket Covid-19 ‘updates’

    The spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus prompted tourism industry leaders in Phuket this week to support moves to cancel or postpone mass events across the island. All official Songkran Thai New Year festivities in the southern resort island’s Patong district have already been cancelled, along with the annual Phuket Bike Week, usually the biggest motorcycle event in Asia. Even the…

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  • Việt NamViệt Nam xác nhận thêm 5 ca dương tính Covid-19 (nCoV) – Tổng 53 ca nhiễm bệnh

    Việt Nam xác nhận thêm 5 ca dương tính Covid-19 (nCoV) – Tổng 53 ca nhiễm bệnh

    Chiều nay (14/3), Bộ Y tế công bố danh sách các bệnh nhân có kết quả dương tính với Covid-19 (nCoV) mới, từ số 49 đến 53, bao gồm một người Anh, một người Cộng hòa Séc, 3 người Việt Nam. “Bệnh nhân 49” là nam giới, 71 tuổi, chồng của “bệnh nhân 30”. Ông được cách ly từ ngày…

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  • Covid-19 NewsBody of Chinese man lies untouched for hours over coronavirus fears

    Body of Chinese man lies untouched for hours over coronavirus fears

    A Chinese man who fell to his death from a Bangok hotel room yesterday was left lying untouched for more than six hours, as responders feared contracting the Covid-19 coronavirus from the body. Police, who were notified at about 12;30pm, say the 39 year old Chinese national was staying in a room on the sixth floor of the hotel, which…

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  • Covid-19 NewsSeven new confirmed coronavirus cases in Thailand include popular actor

    Seven new confirmed coronavirus cases in Thailand include popular actor

    The Public Health Ministry confirmed 7 new cases of the Covid-19 coronavirus today, raising the number of infections in Thailand to 82 since the virus struck in January. Of those, 35 have recovered and been sent home, while 46 remain under medical care. One man died from complications arising from the illness. Sukhum Karnchanapimai, the ministry’s permanent secretary, said that…

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  • Covid-19 News240 Thais return home after ‘naval quarantine’

    240 Thais return home after ‘naval quarantine’

    240 “phee noi” (little ghosts), Thais who have thus far returned from South Korea, have been allowed to return to their homes after they tested negative for the Covid-19 coronavirus. A spokesman for the Royal Thai Navy made the announcement yesterday. “We prepared 16 buses to take them to their homes and we have coordinated with Public Health offices in…

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  • Covid-19 NewsDoctors warn Thailand unprepared for Stage 3 virus outbreak

    Doctors warn Thailand unprepared for Stage 3 virus outbreak

    The Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak is still only at the second stage in Thailand, permanent secretary for public health Sukhum Kanchanapimai said yesterday, meaning the spread is still limited and mostly confined to overseas returnees, foreigners from affected countries and those in close contact with either group. But an association of doctors is warning that the nation might not be equipped…

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  • Covid-19 NewsThe Thai Tourism Ministry hopes for Covid-19 to abate

    The Thai Tourism Ministry hopes for Covid-19 to abate

    Tourism and Sports Minister Phiphat Ratchakitprakarn said yesterday that if the spread of the Covid-19 coronavirus continues, it will be a “big issue” nationally not only in terms of public health but also the tremendous loss of tourism revenue. However if the outbreak can be contained by then end of next month, the ministry expects more than 36 million tourists…

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  • Covid-19 NewsEurope is the new epicentre of Covid-19 coronavirus – WHO

    Europe is the new epicentre of Covid-19 coronavirus – WHO

    The World Health Organisation has now put Europe as its current “epicentre” for the global coronavirus pandemic, warning that it was impossible to know when the pandemic would peak. In the past 24 hours there has been a swift rise in new cases and deaths, compared to past months, primarily in Europe, as well as Iran and the US. WHO…

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  • Covid-19 NewsMonkeys plunder town hall building in South, apparently searching for food

    Monkeys plunder town hall building in South, apparently searching for food

    Days after a pitched battle between rival monkey gangs rocked Lop Buri in central Thailand, dozens, perhaps hundreds of monkeys have ransacked an old town hall building in the southern province of Prachuap Khiri Khan, forcing staff to flee. It’s believed in both instances that the drop in tourism caused by the Covid-19 coronavirus, combined with dry weather and drought,…

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  • Việt NamNhiều bệnh nhân nhiễm virus corona tử vong dù chưa có triệu chứng nhiễm bệnh

    Nhiều bệnh nhân nhiễm virus corona tử vong dù chưa có triệu chứng nhiễm bệnh

    Trung tâm Life Care ở Kirkland, Washington vừa cho biết đã có 15 bệnh nhân tử vong vì Covid-19 “ngay trong vòng vài giờ” mà không có triệu chứng. Để ngăn chặn virus lây lan, các chuyên gia y tế đã kêu gọi chính phủ đẩy nhanh quá trình xét nghiệm nhằm tiến hành điều trị sớm cho những bệnh…

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  • Thailand NewsThailand News Today, Friday, March 13, 2020 – Daily TV News

    Thailand News Today, Friday, March 13, 2020 – Daily TV News

    Thai health minister has a slash at ‘dirty farang’ Thailand’s Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul is at it again making public disparaging and xenophobic comments about ‘white’ foreigners (farang). This time he’s warned his fellow Thais about the foreigners fleeing their own countries for the ‘safe haven’ of Thailand. “Today I visited Chiang Mai and noticed that there are almost…

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  • Việt NamLộ trình di chuyển của nữ tiếp viên hàng không Vietnam Airlines nhiễm Covid-19

    Lộ trình di chuyển của nữ tiếp viên hàng không Vietnam Airlines nhiễm Covid-19

    Chủ tịch UBND quận Long Biên cho biết, đã xác định 22 người tiếp xúc gần với nữ tiếp viên mắc Covid-19 gồm nhiều tiếp viên hàng không, 4 lái xe Grab, taxi. Sáng nay, tại buổi họp khẩn Ban chỉ đạo phòng chống Covid-19, ông Nguyễn Đức Chung – Chủ tịch UBND TP Hà Nội cho biết một nữ…

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  • Covid-19 NewsAmazon cafe suspends ‘bring your own cup’ campaign

    Amazon cafe suspends ‘bring your own cup’ campaign

    Thai coffee shop chain ‘Amazon’ announced today the suspension of their promotional campaign called “Café Amazon for Earth” which was aiming to reduce plastic waste by allowing customers to bring their personal cup when buying a beverage and receive a discount of 5 baht. The company says the decision to end the promotion was made to increase customers’ awareness to…

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  • Covid-19 NewsThailand’s virus testing goes to the next level

    Thailand’s virus testing goes to the next level

    There are currently 35 labs in Thailand that can test up to 200 specimens daily, and 20 more are expected to open soon. But there’s now a “superlab” that can perform 4000 tests per day. The facility, unveiled today by the Public Health Ministry’s Department of Medical Sciences, will use the Rapid Polymerase Chain reaction method of testing. A department…

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  • Pattaya NewsRussian overstayer busted for drugs in Pattaya

    Russian overstayer busted for drugs in Pattaya

    Chon Buri Provincial Police arrested a Russian man today in relation to a visa overstay and reports that he was selling narcotics to tourists, predominantly visiting East Europeans at bars and nightclubs in Pattaya’s Walking Street. Russian national Maxim Kurbatov, aged 33, barefoot, shirtless and visibly intoxicated, was swooped on by several officers outside his rented house, along with two…

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  • Thailand NewsThai stock exchange pulls 30 minute circuit breaker

    Thai stock exchange pulls 30 minute circuit breaker

    The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) had pulled a 30 minute “circuit breaker” to suspend trade between 9:59 and 10:29am leading to a fall at 11am, when the SET fell by 78.95 points, or 7.08%, to 1,035.96. Foreign investors made net sales of 1.929 billion baht in the stock market and 13.646 billion in the bond market. Most global stock…

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  • Covid-19 NewsFriday the 13th: Thai bourse uses “circuit breaker” as coronavirus batters Thai stocks

    Friday the 13th: Thai bourse uses “circuit breaker” as coronavirus batters Thai stocks

    The Stock exchange of Thailand (SET) pulled the “circuit breaker” for the second time in as many days, to suspend trade between 9:59 and 10:29am after the index fell by over 10% this morning. A stock analyst at Krungsri Securities said that move was due to panic selling after US President Donald Trump suspended travel from Europe for 30 days,…

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  • Việt NamTrung Quốc nghi ngờ Mỹ đưa virus corona vào Vũ Hán

    Trung Quốc nghi ngờ Mỹ đưa virus corona vào Vũ Hán

    Người phát ngôn Trung Quốc ám chỉ quân đội Mỹ đưa virus corona chủng mới vào Vũ Hán trong khẩu chiến Bắc Kinh và Washington về dịch COVID-19. “Mỹ có bệnh nhân số 0 từ khi nào? Có bao nhiêu người bị nhiễm? Tên của các bệnh viện là gì? Có thể quân đội Mỹ chính là người đã đưa…

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  • Crime NewsSerial thief who robbed Russian couple at knifepoint in Pattaya re-arrested

    Serial thief who robbed Russian couple at knifepoint in Pattaya re-arrested

    Police in Pattaya have re-arrested a thief who was involved in a robbery and knife attack on a Russian couple five years ago. A team of Pattaya City Police arrested 29 year old Thai national “Manat” yesterday afternoon. Another Thai man, 60 year old Niphon Meechaiyo, was also arrested for buying stolen items and allegedly fencing them. Police seized six…

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