• Politics News

    Thai PM says he supports changes to Constitution

    In an apparent nod to the student protests which have swept the nation for over 2 weeks, Thai PM Prayut Chan-o-cha has promised to push for constitutional amendments, saying the government will present its version of a charter rewrite bill in the next parliamentary session. Speaking after yesterday’s weekly cabinet meeting, Prayut said his position has been to support the…

  • Politics News

    US, Australia take hawkish tone towards China in talks

    Australian and US foreign and defence ministers have taken a hawkish tone against China in the latest round of annual talks between the two countries. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo set the tone for the talks saying to the the Australian ministers that the United States “knows the threats that you and the rest of the free world face”. “And…

  • Crime News

    Thai PM orders investigation into dropping of “Boss” charges

    Responding to a massive outpouring of outrage, Thai PM Prayut Chan-o-cha is ordering an official inquiry into the Attorney General’s prosecution team and their decision to drop a reckless driving charge against Vorayuth “Boss” Yoovidhya, an heir to the Red Bull fortune and grandson of the company’s founder. A spokesperson claims that the PM is “following the issue closely” and…

  • Covid-19 News

    Association urges easing visa restrictions for foreign teachers

    PM Prayut Chan-o-cha is being urged to relax stringent visa restrictions for foreign teachers and students. The Association of Private School and Non-Formal Education delivered a letter to the government with the request, as many schools, colleges and universities find themselves without foreign teachers due to the burden of paperwork. If the move is successful foreign teachers and students already…

  • Bangkok News

    Smaller protest group outside Army HQ in Bangkok last night

    A much smaller group of activists gathered outside the Royal Thai Army headquarters on Ratchadamnoen Avenue, Bangkok last night in protest against an opinion expressed by the now-former deputy spokesperson. The protesters, part of the ‘Free Youth’ group who protested in Bangkok at the Democracy Monument on Saturday afternoon, rallied outside the main gate of the Thai army HQ early in…

  • Events

    Huge anti-government protest at Bangkok’s Democracy Monument

    Anti-government protesters congregated at the Democracy Monument in the heart of Bangkok late yesterday afternoon to demand the dissolution of the current Thai Parliament, demanding a new Constitution and the removal of PM Prayut Chan-o-cha and his government The protest was organised by the Union of Students of Thailand and “Free YOUTH”, and was held in contravention of the emergency decree,…

  • Economy News

    Somkid’s departure sees baht drop further

    The baht’s current shine as the ‘safe’ current in Asia has lost its lustre. After riding high as Asia’s best performing currency last year, the baht has wiped out all of its 8% gains this year during the Covid-19 crisis, and yesterday’s announcement of the resignations of Deputy PM Somkid Jatusripitak and “the four big boys” (4 of Prayut Chan-o-cha’s…

  • Central Thailand News

    2 Rayong protesters arrested after trying to display signs during PM’s visit

    2 protesters have ended up with charges for violating Thailand’s emergency decree after trying to wave protest signs at a motorcade passing through Rayong yesterday. The signs were aimed at the Thai PM during his visit to the eastern province. Prayut was inspecting health measures in the wake of the controversy over mishandling of quarantine measures for a visiting Egyptian…

  • Covid-19 News

    PM asks reporters to “ease off” on new Covid-19 stories

    With the nation rattled by news of 2 new Covid-19 infections among “VIPs” who were exempted from testing when they arrived in the country – one an Egyptian soldier, the other the 9 year old daughter of a Sudanese diplomat – PM Prayut Chan-o-cha asked reporters today to make their reports on the new cases “less scary”. He said the…

  • Politics News

    Cabinet reshuffle coming as 4 economic ministers resign

    PM Prayut Chan-o-cha says he’ll reshuffle the Cabinet following the resignations of 4 economic ministers from the ruling Palang Pracharat Party. The finance minister, energy minister, the minister of higher education, science, research and innovation and the deputy secretary-general to the PM and secretary to the Council of Economic Ministers held a joint press conference to announce their resignations. Political…

  • Politics News

    PM to opposition: “Don’t insult my intelligence.”

    “The PM emphasised that his government has never approved a project to favour any particular individual or company.” PM Prayut Chan-o-cha lashed out at some MPs from the opposition Kao Klai party, for what he took as an insult to his and his ministers’ intelligence. When the MPs questioned some Transport Ministry projects, Prayut insisted that all of them were…

  • Thailand News

    Thai PM expresses concern over “travel bubbles”

    PM Prayut Chan-o-cha has expressed serious concerns about the resumption of international travel under the “travel bubble” scheme, stressing that Thailand must implement a vigorous arrivals screening protocol. The scheme is a proposed limited resumption of international travel to and from countries with a reciprocal agreement. The Thai government has indicated it has taken a risk-averse stance with future Covid-19…

  • World News

    PM proposes limited regional travel at Asean summit

    The Covid-19 crisis has severely restricted international air travel, but that didn’t stop a summit of Asean nations yesterday hosted by Vietnam and held by teleconference. PM Prayut Chan-o-cha called on fellow Asean members to begin discussion about reopening certain limited lines of interregional travel, to begin the recovery from the pandemic’s impact on the regional economy. No specific time…

  • Covid-19 News

    Thai PM concerned about “second wave” of virus when Thailand’s nightlife resumes

    Thai PM Prayut Chan-o-cha has voiced his concerns about the re-opening the country’s bars, clubs, and other nightlife that may lead to a second wave of the Covid-19 virus. It’s currently proposed, but not finalised, that Phase 5 easing of restrictions would allow pubs, bars, and other entertainment venues to re-open from July 1. The precise guidelines imposed on re-opening…

  • Politics News

    Ruling PP party denies coercing opposition parties to join

    A source from the ruling Palang Pracharat party says that rumours that it was trying to “coerce and persuade” members of the opposition or current coalition member to join the party, were untrue. Over the past month, Thai politicians had been gossiping that the party has been allegedly syphoning cash from the 1.9 trillion baht “coronavirus relief fund” to recruit parliamentarians…

  • Politics News

    PM distancing himself from party room clashes

    PM Prayut Chan-o-Cha appeared to distance himself from party politics, and internal strife within the ruling Palang Pracharat party, after 18 members resigned en masse to pave the way for the election of a new executive committee, party leader and secretary-general. He repeatedly deflected questions from reporters about speculation that the resignations were intended to replace party leader Finance Minister…

  • Covid-19 News

    How has Thailand contained Covid-19 so effectively?

    When the Covid-19 was first detected in Thailand in January, a time when the deadly virus and its contagiousness were barely understood, the kingdom might have seemed like a likely backdrop for massive infection and mortality. Untold hundreds of thousands of Chinese tourists visited the nation for the Chinese Lunar New Year holiday, and Thailand was the first country outside…

  • Business News

    4 new board members for THAI restructure, 1 has airline experience

    Four new board members for Thai Airways are the face of hope for the national airline as it addresses massive losses and restructuring. The airline’s business is now being addressed under the country’s Bankruptcy Act. Piyasvasti Amranand, Pirapan Salirathavibhaga, Boontuck Wungcharoen and Pailin Chuchottaworn have joined the Thai Airways executive board. Piyasvasti served as the airline’s president from June 2009…

  • Economy News

    Thai Airways union says it won’t oppose bankruptcy proceedings

    “We opposed this position before but after reexamination, we have to show creditors that Thai Airways will genuinely follow the restructuring plan. Including adjustments to the board and staff.” In an abrupt reversal, the president of Thai Airways’ labour union announced yesterday that the union won’t oppose the government’s plan to reduce holdings in the airline and restructure the carrier…

  • Covid-19 News

    PM looks for an exit from the Emergency Decree

    Deputy PM Wissanu Kreangam says that PM Prayut Chan-O-Cha is ordering an in-depth comparison of the legal measures that can be used to control Covid-19 if the government revokes the state of emergency. The Emergency Decree, issued back on March 24, gave the PM and the Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration extraordinary powers – implementing curfews, travel restrictions, restricting provincial governors…

  • Economy News

    PM orders ministries to study staggered work hours to reduce traffic congestion

    PM Prayut Chan-o-cha has ordered authorities to study the possibility of permanently staggered working hours as the Covid-19 pandemic eases because such a policy might help ease long term traffic congestion. Staggered working hours, as well as working from home and learning from home, could be enforced in future to solve traffic problems, according to the PM. He tasked the Education…

  • Business News

    7-Eleven, Family Mart cash in on the pandemic

    While some people are losing their jobs as a result of the pandemic, Thailand’s billionaires are getting richer. The owners of 7-Eleven and Family Mart are just two of them. The convenience store franchises are classified as essential services and have stayed busy, while some of the smaller mom and pop shops were forced to close due to the coronavirus outbreak.…

  • Business News

    Prayut warns Thai Airways that the latest government bailout will be the last

    The Thai PM has issued a stern warning to the executives of Thai Airways that the latest bailout is the last from the government. Last week the Finance Ministry agreed to guarantee a 54 billion baht bailout loan for the ailing airline and a further 80 billion baht recovery loan – both massive amounts of money being given to an…

  • Covid-19 News

    PM seeks compensation packages for tourism operators

    PM Prayut Chan-cha, today posted a picture of himself in a meeting with the Thai Tourism Business Association on his official Facebook page, with the following message… “The other day, I had a meeting with small and medium sized business associations to listen to the situation they are in and asked them to give suggestions to me directly. In addition…

  • Covid-19 News

    All emergency decrees to remain in place for another month – PM

    Any hopes people may have had of seeing lockdown restrictions eased for some low-risk businesses and social activities at the start of May have been dashed by Thai PM Prayut Chan-o-cha. The PM issued an order, published in the Royal Gazette last night, mandating all provincial governors, including the governor of Bangkok, to delay their plans to ease the measures until…

  • Economy News

    “Thai Airways will survive”. Emergency meeting next Wednesday.

    “Thai Airways will not collapse. The fact that Deputy PM Somkid stepped in to handle the issue means the government will rescue it.” It’s no secret that Thailand’s national carrier has been a financial basket case for over a decade, bleeding money and marketshare as the years pass. The top-heavy Thai company is bailed out by the Thai government each…

  • Covid-19 News

    Public health must take priority – Thai PM

    PM Prayut Chan-o-cha has stressed that public health will take priority when the government makes a decision on Tuesday whether to ease restriction imposed by the Emergency Decree to fight the spread of Covid-19. At a press briefing at Government House yesterday, Prayut said that although Thailand has, up to now, managed to flatten the infection curve, the nation “cannot…

  • Covid-19 News

    PM says he won’t bow to pressure on easing emergency restrictions

    In a public address after yesterday’s weekly Cabinet meeting, PM Prayut Chan-O-Cha said he will not bow to increasing private and public pressure to ease restrictions and closures of businesses caused by Covid-19. Prayut stated that the priority is the health of the public, and that although he deeply sympathises and understands the pain of the people, with an estimated…

  • World News

    Singapore battles to control new surge in Covid-19 cases

    The tiny island state, earlier seen as a vanguard for Covid-19 containment, has now seen a recent spike in cases pushing it to the top of the list in south east Asia’s tally of total number of cases. Singapore yesterday recorded 1,426 new COVID-19 infections, bringing its total to 8,014 (as of 9am Thai time) in a population of just…

  • Economy News

    Deputy PM tries to clarify the PM’s letters to Thailand’s richest citizens

    On Friday night the Thai PM told the Thai population that he was going to send a letter to Thailand’s Top 20 richest people asking for their ideas on how to revive the Thai economy. And he hinted that he wants them to chip in as well. He explained that he’s doing it to gather their input and ideas to…