
International Education

  • Ways to improve your child’s social skills in Thailand

    Ways to improve your child’s social skills in Thailand

    As a parent in Thailand, you understand the crucial role social skills play in your child’s development. From empathy and assertiveness to self-regulation, these skills form the foundation for successful personal and professional relationships. However, the unique cultural landscape of Thailand adds complexity to nurturing these abilities. This article explores effective strategies for enhancing your …

  • Things to look for when you change schools in Thailand

    Things to look for when you change schools in Thailand

    Are you considering changing schools in Thailand? There are many concepts and tips that you should know before you do so, follow along and be well-prepared when changing schools! Evaluating the educational systems An important aspect of initiating a school change in Thailand entails comprehensively evaluating local and international education systems, along with grasping the …

  • Top fun-tastic activities your kids will love at iCamp Thailand

    Top fun-tastic activities your kids will love at iCamp Thailand

    The American-style summer camp offers kids a wealth of experiences that often become fond memories for them. Now, with iCamp Thailand, you don’t need to send your kids halfway across the globe for a similar opportunity. iCamp Thailand is the first American-style residential camp in Thailand. It provides a variety of thrilling activities designed to …

  • How to help your child deal with bullying in schools

    How to help your child deal with bullying in schools

    Navigating childhood and adolescence can be tough, especially with the threat of bullying. As guardians, we must equip our children with effective strategies to handle these situations. This article provides tactics to help your child combat bullying in school. Ranging from appreciating the need for transparent communication to identifying the requirement of professional assistance, we …

  • Decline in family income threatens Thai children’s education

    Decline in family income threatens Thai children’s education

    The average monthly income of Thailand’s very poor families has plummeted, placing children’s education in jeopardy. According to the Equitable Education Fund (EEF), these families’ earnings dropped to a mere 1,039 baht per month in 2023, down from 1,077 baht in 2020. This translates to a daily income of just 34 baht—far below the World …

  • Why Thai college students should talk to their guidance counsellors

    Why Thai college students should talk to their guidance counsellors

    College life can be overwhelming, but guidance counsellors are essential resources for academic planning, mental health support, and the admissions process. They offer knowledge and support, from creating a tailored educational plan to accessing resources. Regular meetings with guidance counsellors establish a supportive relationship throughout college, enabling students to achieve their academic and personal goals. …

  • Signs you’re overworked as a college student

    Signs you’re overworked as a college student

    College students can struggle to balance lectures, assignments, and social life, leading to burnout. Recognizing signs of overwork can help prevent burnout. Checking for fatigue, difficulty focusing, or forgetting breaks can help identify potential workload issues. Understanding these signs can help adjust schedules and maintain a healthier balance, ensuring college is enjoyable without compromising health. …

  • The best methods for learning the Thai language

    The best methods for learning the Thai language

    If you are planning to stay in Thailand, then learning Thai may be a good idea as it can be handy and help you survive long-term. Different methods of learning Thai can offer different benefits, and it really depends on what method is convenient depending on your needs. Learning Thai with a mobile phone app …

  • How to prevent overworking for Thai college students

    How to prevent overworking for Thai college students

    Balancing academics with part-time jobs or internships as a college student in Thailand can be challenging, particularly when academic demands intensify. Recognizing the signs of overload is crucial for maintaining mental and physical health. This guide provides practical advice to manage your workload effectively, ensuring a harmonious balance between work, school, and personal life. Understanding …

  • How to manage time as a college student in Thailand

    How to manage time as a college student in Thailand

    Time management – it’s a phrase that’s thrown around often, especially in the bustling life of a college student. But what does it truly mean and how can it be effectively implemented in your daily routine? This article aims to delve into the intricacies of time management, specifically tailored for you, the hardworking college student …

  • Governor Chadchart issues the 5 strict orders: Schools under the BMA must be free of e-cigarettes

    Governor Chadchart issues the 5 strict orders: Schools under the BMA must be free of e-cigarettes

    Chadchart Sittipunt, Governor of Bangkok, revealed that BMA attaches huge importance to the campaign to rid schools of smoking. Especially children and youth they are focusing on the prevention related to cigarettes and e-cigarettes. There is a continuous effort with this campaign every year. The 5 strict orders in the campaign to combat smoking at …

  • The influence of monastic schools in Thailand

    The influence of monastic schools in Thailand

    Dive into the heart of Thailand, where a unique blend of tradition and education takes place in monastic schools. Far from the hustle and bustle of Bangkok, these institutions play a pivotal role in shaping the minds of monks and novices, despite being largely informal and idiosyncratic. Yet, it’s intriguing to note that the influence …

  • Funding shortages hinder education for refugee children

    Funding shortages hinder education for refugee children

    Funding shortages are severely hindering the education of refugee children, leaving many without the resources they desperately need. Last year, the “Building Tomorrow” programme reached over 13,500 people, offering education and livelihood support to Syrians under temporary protection in southeast Türkiye. The programme provided Turkish language classes to 12,000 children aged 6-13 at public education …

  • Innovation through sustainability education in business academia

    Innovation through sustainability education in business academia

    Sustainability is no longer just a buzzword; it’s shaping the very fabric of business education. As the climate crisis demands a fundamental transformation of our global economic framework, leading business schools are stepping up to the challenge. Many institutions are integrating sustainability into their curricula, preparing future leaders to navigate a rapidly evolving landscape. Different …

  • Challenges of rural education in Thailand

    Challenges of rural education in Thailand

    Envision a circumstance where the payment of tuition is not carried out through monetary transactions but through the process of tree planting and participation in community service activities. This is the state of affairs in certain remote regions of Thailand, where educators, imbued with a deep sense of commitment, are endeavouring to deliver high-quality education …

  • Understanding the brain of a teenager and how to help them

    Understanding the brain of a teenager and how to help them

    Have you ever pondered the reasons behind the unpredictable nature of teenagers? The inclination towards emotional oscillations and irrational comportment? Scientific research proffers a compelling explanation. It appears that the rational section of an adolescent’s brain is not completely mature until they reach the age of 25. Precisely, the adult brain does not function in …

  • The role of Thai NGOs in enhancing educational opportunities

    The role of Thai NGOs in enhancing educational opportunities

    Imagine a society in which each child, no matter their circumstances, is granted a quality education. This might sound idealistic, but in Thailand, it is being brought to fruition, all thanks to the relentless commitment of various non-governmental organisations (NGOs). These bodies are crucial in closing the education divide and presenting opportunities to pupils who …

  • Forging future leaders with St. Andrews International School, Green Valley’s educational pillars

    Forging future leaders with St. Andrews International School, Green Valley’s educational pillars

    Choosing the right school for your child comes with many questions aside from the curriculum and location. Does the school have the same values as you? How can the school prepare your children for the future? What unique approaches does the school use to meet each child’s needs? How does the school foster a well-rounded …

  • Top 10 tips to speak Thai like a local in Thailand

    Top 10 tips to speak Thai like a local in Thailand

    So, you’ve learned all the basics of the Thai language, but you sound like you just stepped out of a textbook? Knowing how to speak Thai, even just the basics, is already an admirable achievement, but true mastery goes beyond just knowing words and grammar rules – it involves embodying the nuances of pronunciation, intonation, …

  • Promoting LGBT acceptance and curbing bullying in Thai education

    Promoting LGBT acceptance and curbing bullying in Thai education

    How LGBT folks are treated in Thai schools can really differ. Some schools are super inclusive, but others are still getting there. Surveys show LGBT students often face discrimination and get left out by classmates and teachers. Bullying is common and often overlooked because the support systems aren’t up to par. This difference shows we …

  • Urgent reforms needed to tackle Thailand’s education inequality

    Urgent reforms needed to tackle Thailand’s education inequality

    Urgent action is needed to tackle education inequality and restore hope among Thailand’s younger generation, according to former prime minister Anand Panyarachun. Speaking at The Scenario of Thai Society Future seminar, organised by the Population and Community Development Association (PDA) at the Queen Sirikit National Convention Center, Anand addressed the pressing need for reforms. The …

  • Factors influencing literacy rates in Thailand

    Factors influencing literacy rates in Thailand

    The need for continuous learning and innovative teaching methods has never been more vital. This is particularly true in Thailand, where the focus on building engineering skill self-efficacy among students is gaining momentum. The influence of structural factors on the self-efficacy of engineering skills is a topic that’s sparking interest. A recent study involving a …

  • Unpacking the impact: High-level policy forum endorses multilingual education advancement

    Unpacking the impact: High-level policy forum endorses multilingual education advancement

    Immerse yourself in the captivating universe of multilingual education, an area where language and learning are intricately connected. The 7th International Conference on Language and Education, recently convened in the vibrant city of Bangkok, Thailand, highlighted this fascinating discipline. The conference was a joint initiative by several prestigious institutions including UNESCO Bangkok and Mahidol University. …

  • Types of learning styles

    Types of learning styles

    Understanding different learning styles is important for creating an optimal educational and professional environment. Recognising if someone or oneself is a visual, auditory, kinesthetic, or reading/writing learner allows you to adjust your teaching approaches for better understanding and retention. This article delves into these major learning styles as well as others, emphasising the significance of …

  • Thai traditional dance as an education

    Thai traditional dance as an education

    Dive headfirst into the thrilling universe of Thai traditional dance; it’s an absolutely mesmerising spectacle that simply oozes grace, elegance, and compelling storytelling. This art form is so much more than a dance. Overflowing with rich history, it’s a vibrant educational tool that breaks down barriers and supercharges your learning experience! In our modern digital …

  • Implementing Solar Energy projects in Thai School curriculums

    Implementing Solar Energy projects in Thai School curriculums

    Get ready for a future where every Thai school isn’t just an educational institution, but also a super cool mini power plant, drinking up the sun’s energy for all their needs. This isn’t just a wild fantasy, folks, it’s a thrilling reality that’s within arm’s reach, thanks to the empowering potential of solar electricity generation. …

  • Including Thai language in global linguistic study programs

    Including Thai language in global linguistic study programs

    As our world grows even more connected, the thrill of being multilingual is just too important to ignore. And guess what language is making waves in global linguistic study programs? It’s Thai.The fascinating language of our host country. It offers an exclusive cultural and linguistic perspective that education programs worldwide are now totally enamoured with! …

  • Canadian company eyes Pattaya for new international school

    Canadian company eyes Pattaya for new international school

    To bolster Pattaya’s educational landscape, Mayor Poramase Ngampiches hosted a high-profile meeting with representatives from AKD International Inc. of Canada at Pattaya City Hall on Monday evening. The focus of the discussion was the potential establishment of an international Chinese school in the city. AKD International Inc., founded in Toronto in 1994, operates 28 schools …

  • Back-to-school: Rise in education costs leaves parents reeling

    Back-to-school: Rise in education costs leaves parents reeling

    As the cost of schooling skyrockets, parents brace themselves for a financial storm, with tuition fees soaring to unprecedented levels. The latest revelation from the University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) uncovered the staggering truth behind education expenses in 2024. According to Thanawan Polwichai, advisory chairman of the UTCC’s Centre for Economic and …

  • Unlocking progress: How tech enablement fuels Thailand’s economic and educational growth

    Unlocking progress: How tech enablement fuels Thailand’s economic and educational growth

    In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, tech enablement emerges as a pivotal factor driving Thailand’s development. As you delve into this exploration, you’ll uncover how integrating technology into various sectors is not just enhancing efficiency but also fuelling economic growth and innovation across the nation. This journey isn’t solely about adopting new tools; it’s about …