Covid-19 News

Stay informed with the latest Covid-19 news at The Thaiger, your go-to source for pandemic updates. Keep up-to-date on global developments, vaccine rollouts, and safety measures. Our comprehensive coverage includes essential information on travel restrictions, case numbers, and government policies.

Whether you’re seeking guidance or simply staying aware, The Thaiger’s Covid-19 news page is your essential resource for navigating these unprecedented times. Engage with our expertly curated content, designed to keep you informed and prepared as the world continues to adapt to the ongoing pandemic. Stay safe and stay connected with The Thaiger.

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    Which is the best copy trading platform?

    Copy trading has become increasingly popular with investors around the globe over the past decade. It's considered a simple way to capitalise on market opportunities with little effort. But is it really a shortcut to making big bucks in the...

  • Study finds no benefit from hydroxychloroquine for Covid-19 treatment

    “The experiments and report has limitations, but adds to growing doubt over the efficacy of the drug.” There was plenty of hype, even shared by the US President. But a study published yesterday, the biggest of its kind to date, found no benefit from a malaria drug earlier touted as a potential treatment for Covid-19. It ended up being associated with…

  • Thai airline pilot works for Grab Food delivering your food in style

    Airlines in Thailand are facing hardship to survive during the ‘Great Disruption’ of the Covid-19 pandemic. Border closures, travel restrictions and airline groundings have led to many staff and pilots ending up on the patient waiting queue or, for some, the unemployment queue. But another industry, the food delivery business, is booming at the moment. So when opportunity meets demand,…

  • Thailand confirms 15 new Covid-19 cases, 1 death (Wednesday)

    Thai health officials have confirmed 15 new cases of Covid-19 and 1 death today. The new cases bring Thailand’s total to 2,826 since the outbreak began, of whom 2,352, or 83% have now been released from hospital and returned home. Today’s new death brings Thailand’s total to 49. 3 of the 15 were reported in Phuket. 2 school teachers and…

  • Cập nhật tình hình COVID-19 tại Việt Nam (Sáng T4 22/4): Tiếp tục không ghi nhận ca nhiễm nCoV mới

    6h ngày hôm nay 22/4, Bộ Y tế không ghi nhận thêm ca nhiễm COVID-19 mới. Tổng số ca nhiễm COVID-19 toàn quốc vẫn giữ nguyên 268 người, trong số đó, 216 người đã khỏi bệnh, 52 người đang tiếp tục điều trị. Như vậy, tính đến sáng ngày 22/4, Việt Nam ghi nhận: Tổng số ca nhiễm: 268 Số…

  • Fern frustrated trying to hand out free food in Nakhon Pathom

    A woman in Nakhon Pathom has taken to Facebook to share her frustration and disappointment after officials seized over 300 bundles of food that she planned to hand out in front of the Phra Pathom Chedi, north west of Bangkok. Fern Pannamjai posted on Monday that she was giving out food at the location for 30 minutes, along with photos of…

  • Thai aviation will take to the skies with strict new anti-virus guidelines

    “Little of this, plus the additional hassles at check in and immigration, is going to help entice tourists to return to Thailand in the short-term.” Looking at the new ‘normal’, post April 30 in Thailand, we are now starting to see how commercial aviation may have to function for, at least, the immediate future. Suffice to say, flying around is…

  • Thai citizens are flooding back through land borders

    Thai citizens who have been stranded in neighbouring countries due to Covid-19 pandemic are slowly returning to Thailand, mostly through the land border crossings that were reopened last Saturday. Since the ‘lockdown’ orders issued by both the Malaysian and Thai governments last month, only a few Thai workers had been able to return home. But last week, the Thai government…

  • Thailand visa amnesty extended to July 30

    Thailand’s cabinet has approved a second automatic visa extension for foreigners for three more months. The extended amnesty is a bid to prevent long queues at immigration centres around the country. Narumon Pinyosinwat, spokeswoman for the Thai government, says they want to stem the spread of the coronavirus and avoid foreigners having to wait in lines and threaten their own health…

  • Cập nhật tình hình COVID-19 tại Việt Nam (Chiều T3 21/4): Ngày thứ 5 liên tiếp không ghi nhận ca nhiễm nCoV mới

    18h ngày hôm nay 21/4, Bộ Y tế không ghi nhận thêm ca nhiễm COVID-19 mới. Tổng số ca nhiễm COVID-19 toàn quốc vẫn giữ nguyên 268 người, trong số đó, 216 người đã khỏi bệnh, 52 người đang tiếp tục điều trị. Như vậy, tính đến hết ngày 21/4, Việt Nam ghi nhận (so với 24h trước): Tổng số…

  • Irrigation Department of Chiang Mai urges citizens to use water sparingly

    “The current drought situation is the worst it has been in a decade, with only 1.4 square liters of water running per second. The municipality’s request for water for the moat has had to be delayed as water for households is the main priority at this time.” The Director of Chiang Mai’s Irrigation Department said yesterday the department had added…

  • An English translation of the PM’s letter to Thailand’s 20 richest

    Much has been written and said about PM Prayut Chan-o-cha’s letter to Thailand’s 20 richest people, requesting their “input and ideas,” with even Deputy PM Wissanu Krea-ngam stepping in to clarify that the letter is “not begging for money.” Here is an English translation of the PM’s letter, which he announced following a nationally televised 10-minute speech on Friday. The…

  • Tình hình Covid-19 Thế giới (Sáng T3 21/4): 2,5 triệu ca nhiễm, hơn 170.000 ca tử vong vì nCoV toàn cầu

    Số ca nhiễm Covid-19 toàn cầu tiếp tục tăng mạnh, vượt mức 2,5 triệu ca nhiễm và vượt ngưỡng 170.000 người tử vong vì nCoV tính tới ngày 21/4. Dịch bệnh vẫn diễn biến phức tạp tại Mỹ và châu Âu. Theo thống kê của Đại học Johns Hopkins, thế giới hiện ghi nhận: 2.470.410 ca nhiễm (tăng 76.117 ca…

  • 19 new Covid-19 cases in Thailand, 1 new death (Tuesday)

    Health officials today reported 19 new cases of Covid-19, bringing the national total to 2,811 patients. There has also been 1 more death, a 50 year old taxi driver whose passengers included boxing stadium spectators, raises that tally to 48. The number of new cases is fewer than the 27 recorded yesterday, and the lowest since March 14. It marks…

  • Thailand’s new ‘normal’ – Government charts course post-April 30

    “The government will ease restrictions on businesses reopening only when it does not place people at a higher risk of catching the disease.” Trying to find a balance between the public health needs and the imperative to re-boot Thailand’s economy, the Government is rumoured to be mulling another month of the emergency decree. The current emergency decree is set to…

  • Cập nhật tình hình COVID-19 tại Việt Nam (Sáng T3 21/4): Không có ca nhiễm nCoV mới. Tổng 268 bệnh nhân

    6h ngày hôm nay 21/4, Bộ Y tế không ghi nhận thêm ca nhiễm COVID-19 mới. Tổng số ca nhiễm COVID-19 toàn quốc vẫn giữ nguyên 268 người, trong số đó, 215 người đã khỏi bệnh, 53 người đang tiếp tục điều trị. Như vậy, tính đến sáng ngày 21/4, Việt Nam ghi nhận: Tổng số ca nhiễm: 268. Số…

  • Water discounts and refunds will start May 1

    Yesterday The Metropolitan Waterworks Authority in Bangkok officially announced that there would be an automatic discount on water bills by 3% for people in Bangkok, Samut Prakarn and Nonthaburi. The measure will be active for 3 months. The announcement states… ‘The campaign will start in May and continue through to July, during which users will see the ‘Covid-19 discount’ notification…

  • Food donors must maintain proper social-distancing procedures

    Yesterday police deputy spokesman Kissana Phattanacharoen announced that officers at Phlapphla Chai 2 police station have investigated an incident that took place on April 12 when dozens of people had gathered to receive charitable food near Hua Lamphong railway station in Bangkok. Bangkok police have pressed charges against food donors for allegedly failing to submit any social gathering precautions. The…

  • Oil prices tank, as crisis fuels calls to re-open economies

    And now a global oil crisis hits home as well. Oil prices have crashed into negative territory after global coronavirus-related travel restrictions impacted demand. After addressing the early crisis with ‘lockdowns’ and social distancing, now the narrative pivots to lifting stay-at-home orders and re-opening economies. Some European countries have taken tentative steps to ease restrictions as coronavirus death rates start to…

  • Doctors advise 5-step plan to re-opening Thailand

    14 Thai doctors have sent a message to Thailand’s Government alerting them to the dangers of a premature easing of travel restrictions and closures around the country. Meanwhile pressure is mounting from people and hawkish businesses to reopen the schools, open the shop doors, restaurants and shopping centres. The group of doctors submitted a 5-point proposal. The government says it…

  • Tin Covid-19 Thế giới: Tổng thống Trump cảnh báo Trung Quốc gánh hậu quả vì virus corona

    Tổng thống Donald Trump trách Trung Quốc và cảnh báo nước này có thể phải đối mặt hậu quả nặng nề nếu bị phát hiện không làm tròn trách nhiệm ngăn đại dịch Covid-19. Ở buổi họp báo về Covid-19 tại Nhà Trắng hôm 18/4, Tổng thống Donal Trump nói với phóng viên: “Nếu đại dịch bị ngăn chặn ở Trung…

  • PM will decide whether to relax Covid-19 restrictions

    A spokeman for the Centre of Covid-19 Situation Administration says PM Prayut Chan-o-cha will decide in the next 10 days whether to relax remove restrictions imposed as part of the Emergency Decree to fight the spread of Covid-19. Dr. Taweesilp Visanuyothin says that the decision regarding the curfew and business closures “will depend on the situation ahead.” “As we move…

  • Bangkok alcohol sales ban extended to April 30

    The ban on alcohol sales in Bangkok will be extended for another 10 days. Bangkok Governor Aswin Kwanmuang announced has announced today that the Infectious Disease Control Committee has approved and agreed on an extension of the alcohol ban until April 30. The entertainment businesses will also be ordered to stay shut until the end of the month, this is…

  • British woman stranded in Chiang Mai airport finds somewhere to stay

    The director of Chiang Mai’s Suthep International Airport reported today that a British woman who has been stranded in the airport for nearly a week has finally found a place to stay. He says the woman, a backpacker, arrived in Chiang Mai on April 14 heading to Bangkok and then Surat Thani when her flight was cancelled and she became…

  • Tin Covid-19 Thế giới: 6 người tử vong vì nCoV cùng dự đám tang ở Mỹ

    Mới đây, có tới 6 người từng dự một đám tang ở bang Nam Carolina tử vong vì cùng nhiễm Covid-19, theo kênh FOX 57. Được biết, tất cả 6 bệnh nhân Covid-19 thiệt mạng trên đều là người Mỹ gốc Phi ở độ tuổi ngoài 60. Họ đã cùng dự một đám tang được tổ chức ở hạt Kershaw,…

  • Tình hình COVID-19 tại Việt Nam: ‘Bệnh nhân 188’ âm tính trở lại sau khi tái dương tính

    Sáng nay, kết quả xét nghiệm “bệnh nhân 188” bằng phương pháp RT-PCR tại Bệnh viện Bệnh Nhiệt đới Trung ương âm tính nCoV, sau khi tái dương tính. “Bệnh nhân 188” (44 tuổi) được điều trị lại từ đầu theo phác đồ của Bộ Y tế, như ca nhiễm mới tại Bệnh viện Bệnh Nhiệt đới Trung ương. Bà…

  • Stranded Russian couple have been living in a Krabi cave

    A Russian couple say they’ve been stuck in a cave waiting out the Covid-19 crisis in Thailand, after which they hope to return to their country. They’ve been holed up in a tent inside the entrance to the cave in Tonsai Bay, Krabi. Officials heard from locals about the 2 Russians, both around 30 years old, who had sought refuge…

  • Pattaya’s biggest Songkran party makes way for empty streets

    This week in Pattaya, in any other year, there is a traditional celebration known as Wan Lai (the celebration after Songkran) – a week long wet-fest where Thai citizens and tourists come to Pattaya to enjoy post-Songkran on steroids. In regular years the Pattaya festival draws hundreds of thousands of people from the world a truly unique festival/party, featuring dozens…

  • Cập nhật tình hình COVID-19 tại Việt Nam (Sáng T2 20/4): Không ghi nhận thêm ca nhiễm nCoV, tổng bệnh nhân là 268 người

    6h ngày hôm nay 20/4, Bộ Y tế không ghi nhận thêm ca nhiễm COVID-19 mới. Tổng số ca nhiễm COVID-19 toàn quốc vẫn giữ nguyên 268 người, trong số đó, 202 người đã khỏi bệnh, 66 người đang tiếp tục điều trị. Như vậy, tính đến hết ngày 20/4, Việt Nam ghi nhận: Tổng số ca nhiễm: 268 (=).…

  • Nghệ An: Bắt tạm giữ người đăng tin sai sự thật về Covid-19

    Một người đàn ông ở Nghệ An bị tạm giữ hình sự vì nhiều lần đăng lên MXH Facebook thông tin sai sự thật: “Việt Nam đã có ca chết vì Covid-19”. Ngày 18/4, Nguyễn Hoài Nam (44 tuổi, trú TP Vinh) bị tạm giữ về hành vi Đưa hoặc sử dụng trái phép thông tin mạng máy tính, mạng viễn…

  • It’s official: Phuket reopens after April 30

    “Lockdown” is a word that’s being bandied about with abandon these days, but it’s actually a bit misleading. It’s a noun of North American origin defined as “the confining of prisoners to their cells, typically after an escape or to regain control during a riot.” To say that parts of Thailand or any other country are “under lockdown” is to…