Kanchanaburi poacher arrested, three others escape after ranger attacked

Wasin Kaki after arrest by rangers for poaching PHOTO: Piyarat Chongcharoen

A poacher was arrested in the western Thailand’s Salak Phra Wildlife Sanctuary in Sri Sawat district of Kanchanaburi in possession of dead animals and wild honey. Three other accomplices eluded capture after allegedly stabbing a forest ranger during the escape.

Niphon Chamnonsirisak, director of Forest Conservation Zone 4, said wildlife rangers discovered the four armed men inside Salak Phra Wildlife Sanctuary Wednesday evening. As rangers approached the men for questioning they fled. While in pursuit, a scuffle broke out with one poacher allegedly slashing a ranger with a knife, injuring his right arm.

Three escaped, abandoning their bounty with the fourth being caught. The captured man was identified as Wasin Kaki, of Sri Sawat district.

Rangers seized a bag containing the carcass of a serow weighing about 14 kilograms, skinned monitor lizards and about 1 kilogram of wild honey and one hunting knife. After being questioned Mr Wasin identified his accomplices as Roeng, who attacked the ranger, Daeng and Roon and said all are local residents of Nong Ped in Sri Sawat district.

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Mr Niphon said Wasin and his three accomplices now face charges under the Wildlife Protection Act. Their offences carry a penalty of three to 15 years in jail and or a fine of 300,000 to 1.5 million baht. Other charges relating to illegal hunting carry jail terms upwards of 10 years and or fine of one million baht, he said.

The three poachers are now being hunted by wildlife officials.

SOURCE: Chiang Rai Times

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