Covid-19 News

Stay informed with the latest Covid-19 news at The Thaiger, your go-to source for pandemic updates. Keep up-to-date on global developments, vaccine rollouts, and safety measures. Our comprehensive coverage includes essential information on travel restrictions, case numbers, and government policies.

Whether you’re seeking guidance or simply staying aware, The Thaiger’s Covid-19 news page is your essential resource for navigating these unprecedented times. Engage with our expertly curated content, designed to keep you informed and prepared as the world continues to adapt to the ongoing pandemic. Stay safe and stay connected with The Thaiger.

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    Is Swedish snus a good alternative to smoking in Thailand?

    With approximately 106,000 people in Thailand succumbing to smoking-related illnesses annually, people are exploring alternatives in pursuit of a safer option. And for many, the answer is Swedish snus (pronounced snoose and rhymes with goose), a traditional Scandinavian tobacco product...

  • AirAsia X forced to ground its international fleet until borders re-open

    Regional airlines are struggling to find any semblance of ‘new normal’ as they try to get their flight schedules settled for the next few months. With regional government’s unable to provide them timing for the lifting of border restrictions, and some re-closing borders, it has become a nightmare for the international carriers. Now Air Asia X, the international division of…

  • 11 groups of people allowed to fly into Thailand, as of today

    The Tourism Authority of Thailand and the Civil Aviation Authority of Thailand have issued the “Notification on Conditions for Aircraft Permitted to Enter Thailand Version 3. UPDATE: The CAAT has listed 11 groups of Thai and non-Thai nationals (foreigners) permitted to enter Thailand. The groups consist of the following… (1) Thai nationals. (2) Persons with an exemption or persons being…

  • New categories of foreigners allowed back into Thailand from tomorrow

    Today Dr Taweesin Visanuyothin, spokesman for the Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration, has clarified that more types of foreigners will be allowed to return to Thailand from August 4… • Foreigners who hold a residency permit, as well as their spouse and children (new category) • Foreigners who hold a current work permit, as well as their spouse and children…

  • Phuket may be chosen as test case in phased re-opening to foreign tourists

    As the Tourism Authority of Thailand considers how the country might safely re-open its borders, the Bangkok Post reports that there are tentative plans afoot to kick off the project with Phuket, possibly in October. The director-general of the Department of Health, Panpimon Wipulakorn, says Phuket’s position as a self-contained island means it would be easier to control any potential…

  • Covid-19 UPDATE: 5 new cases found in quarantine, no deaths (August 2)

    The Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration announced 5 new cases of the virus in state quarantine, all Thais returning from abroad. The new cases bring the total number of infections in Thailand to 3,317 since the outbreak began. There hasn’t been a community infection of Covid-19 for over 2 months. 7 people were discharged from hospital today bringing the total…

  • State schools told not to fully re-open until the CCSA gives permission

    The Office of Basic Education Commission has ordered public schools to wait for a formal approval from the CCSA (Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration) before re-establishing their full timetable. Since schools reopened at the start of July, schools with large classes of students have been required to split upinto two groups, operating on an odd/even basis with half the class…

  • “Thailand’s economy will take 2-3 years to recover” – Krungthai

    Across the world the hopes of a quick recovery in countries’ economies evaporate as the effects of either the coronavirus, or the effects of the lockdowns, drag on. Even though Thailand has effectively contained Covid-19 at this stage with zero local transmissions for over 2 months, the economy is now stumbling with many businesses shuttered and no tourists coming into…

  • South Korean cult leader arrested for hiding Covid-19 data, embezzlement

    Authorities in South Korea this morning arrested the founder of a secretive Christian sect at the centre of the country’s largest outbreak of Covid-19 infections for allegedly concealing crucial data from contact-tracers, and other offences. Police nabbed Lee Man-hee, the powerful head of the Shincheonji Church of Jesus, which is linked to more than 5,200 coronavirus infections, or about 36%…

  • Cách nhận biết triệu chứng của virus corona (Covid-19) phát triển theo ngày

    Bệnh nhân nhiễm virus corona chủng mới – Covid-19 thường phát triển các triệu chứng khoảng 5 ngày sau khi tiếp xúc với virus. Trường Y tế Công cộng Johns Hopkins Bloomberg vừa công bố một nghiên cứu trên tạp chí Annals of Internal Medicine hôm qua (10/3). Theo đó, giai đoạn ủ bệnh viêm phổi Covid-19 tương đồng với…

  • Nhận biết 3 triệu chứng của viêm phổi do virus corona

    Những triệu chứng cơ bản nhưng vô cùng quan trọng để nhận biết sớm bệnh viêm phổi do chủng virus corona mới. Ngoài việc tránh tiếp xúc với những người có nguy cơ nhiễm hoặc đã nhiễm virus corona, bạn cũng cần lưu ý 3 triệu chứng sau để kịp thời phòng tránh bệnh: Triệu chứng của virus corona. Nguồn:…

  • COVID-19: Phân biệt các triệu chứng của virus corona với cúm, cảm lạnh, dị ứng

    Cùng là những bệnh tác động tới hệ hô hấp của con người, do đó nhiều người dễ đánh giá nhầm lẫn triệu chứng của virus corona với dị ứng, cúm và cảm lạnh thông thường. Các triệu chứng bệnh khá giống nhau như đau họng, mệt mỏi và ho khan có thể cùng xuất hiện ở những bệnh nhân…

  • Covid-19 update: 6 new imported cases, deaths still at 58 (July 31)

    The Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration reported 6 new cases of Covid-19 among returnees from Egypt and the Netherlands, lifting the national total to 3,310 since the outbreak began in January. Spokesman Dr Taweesilp Visanuyothin announced the new figure at this morning’s daily press briefing. Taweesilp said 5 of the new patients recently returned from Egypt; 4 are male students,…

  • Banks get tough on loan criteria as economic effects of Covid-19 worsen

    The Covid-19 crisis has had a devastating effect on the global economy and, while it may have been successful in suppressing the virus, Thailand is in no way immune to the economic fallout. A report in Nation Thailand today says the country’s banks are now clamping down on their lending, imposing stricter criteria on borrowing. PHOTO: Nation Thailand The Bank…

  • Europe bans US travellers for 2nd time in a month

    The EU extended its travel ban on Americans yesterday for the second time in a month, as Covid-19 continues to ravage the US. The EU began lifting its travel restrictions on July 1, welcoming visitors from 14 countries, including Canada, South Korea and Australia. The US was left off of that list, and the EU extended its ban on travellers…

  • COVID-19: Liệu đau rát họng có phải là triệu chứng của virus corona?

    Cũng có khả năng bạn bị nhiễm virus corona nếu cảm thấy đau rát họng, nhưng những triệu chứng khác có vẻ phổ biến và quan trọng hơn nhiều! Nghiên cứu chỉ ra rằng COVID-19 có một loạt các triệu chứng, song nhiều người cảm thấy bối rối khi nhiều triệu chứng trong số này rất giống với dấu hiệu…

  • Covid-19: Ớn lạnh, đau họng là triệu chứng nhiễm virus corona

    Danh sách triệu chứng của virus corona vừa dài thêm với sự bổ sung của các dấu hiệu: cảm giác ớn lạnh, đau cơ, nhức đầu và đau họng. Sau khuyến nghị của Hội đồng Chuyên gia Dịch tễ Tiểu bang (CSTE) và quan sát của các bác sĩ sau khi điều trị cho hàng nghìn trường hợp dương tính…

  • Cập nhật tình hình COVID-19 tại Việt Nam (Chiều T5 30/7): Quảng Nam ghi nhận thêm 5 ca nhiễm nCoV mới

    Tính tới chiều nay (ngày 30/7), Bộ Y tế ghi nhận thêm 5 ca nhiễm nCoV mới ở tỉnh Quảng Nam. Tổng số ca nhiễm COVID-19 toàn quốc là 464 người, trong số đó, 369 người đã khỏi bệnh, 95 người đang tiếp tục điều trị. Như vậy, tính đến hết ngày 30/7, Việt Nam ghi nhận: Tổng số ca…

  • Tin Covid-19: Triệu chứng mới của người nhiễm virus corona chủng mới

    Mới đây, các bác sĩ tại Nga cho biết phát ban là một trong số những triệu chứng mới của virus corona chủng mới, bên cạnh những triệu chứng ban đầu như ho, sốt, khó thở. “Chúng tôi thấy biểu hiện trên da của 10% bệnh nhân nhiễm nCoV (được điều trị tại Kommunarka, Moskva), song điều này ít được…

  • Covid-19: 7 triệu chứng cho thấy trẻ có thể nhiễm virus corona

    Có thể nhận thấy, đối tượng bị ảnh hưởng lớn nhất bởi đại dịch bệnh Covid-19 là người lớn tuổi; thế nhưng, theo nhiều báo cáo gần đây cho thấy xu hướng trẻ em nhiễm virus corona đang tăng lên. Bác sĩ Demetre C. Daskalakis, MD, Phó ban phòng chống dịch Sở y tế thành phố New York cảnh báo:…

  • Cập nhật tình hình COVID-19 tại Việt Nam (Sáng T5 30/7): Đà Nẵng, Hà Nội ghi nhận thêm 9 ca nhiễm nCoV

    Tính tới sáng ngày 30/7, Bộ Y tế ghi nhận thêm 9 ca nhiễm nCoV mới, trong đó 8 ca tại Đà Nẵng, 1 tại Hà Nội. Tổng số ca nhiễm COVID-19 toàn quốc là 459 người, trong số đó, 369 người đã khỏi bệnh, 90 người đang tiếp tục điều trị. Như vậy, tính đến sáng ngày 30/7, Việt…

  • Health officials highlight “second wave” risk posed by migrant workers

    Following on the Thai government’s announcement that it will grant entry to several other categories of foreigners, the Public Health Ministry is highlighting the risk posed by migrant workers, in particular those entering the country illegally. The government is preparing special “migrant quarantine” facilities to house labourers coming in from neighbouring countries. However, the deputy director-general of the Disease Control…

  • Worldwide Covid-19 Recovery Index puts Thailand at No. 1

    Thailand takes the top spot for its recovery efforts against the Covid-19 pandemic, according to data from the Global Covid-19 Index. The Tourism Authority of Thailand Newsroom reports that the Kingdom has been ranked no. 1 out of 184 countries for its seemingly successful suppression of the virus. Thailand scored 82, leading the way in overcoming the coronavirus that has…

  • 1 new case of Covid-19 reported as a soldier in state quarantine – July 29

    One new case of Covid-19 cases confirmed by the government today, as another soldier who was quarantined after returning from a military exercise in Hawaii. Read more on the original story, HERE. Deputy general manager of the Department of Disease Control, says the man arrived on July 22, and was quarantined in the province of Chon Buri. He screened positively…

  • Thailand ranks #1 for handling Covid-19 crisis

    A global survey released yesterday gave Thailand top marks for its effective handling of Covid-19 and its recovery from the coronavirus crisis. The nation scored 82 on the Global Covid-19 Index, putting it on top of the global chart as an example of best practices in tackling the virus sweeping the globe. In the previous ranking published June 14, Thailand…

  • Officials declare Rayong “Covid-free”, plan to revive domestic tourism

    After the fallout from an Egyptian soldier testing positive for Covid-19 while visiting Rayong, in eastern Thailand, the province is sending out the message that it’s safe to visit once more. Rayong has now gone over 2 weeks with no new case of the virus, with Governor Surasak Charoensirichot confirming over 6,900 residents have tested negative. Chayut Chaitrakulthong, Chairman of…

  • Phuket seeks to revive tourism with 3 major events planned

    Phuket is planning a series of promotional events in an effort to revive tourism in the hard-hit province. With tourism accounting for 80% of the economy, Phuket is arguably one of the most highly-impacted areas in the country after the economic fallout of the Covid pandemic struck. The Minister of Commerce, Jurin Laksanawisit, is overseeing the staging of 3 major…

  • COVID-19: Đà Nẵng giãn cách xã hội, cần tuân thủ ra sao?

    Bắt đầu từ hôm nay (28/7), nhằm phòng chống sự lây lan của dịch trong làn sóng Covid-19 thứ 2, người dân Đà Nẵng phải tuân thủ những quy định đặc biệt trong thời gian giãn cách xã hội. Với tình hình diễn biến phức tạp của đại dịch COVID-19 trên địa bàn thành phố Đà Nẵng, Thủ tướng Nguyễn Xuân…

  • All foreigners will have to serve 14 day quarantine “in the foreseeable future” – Minister

    Thailand’s Minister of Tourism and Sports, Pipat Ratchakitprakan, is reassuring Thais by explaining that all foreigners, regardless of their status or origins, will have to serve a mandatory 14 day quarantine, at least “in the foreseeable future”. Thailand officials are currently prepares phase six of the re-opening of the country, loosening the restrictions imposed in April when the country closed…

  • Phuket seeks to diversify after Covid-19

    The Covid-19 pandemic continues to cripple Thailand’s vital tourism sector, with provinces that rely the most on tourism revenue, being hit the hardest. Thailand may have managed to contain the Covid-19 virus, but at the expense of its economy going into a free fall with the southern resort province of Phuket exemplifying the downturn. Phuket businesses, which rely almost exclusively…

  • Room rates drop as Thailand’s hotels feel the Covid pinch

    The devastating economic effects of the Covid-19 crisis continue to make themselves felt as hotels are forced to reduce their rates significantly in an effort to lure guests. Speaking to the Bangkok Post, James Kaplan from asset investment and management company, Destination Capital says that, unlike the economic crash of 1997, hotel revenue took a hit at the height of…