Covid-19 News

Thailand Covid-19 news, vaccine updates, travel restrictions, and government policies—stay informed on case numbers, safety measures, and global developments. Get the latest from The Thaiger, your trusted source for Covid-19 updates in Thailand.

  • Cập nhật tình hình COVID-19 tại Việt Nam (Sáng T5 30/7): Đà Nẵng, Hà Nội ghi nhận thêm 9 ca nhiễm nCoV

    Cập nhật tình hình COVID-19 tại Việt Nam (Sáng T5 30/7): Đà Nẵng, Hà Nội ghi nhận thêm 9 ca nhiễm nCoV

    Tính tới sáng ngày 30/7, Bộ Y tế ghi nhận thêm 9 ca nhiễm nCoV mới, trong đó 8 ca tại Đà Nẵng, 1 tại Hà Nội. Tổng số ca nhiễm COVID-19 toàn quốc là 459 người, trong số đó, 369 người đã khỏi bệnh, 90 người đang tiếp tục điều trị. Như vậy, tính đến sáng ngày 30/7, Việt…

  • Covid-19: Phát hiện mới về những triệu chứng khác thường ở người nhiễm virus corona

    Covid-19: Phát hiện mới về những triệu chứng khác thường ở người nhiễm virus corona

    Các nhà khoa học Pháp cảnh báo virus corona chủng mới có thể gây ra các triệu chứng về da liễu, kể cả khi người nhiễm bệnh không có các triệu chứng về hô hấp. Theo Hiệp hội các bác sĩ da liễu quốc gia Pháp (SNDV), nhiều trường hợp nhiễm Covid-19 bộc lộ các triệu chứng da liễu như…

  • Health officials highlight “second wave” risk posed by migrant workers

    Health officials highlight “second wave” risk posed by migrant workers

    Following on the Thai government’s announcement that it will grant entry to several other categories of foreigners, the Public Health Ministry is highlighting the risk posed by migrant workers, in particular those entering the country illegally. The government is preparing special “migrant quarantine” facilities to house labourers coming in from neighbouring countries. However, the deputy director-general of the Disease Control…

  • Worldwide Covid-19 Recovery Index puts Thailand at No. 1

    Worldwide Covid-19 Recovery Index puts Thailand at No. 1

    Thailand takes the top spot for its recovery efforts against the Covid-19 pandemic, according to data from the Global Covid-19 Index. The Tourism Authority of Thailand Newsroom reports that the Kingdom has been ranked no. 1 out of 184 countries for its seemingly successful suppression of the virus. Thailand scored 82, leading the way in overcoming the coronavirus that has…

  • Thailand ranks #1 for handling Covid-19 crisis

    Thailand ranks #1 for handling Covid-19 crisis

    A global survey released yesterday gave Thailand top marks for its effective handling of Covid-19 and its recovery from the coronavirus crisis. The nation scored 82 on the Global Covid-19 Index, putting it on top of the global chart as an example of best practices in tackling the virus sweeping the globe. In the previous ranking published June 14, Thailand…

  • Covid-19 found in 3 Thai monks at Las Vegas temple

    Covid-19 found in 3 Thai monks at Las Vegas temple

    The Royal Thai consulate-general in Los Angeles confirmed yesterday that 3 Thai Buddhist monks at a temple in Las Vegas have contracted Covid-19. “The temple has 5 monks, who were tested for Covid-19 on July 13. The test results showed 3 have the virus. 2 monks were rushed to the hospital in critical condition and have been on respirators since,…

  • Officials declare Rayong “Covid-free”, plan to revive domestic tourism

    Officials declare Rayong “Covid-free”, plan to revive domestic tourism

    After the fallout from an Egyptian soldier testing positive for Covid-19 while visiting Rayong, in eastern Thailand, the province is sending out the message that it’s safe to visit once more. Rayong has now gone over 2 weeks with no new case of the virus, with Governor Surasak Charoensirichot confirming over 6,900 residents have tested negative. Chayut Chaitrakulthong, Chairman of…

  • Phuket seeks to revive tourism with 3 major events planned

    Phuket seeks to revive tourism with 3 major events planned

    Phuket is planning a series of promotional events in an effort to revive tourism in the hard-hit province. With tourism accounting for 80% of the economy, Phuket is arguably one of the most highly-impacted areas in the country after the economic fallout of the Covid pandemic struck. The Minister of Commerce, Jurin Laksanawisit, is overseeing the staging of 3 major…

  • All foreigners will have to serve 14 day quarantine “in the foreseeable future” – Minister

    All foreigners will have to serve 14 day quarantine “in the foreseeable future” – Minister

    Thailand’s Minister of Tourism and Sports, Pipat Ratchakitprakan, is reassuring Thais by explaining that all foreigners, regardless of their status or origins, will have to serve a mandatory 14 day quarantine, at least “in the foreseeable future”. Thailand officials are currently prepares phase six of the re-opening of the country, loosening the restrictions imposed in April when the country closed…

  • Bangkok restaurant refusal to serve foreigners goes viral – VIDEO

    Bangkok restaurant refusal to serve foreigners goes viral – VIDEO

    The Fullmoon Terrace and Bar, in Lat Phrao in the north east suburbs of Bangkok, is refusing to serve foreigners. It’s not a good look, especially when there have been no locally-transmitted cases of Covid-19 for over 2 months and the man was wearing a mask and being quite pleasant about the whole matter. The Thaiger wouldn’t have been as…

  • Phuket seeks to diversify after Covid-19

    Phuket seeks to diversify after Covid-19

    The Covid-19 pandemic continues to cripple Thailand’s vital tourism sector, with provinces that rely the most on tourism revenue, being hit the hardest. Thailand may have managed to contain the Covid-19 virus, but at the expense of its economy going into a free fall with the southern resort province of Phuket exemplifying the downturn. Phuket businesses, which rely almost exclusively…

  • Room rates drop as Thailand’s hotels feel the Covid pinch

    Room rates drop as Thailand’s hotels feel the Covid pinch

    The devastating economic effects of the Covid-19 crisis continue to make themselves felt as hotels are forced to reduce their rates significantly in an effort to lure guests. Speaking to the Bangkok Post, James Kaplan from asset investment and management company, Destination Capital says that, unlike the economic crash of 1997, hotel revenue took a hit at the height of…

  • Hope among Pakistan’s elderly as 103 year old man recovers from Covid-19

    Hope among Pakistan’s elderly as 103 year old man recovers from Covid-19

    Pakistan’s elderly population is finding hope in the news that a 103 year old grandfather in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province has recovered from the Covid-19 virus. Aziz Abdul Alim, from the Chitral sub-district, was diagnosed with the coronavirus in early July and hospitalised for treatment. Given his age, his family say they were very concerned about his chances of survival, but Aziz…

  • COVID-19: Lịch trình di chuyển của “bệnh nhân 418′ bị suy tim

    COVID-19: Lịch trình di chuyển của “bệnh nhân 418′ bị suy tim

    Trong 21 ngày, “bệnh nhân 418” – nam bệnh nhân 61 tuổi (trú quận Hải Châu, Đà Nẵng), đến 2 bệnh viện và 1 phòng khám tư, trước khi được Bộ Y tế ghi nhận nhiễm nCoV sáng 26/7. Dưới đây là lịch trình di chuyển của ‘bệnh nhân 418’ trong vòng 1 tháng qua: Nguồn: VnExpress

  • COVID-19: Lịch trình di chuyển của nữ ‘bệnh nhân 420’ ở Đà Nẵng

    COVID-19: Lịch trình di chuyển của nữ ‘bệnh nhân 420’ ở Đà Nẵng

    Trước khi có triệu chứng của virus corona và nhập Bệnh viện C, nữ ‘bệnh nhân 420’ 71 tuổi đã đi chợ đầu mối và gặp nhiều người thân ở địa phương và TP. HCM. Tính từ ‘bệnh nhân 416’ là nam bệnh nhân 57 tuổi ở Đà Nẵng gây xôn xao dư luận, ‘bệnh nhân 420’ là ca lây…

  • Health minister urges demonstrators to wear masks, observe social distancing

    Health minister urges demonstrators to wear masks, observe social distancing

    Deputy PM and Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul said yesterday he doesn’t oppose students’ demonstrations but urged them to wear facemasks and observe social distancing to help avoid spreading Covid-19 coronavirus. He said his main concern about student rallies is safety, but masks and social distancing could cope with the disease. (Thailand hasn’t had a locally transmitted case of the…

  • 620 baht Covid-19 vaccine could be ready in 2021

    620 baht Covid-19 vaccine could be ready in 2021

    The first vaccine against Covid-19 for human use is expected to be available in 2021, and is expected to be available in Thailand for a cost of about 620 baht per dose; this from the secretary-general of the National Vaccines Committee today. Dr Siriroek Songsivilai says the price is based on the 100 million doses, valued at about 2 billion…

  • Hơn 1.000 người tiếp xúc với bệnh nhân Covid-19 ở Đà Nẵng

    Hơn 1.000 người tiếp xúc với bệnh nhân Covid-19 ở Đà Nẵng

    Liên quan đến bệnh nhân Covid-19 mới ở Đà Nẵng (bệnh nhân 416) gây xôn xao dư luận những ngày gần đây, nhà chức trách xác định có 1.079 người tiếp xúc với bệnh nhân này, trong đó tiếp xúc gần (F1) là 288 người. Sáng nay (25/7), tại cuộc họp Thường trực Chính phủ nghe báo cáo về tình…

  • Người nghi nhiễm ở Đà Nẵng được khẳng định mắc Covid-19, trở nặng, phải thở máy

    Người nghi nhiễm ở Đà Nẵng được khẳng định mắc Covid-19, trở nặng, phải thở máy

    Sáng nay, Viện Vệ sinh dịch tễ Trung ương khẳng định bệnh nhân 57 tuổi ở Đà Nẵng mắc Covid-19 sau 5 lần xét nghiệm dương tính với nCoV. Người này được xác dịnh là bệnh nhân 416, tên là T.V.D., nam, sinh năm 1963, đang sống cùng vợ và con gái tại phường Hòa Khánh Bắc, quận Liên Chiểu,…

  • CCSA clarifies requirements for entering Thailand

    CCSA clarifies requirements for entering Thailand

    With the Covid-19 crisis in Thailand under control and as the nation begins gradually reopening its borders, the Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration yesterday clarified the following guidelines on entering Thailand for travellers and non-Thai residents: Before departure: Travellers must contact the Royal Thai Embassy or consulate to obtain an entry visa and a certificate of entry, which will be…

  • COVID-19 update: 10 new imported cases including 6 returning soldiers (July 24)

    COVID-19 update: 10 new imported cases including 6 returning soldiers (July 24)

    The Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration today announced 10 new cases of the coronavirus discovered in the previous 24 hours, all returnees in state quarantine facilities. Spokesman Taweesilp Visanuyothin said this morning the new cases include one returnee each from Sudan, Pakistan, Germany and the Netherlands, and 6 soldiers returning from joint military exercises in the US state of Hawaii.…

  • Cách ly hơn 50 người liên quan ca 3 lần xét nghiệm dương tính nCoV ở Đà Nẵng

    Cách ly hơn 50 người liên quan ca 3 lần xét nghiệm dương tính nCoV ở Đà Nẵng

    Bộ Y tế trưa 24/7 cho biết, người đàn ông 57 tuổi nghi nhiễm Covid-19 có 3 lần xét nghiệm dương tính nCoV. Qua đó, Sở Y tế thành phố đã cách ly hơn 50 người tiếp xúc gần với người đàn ông này. Bác sĩ Nguyễn Tiên Hồng, Phó giám đốc Sở Y tế TP. Đà Nẵng, cho biết…

  • Thailand’s Tourism Minister urges government to revisit travel bubble idea

    Thailand’s Tourism Minister urges government to revisit travel bubble idea

    Thailand’s Tourism Minister, Pipat Ratchakitprakan, is once again floating the idea of ​​”travel bubbles” with low-risk countries after the plan was initially shelved by the Civil Aviation Regulator. The original plan had been to create travel pacts with countries deemed safe from the virus, such as China, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan. However, a new spike in numbers in some…

  • Thai government sets 600 million baht aside for Oxford University Covid vaccine

    Thai government sets 600 million baht aside for Oxford University Covid vaccine

    The Thai government is budgeting 600 million baht to purchase supplies of the Covid-19 vaccine currently being worked on at Oxford University in the UK. Trials look promising so far, with the vaccine triggering a strong immune response among volunteers. Production is expected to start before the end of the year. In Thailand, a vaccine being developed at Bangkok’s Chulalongkorn…

  • Phase 6 of re-opening to see thousands of foreigners granted entry to Thailand

    Phase 6 of re-opening to see thousands of foreigners granted entry to Thailand

    A number of additional categories of foreigners will be able to apply to re-enter the Kingdom. These include migrant workers from Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar, Elite Visa holders, medical tourists, film crew, convention exhibitors and select business visitors. Anyone that doesn’t fall into one of those groups will remain excluded from the country as the borders remain shut to almost…

  • 10 returning soldiers found with high fever

    10 returning soldiers found with high fever

    151 Thai soldiers, who went to Hawaii to participate in the Lightning Forge 2020 joint training program with the US, returned home yesterday on a Thai Airways flight that landed at Suvarnabhumi airport at 5:40 pm. 10 soldiers were found to have high fevers and were rushed to a hospital in Bangkok to be tested for Covid-19. Another soldier was…

  • Extension to visa amnesty to be published in Royal Gazette

    Extension to visa amnesty to be published in Royal Gazette

    Foreigners in Thailand can breathe a sigh of relief as government spokesperson Traisuree Taisaranakul confirms the Cabinet has agreed to extend the visa amnesty until September 26. The good news was first announced yesterday , taking the pressure off of thousands of people who faced the prospect of having to leave the country- at a time when only limited international…

  • 5 star hotels in Phuket to offer alternative state quarantine facilities

    5 star hotels in Phuket to offer alternative state quarantine facilities

    14 luxury hotels in Phuket have applied to be considered as alternative state quarantine options, with officials approving 2 so far. Both Trisara and Anantara Mai Khao Phuket Villas have met the eligibility criteria laid down by the Public Health Ministry, while 12 other hotels are still being considered. Those wishing to avail of the luxury quarantine option will need…

  • Covid-19 documentary to feature Thailand and New Zealand as success stories

    Covid-19 documentary to feature Thailand and New Zealand as success stories

    Thailand and New Zealand have been chosen by the World Health Organization as successful models to be featured in a documentary about handling and stemming the spread of Covid-19 . A WHO official in Thailand confirmed to the Bangkok Post that the documentary is in production. No further details of the project have been revealed. The National Institute of Health’s…

  • Global aviation recovery could take 3 years – Survey

    Global aviation recovery could take 3 years – Survey

    “Widespread recovery of the global airline industry could be up to three years away.” That’s the consensus out of n industry poll conducted as part of FlightPlan: Charting a Course into the Future. 500 professionals around the world were asked questions about the likely recovery of the global aviation industry. Apart from the dire predictions of a slow recovery over the next…