Month: February 2020

  • Politics NewsStudents warned of limits on free speech, told not to threaten monarchy

    Students warned of limits on free speech, told not to threaten monarchy

    Deputy national police spokesman Krisana Pattanacharoen yesterday issued an ominous warning to students participating in the wave of rallies and demonstrations sweeping school campuses across the Kingdom. He says they are free to exercise their right to assembly but cautions them against “touching the institution,” an apparent reference to the monarchy. “The young demonstrators have to decide for themselves whether…

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  • Việt Nam42 tín đồ Tân Thiên Địa Hàn Quốc đã từng đến Vũ Hán

    42 tín đồ Tân Thiên Địa Hàn Quốc đã từng đến Vũ Hán

    Giới chức trách Hàn Quốc vào hôm nay cho biết có 42 tín đồ của giáo phái Shincheonji – Tân Thiên Địa từng đến Vũ Hán ở Trung Quốc. Tại Hàn Quốc, tình hình dịch Covid-19 đang diễn biến nghiêm trọng với hầu hết ca nhiễm mới có quan hệ với nhà thờ giáo phái Shincheonji (Tân Thiên Địa) tại…

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  • Crime NewsFour Chinese men arrested for murder of compatriot in Kamphaeng Phet

    Four Chinese men arrested for murder of compatriot in Kamphaeng Phet

    Four Chinese nationals are in custody today for allegedly killing a Chinese businessman, stuffing his body in a suitcase and dumping it in a river in Thailand’s northern Kamphaeng Phet province, where it was found Tuesday. Krisana Pattanacharoen, deputy spokesman of the Royal Thai Police, made the announcement this afternoon: “The body of Wang Jun, aged 30, was found doubled…

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  • Politics NewsOpposition lawmaker challenges PM to a duel

    Opposition lawmaker challenges PM to a duel

    An opposition politician on Thursday challenged PM Prayut Chan-o-cha to a trial by combat. Saranwut Saranke, a member of the Pheu Thai party and MP for the northern Uttaradit province, made the challenge during the recent censure debate. After repeating a claim that Prayut harboured disloyalty toward the monarchy for failing to fully recite his oath of office last year,…

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  • OpinionOPINION: Doomsday, the Black Swan and no fear

    OPINION: Doomsday, the Black Swan and no fear

    by Bill Barnett of “I’m mad as hell, and I’m not going to take it anymore” is how I am feeling on a Saturday afternoon. My senses are bruised and battered after a weeklong barrage of panic, blurring sensational bad news headlines and a mounting sense of fear amongst my fellow humans. What is clear in the grand scheme…

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  • Northern Thailand NewsTeacher busted for pimping underaged girls

    Teacher busted for pimping underaged girls

    A schoolteacher in the northeastern province of Surin was charged yesterday with providing underage girls to male clients for sex. The 51 year old teacher and a 41 year old karaoke bar owner were arrested after the Interior Ministry received a formal letter from an international organization against human trafficking. Police found five girls, one of whom is only 15…

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  • Covid-19 NewsCoronavirus UPDATE: China cases ease, 42 cases now in Thailand

    Coronavirus UPDATE: China cases ease, 42 cases now in Thailand

    The total confirmed cases of coronavirus (Covid-19) is now 85,217, with 2,924 people having succumbed to the disease. 39,554 people have fully recovered, approaching 50% of total cases. In Thailand there are now 42 confirmed cases with 28 people listed as “recovered”. The latest Thai victim is a 21 year old salesman whose job is said to have exposed him to foreign…

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  • Covid-19 NewsNew confirmed patient brings total to 42. Health ministry announce tough new measures.

    New confirmed patient brings total to 42. Health ministry announce tough new measures.

    The Thai Public Health Ministry has confirmed a new infection in the country, bringing the national total to 42. 28 patients have already recovered with no deaths recorded in Thailand from the virus. At the same time the health ministry has now designated Coronavirus Covid-19 as a dangerous communicable disease, a designation which takes effect tomorrow. The announcement gives authorities sweeping…

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  • Covid-19 NewsTough new coronavirus measures start tomorrow

    Tough new coronavirus measures start tomorrow

    The Public Health Ministry today confirmed a new COVID-19 coronavirus infection, bringing Thailand’s national total to 42. An announcement from the ministry designating Covid-19 as a “dangerous communicable disease” will take effect tomorrow, strengthening authorities’ ability to combat the spread of the virus. Sukhum Kanchanaphimai, the ministry’s permanent secretary, says the newest victim is a 21 year old salesman, whose…

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  • Pattaya NewsAustralian bodybuilding champ arrested in Pattaya for illegal work, hormones

    Australian bodybuilding champ arrested in Pattaya for illegal work, hormones

    An Australian bodybuilder was arrested in Pattaya yesterday for working without a permit and being in possession of illegal hormones. Police say they received a tip from a concerned citizen that Rohan Jeffrey Reid, a well known former winner of amateur bodybuilding tournaments in Australia, was working illegally, organising and profiting from “Thai Muscle Camp” programs for foreigners. Reid allegedly…

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  • Crime NewsJustice Ministry to go after drug gangs’ assets

    Justice Ministry to go after drug gangs’ assets

    Justice Minister Somsak Thepsuthin says drug syndicate networks along Thai borders, especially in the North, produce drugs worth about 1.9 billion baht annually. Now his ministry has set up a centre to seize their assets as part of an effort to stamp them out. Somsak says the amount of assets and money seized annually is too low: only about 400-500…

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  • Covid-19 NewsCoronavirus myths: Eight things you should probably already know

    Coronavirus myths: Eight things you should probably already know

    Two months after the first cases came to the attention of the world, a lot more is known about the coronavirus, aka. Covid-19. Here’s a few well established myths and a few scientific facts. MYTH: ‘Face masks don’t work’ Wearing a face mask is no guarantee that you won’t be infected. However, masks are effective at capturing droplets and larger…

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  • Crime NewsLao woman kept as a slave for 9 years

    Lao woman kept as a slave for 9 years

    The anti-human trafficking division of the Royal Thai Police yesterday arrested a Thai couple in the province of of Samut Sakhon, southwest of Bangkok, for the enslavement of a Lao woman. The couple kept the woman in a storage room and treated her as a slave for nine years. The suspects were identified as 60 year old Suchin Vipusitthikul and…

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  • Covid-19 NewsSouth Korea virus cases skyrocket, approaching 3000

    South Korea virus cases skyrocket, approaching 3000

    The World Health Organization has raised its risk alert to its highest level, as South Korea confirmed 594 more coronavirus (COVID-19) cases today, its biggest single-day increase, bringing the national total to 2,931. Three additional deaths were also reported. The Korean Centres for Disease Control and Prevention say that more than 90% of the new cases were in Daegu, the…

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  • Tourism NewsWorld’s largest travel fair, ITB, cancelled in Berlin

    World’s largest travel fair, ITB, cancelled in Berlin

    Organisers of the world’s biggest travel expo, the ITB travel trade fair in Berlin, have cancelled the event over coronavirus fears. 160,000 visitors were expected to attend this year’s event. “We take our responsibility for the security and the health of our guests, exhibitors and employees very seriously. It is with a heavy heart that we have to look at the…

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  • Northern Thailand NewsChiang Rai village leader kills and cuts up his mother after raping daughter

    Chiang Rai village leader kills and cuts up his mother after raping daughter

    An assistant village leader in Chiang Rai has been arrested and charged with dismembering his own mother in a fit of anger. Investigators say the mother had threatened to tell police that the 35 year old man had raped his teenage daughter. The man was the assistant head of the Hua Wiang village in Wiang Pa Pao district, situated between…

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  • Việt NamBệnh nhân nhiễm virus corona ở Daegu Hàn Quốc chết tại nhà vì thiếu giường bệnh

    Bệnh nhân nhiễm virus corona ở Daegu Hàn Quốc chết tại nhà vì thiếu giường bệnh

    Giới chức Hàn Quốc đang cố gắng tăng số giường bệnh tại tâm dịch Daegu khi số ca nhiễm Covid-19 tăng mạnh dẫn đến tình trạng bệnh viện quá tải. Hãng tin Yonhap cho biết, bệnh nhân thứ 13 tử vong vì virus corona chủng mới tại Hàn Quốc là đàn ông 75 tuổi ở tâm dịch Daegu. Ngày 22/2,…

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  • Thailand NewsThailand News Today, February 28, 2020. Daily TV news update.

    Thailand News Today, February 28, 2020. Daily TV news update.

    Shots fired in Nontha Buri mall There was another gunman alert in a Bangkok mall yesterday afternoon…. Police rushed to the Central Plaza mall in Nontha Buri province, just northwest of Bangkok after reports of gunshots inside the mall around 4:20 yesterday afternoon. There were no reports of death or injuries. A suspect was arrested and the mall is open…

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  • Tourism NewsA breathtaking travel experience in Thailand is only available for few more days

    A breathtaking travel experience in Thailand is only available for few more days

    Thailand, the land of smiles, is well known for its travel destinations and experiences, from unique cuisine to white sand beaches, from elephant camps to breathtaking views. But ironically, one of the best lookout spots in Thailand is also one of the most exclusive. An incredible hike lets tourists enjoy some of the best views in all of Thailand, but…

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  • Politics NewsThai minister Thammanat Prompao tells parliament he “never pled guilty” or “served time” over heroin drug charges

    Thai minister Thammanat Prompao tells parliament he “never pled guilty” or “served time” over heroin drug charges

    The Thai deputy agriculture minister Thammanat Prompao has re-ignited the controversy over his drug convictions in Australia by continuing to insist he “never pled guilty or served jail time for drug charges in Australia”. His claims are contrary to the evidence provided by the Australian courts. The ministers’s denial follows the disbanded Future Forward Party publishing an Australian court ruling on…

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  • Việt NamSau câu chuyện ‘bánh mỳ’ lại thêm nữ diễn viên người Hàn gây bão vì bị kỳ thị ở Việt Nam giữa dịch corona

    Sau câu chuyện ‘bánh mỳ’ lại thêm nữ diễn viên người Hàn gây bão vì bị kỳ thị ở Việt Nam giữa dịch corona

    Tối qua, Choi Yul đăng tải câu chuyện bị tài xế Grab từ chối chở vì là người Hàn Quốc. Đồng thời gia đình cô cũng bị phân biệt đối xử khi sống ở TP. HCM. Gia đình Choi Yul gồm 4 thành viên đang sống tại quận 2 (TP. HCM). Trên trang cá nhân của mình, cô vừa đăng…

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  • Politics NewsPM, cabinet members win confidence vote in Parliament

    PM, cabinet members win confidence vote in Parliament

    After four days of debate, and vicious attacks from the opposition, Thailand’s PM Prayut Chan-o-cha and five of his Cabinet easily won a vote of confidence from the House of Representatives this morning. MPs of the Pheu Thai Party, the largest opposition party, who walked out of the chamber near the end of the debate last night after it failing…

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  • Việt NamViệt Nam tạm ngưng miễn thị thực với công dân Hàn Quốc

    Việt Nam tạm ngưng miễn thị thực với công dân Hàn Quốc

    Từ 0h ngày 29-2, công dân Hàn Quốc vào Việt Nam với thị thực phù hợp do Việt Nam cấp, cách ly y tế người bay từ Hàn Quốc, hoặc ở Hàn Quốc trong vòng 14 ngày và bay từ nơi khác về Việt Nam. Sáng nay, Ban Chỉ đạo phòng chống dịch bệnh viêm đường hô hấp cấp do…

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  • Tourism NewsLegend Siam, major Pattaya tourist attraction, closes its doors

    Legend Siam, major Pattaya tourist attraction, closes its doors

    The Legend Siam, a major cultural amusement park in Pattaya with shows and cultural attractions about Thailand, has closed and laid off all workers. A statement yesterday said the move was due to the current economic situation in Thailand caused by the coronavirus outbreak. The announcement, in English, read: “Due to the economy in Thailand last year and the COVID…

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  • Thai Life‘Watching the Thais’ – understanding Thai culture

    ‘Watching the Thais’ – understanding Thai culture

    Why does a Thai smile at you after crashing into the back of your car? Why do Thais deplore walking? The heat, the heat. What about the weather? Why is everything done as a pack? What is all this ‘face’ stuff about? Lies? Confrontation? Sleeping and shopping? Just what is it with the Thais? What’s it all about? Author and…

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  • Thai LifeNo monkeying around: coronavirus fears mean monkeys in the South are going hungry

    No monkeying around: coronavirus fears mean monkeys in the South are going hungry

    It’s not only humans being affected by the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak; monkeys in the southern province of Songkhla, usually dependent on food from tourists, are facing a shortage. Tourists from Singapore and Malaysia, normally abundant in Songkhla, are cancelling tours amid worries over the outbreak, resulting in far less daily food for the monkeys there. Local fruit vendors, taking pity…

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  • Crime NewsShots fired in Nontha Buri mall

    Shots fired in Nontha Buri mall

    Police rushed to the Central Plaza mall in Nontha Buri province, just northwest of Bangkok, yesterday, after reports of gunshots inside the mall. The sound of shots was reported at about 4:20pm and people fled the building in the city’s Muang district. There were no reports of death or injuries. Local radio station Jor Sor 100 traffic radio later reported…

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  • Covid-19 NewsCoronavirus UPDATE: S Korean cases exceed 2,000, cases in 15 European countries

    Coronavirus UPDATE: S Korean cases exceed 2,000, cases in 15 European countries

    The novel coronavirus (Covid-19) has now killed at least 2,858 people worldwide as the focus of the outbreak now moves away from China and to outbreaks in central South Korea, northern Italy and other parts of Europe. 83,379 people are now infected but, notably (and increasingly), 36,562 people have fully recovered. At least 15 European countries now have confirmed cases of…

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  • Crime NewsComputer techie arrested for putting spy cams in ladies’ public toilets

    Computer techie arrested for putting spy cams in ladies’ public toilets

    A computer technician has been arrested in Pathum Thani, just north of Bangkok, for allegedly setting up spy cams in women’s public toilets. The suspect, 23 year old Nitiwat Muikaeo is said to have sold the videos on social media. The arrest comes after parents lodged complaints with the Technology Crime Suppression Division about videos of their daughters online. Police…

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  • Environment NewsSmoke from plantation fires continues to choke central and northern Thailand

    Smoke from plantation fires continues to choke central and northern Thailand

    Smoke from fires, mostly deliberately lit, continue to choke sections of central and northern Thailand today. Light winds are not blowing away the smog and haze produced by the smoke, particularly in the north where Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai have readings today from ‘unhealthy’ too ‘very unhealthy’ – in a range from 170 up to 240 (particles of PM2.5…

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  • Crime NewsChinese man found murdered, stuffed in suitcase and dumped in river in northern Thailand

    Chinese man found murdered, stuffed in suitcase and dumped in river in northern Thailand

    The Thaiger recently reported the case of a thirty year old Chinese man who had visited Pattaya, found dead and stuffed in a suitcase with his arms and legs bound. The suitcase was found in the Ping river in northern Thailand’s Kamphaeng Phet Province. Our original article on this story can be found HERE: Additional details have arisen regarding the…

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  • Politics NewsPM says military to downsize, halve number of generals

    PM says military to downsize, halve number of generals

    PM Prayut Chan-ocha, also the defence minister, announced yesterday that the Defence Ministry plans to downsize all three branches of the armed forces to become more modern and efficient, and will cut the number of generals in half within eight years. Speaking on the final scheduled day of a censure debate, Prayut said it’s necessary to strengthen the armed forces…

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  • Crime NewsRogue policeman turned burglar recaptured in Chiang Mai

    Rogue policeman turned burglar recaptured in Chiang Mai

    A former policeman who escaped a Chiang Mai hospital after being arrested for burglary has been re-arrested. The ex-cop, identified only as “Pawaret,” was assaulted by homeowners after he attempted to burglarise a home last weekend, which led to rescue workers taking him to hospital. He subsequently escaped the in the early hours of the morning. His escape caused panic…

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  • Covid-19 NewsThông tin mới nhất từ Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo về việc nghỉ học để phòng chống dịch Covid-19

    Thông tin mới nhất từ Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo về việc nghỉ học để phòng chống dịch Covid-19

    Chiều nay, Bộ GD&ĐT ra văn bản kiến nghị các địa phương về thời gian đi học trở lại của học sinh sau thời gian nghỉ học nhằm phòng chống virus corona. Bộ GD&ĐT đề nghị chủ tịch UBND các tỉnh, thành phố trực thuộc trung ương dựa theo tình hình địa phương, xem xét việc cho trẻ mầm non,…

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  • Việt NamViên chức Hàn Quốc phụ trách chống virus corona bất ngờ đột tử

    Viên chức Hàn Quốc phụ trách chống virus corona bất ngờ đột tử

    Một viên chức chính phủ Hàn Quốc bất ngờ qua đời tại nhà sau nhiều giờ làm việc để chiến đấu với dịch corona đang bùng phát dữ dội. Sở Cảnh sát Wansan thông báo viên chức này 43 tuổi, làm việc tại Tòa thị chính Jeonju ở tỉnh Bắc Jeolla, Hàn Quốc đã qua đời tại nhà riêng ở…

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  • Thailand video newsThailand News Today, Thursday, February 27, 2020

    Thailand News Today, Thursday, February 27, 2020

    4 Uzbek women rescued from human traffickers in Pattaya Four Uzbek women were rescued in Pattaya yesterday by Uzbekistan embassy officials and Chon Buri Provincial Police Police say they allegedly fell victim to a human trafficking scam. A team of police raided a condominium in South Pattaya. The raid follows Chon Buri police learning from Uzbekistan’s embassy that an Uzbek…

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  • Thai LifeNational police get tough on… hair

    National police get tough on… hair

    Thailand’s National Police Command said yesterday it will inspect its ranks at random to ensure that the new haircut regulation is strictly followed. Spokesman Kissana Phathanacharoen said the buzz cut, with the sides and back of their heads shorn and only a small patch of hair on top of their scalps,must be adopted by “all officers except those working undercover.”…

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