Teacher busted for pimping underaged girls

PHOTO: Police stand guard outside the karaoke bar where the underaged girls were found - Thai Residents

A schoolteacher in the northeastern province of Surin was charged yesterday with providing underage girls to male clients for sex. The 51 year old teacher and a 41 year old karaoke bar owner were arrested after the Interior Ministry received a formal letter from an international organization against human trafficking.

Police found five girls, one of whom is only 15 years old, at the karaoke bar.

Teacher busted for pimping underaged girls | News by Thaiger
PHOTO: – Khaosod

The teacher charged each client 2,500 baht for the girls’ services and drove each of them to his resort, not far from the karaoke bar.

He also has a Facebook page, on which he posted photos of the exploited girls girls.

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SOURCE: Thai Residents

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