
  • Economy News

    Thai baht up 3% against USD over past month

    Potential tourists and expats shipping in money from overseas were hoping the Thai baht would continue to fall against the US dollar. But they’d be surprised that the baht has rebounded in April against the greenback – about 3% in value. But Thailand’s Central Bank is warning that the recent strengthening of the baht against the USD may “not be sustainable”.…

  • Covid-19 News

    Currency will be a key driver in Phuket’s (eventual) tourism recovery?

    OPINION by Bill Barnett from In the lead-up to the Covid-19 crisis one constant complaint by Thailand’s hotel sector has been the strength of the Thai Baht. Zeroing in specifically on the Mainland Chinese market, the rapid demise to the island was in part triggered by the tragic boat accident in mid-2018, along with a number of other country-wide negative…

  • Economy News

    The almighty baht set to fall further despite rate cuts, stimulus

    A lot has changed for the baht. It was only months ago that The Bank of Thailand considered drastic measures to rein in the rambunctious baht, whose massive gains in currency markets made it the darling of speculators. In December Kasikorn Bank released a report outlining reasons the baht “will remain strong into 2020.” The bank’s research arm forecast the…

  • Covid-19 News

    BOT injects 35 billion baht into Thai financial market

    35 billion baht is being injected into the local Thai financial markets in the wake of the impact from Covid-19 crisis. The Bank of Thailand say they are closely monitoring the local financial market and recognised “liquidity is tight in bond and US dollar exchange markets.” BoT assistant governor Vachira Arromdee announced yesterday… “The BoT last week injected both short…

  • Economy News

    Thai baht hits highest level against the USD in six years

    The baht finished in spectacular fashion after a year as one of the world’s most stable currencies, when it reached 30.15 baht against the US$, its highest level in six years. Kasikornbank Bank is forecasting that the Thai baht could move into a range of 30-30.30 baht to the dollar this week (up to January 3). Investors have been selling USD…

  • Economy News

    Government trying to tame strong baht, but bank says it will remain strong in 2020

    The prominent rise of the Thai baht in over the past year has had wide implications and effects, and PM Prayut Chan-o-cha says that state agencies have met often to come up with ways to tame the strong currency. Kasikorn Bank Research Centre has already released a report outlining reasons the baht will remain strong into 2020. The bank’s research arm…

  • Tourism News

    Thailand’s beaches now more expensive than European resorts – report

    PHOTO: Ministry of Villas The cost of a holiday in popular Thai beach resorts is now on par with, or even higher than those in Greece, Italy, Spain, Turkey, and Egypt – all closer to home for Europeans with lower flight costs and less travel time. Diethelm Travel Group report that the cost of a five-star resort in Koh Samui,…

  • Economy News

    Thai baht dips after rate cut

    The baht continued losses yesterday after the Thai central bank cut interest rates. Other Asian currencies dipped as markets assess the latest details of the US-China tariff talks. The Bank of Thailand cut rates for the second time this year, with the benchmark one day repurchase rate now at a record low, as the bank tries to manage inflation and…

  • Economy News

    “Too good for its own good” – The Thai economy

    Bloomberg has written an opinion piece about the robust Thai economy, sharing its fears along with some pats on the back. “Thailand really should let its hair down. The currency is strong and the current-account surplus is big versus the neighborhood, while there’s a lot of scope for fiscal expansion. The Bank of Thailand has been grudging in cutting interest rates, in contrast to the…

  • Tourism News

    Chiang Mai hotels face a quiet end to 2019

    PHOTO: Spice Roads Chiang Mai hotels are bracing for a quiet end to 2019, along with other Thai tourist hotspots, due to the strength of the baht, an over-supply of rooms and the growing popularity of home-sharing accommodations like Airbnb. Hoteliers in the northern city are also suffering the fall-out from the smoke haze crisis earlier in the year which…

  • Business News

    Industry group calls for further cut in Thai policy interest rate

    “Thai private sector, recently adjusted downward the export growth projection for this year to 2.9 – 3%.” The Federation of Thai Industries have their hopes set on the Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of Thailand making another cut in the policy interest rate, currently set at 1.5%. With the US Fed looking to drop its interest rate this week,…

  • Business News

    Large Thai business feeling the effects of US-China trade war, rise of the baht

    So what do Thailand’s big banks say? The ongoing US-China trade war and the appreciation of the Thai baht against other currencies is now starting to impact larger corporates in Thailand. Wasin Saiyawan, senior executive vice president and chief of wholesale banking at Siam Commercial Bank says, that although large businesses are resilient to any impact and their ability to…

  • Economy News

    What goes up must come down – the battle of the baht

    Newton’s law looms over the Thai baht. Meanwhile, the Thai baht continues to be the best performing currency in Asia. The Thai currency is riding a 6-year high against the USD and, this year, has surged 8% against the US currency. But the strong baht is causing knock-on effects to the rest of the Thai economy, battering exports and stifling tourist…

  • Business News

    Soaring baht continues to court investors and speculators

    The Thai baht continues to be the best performing currency in Asia. On a year-on-year basis it has soared more than 8% against the USD and this year reached a six-year high. But the strong currency threatens the country’s exports and tourism, two major drivers of Thailand’s economy. Thailand continues to have solid economic fundamentals, a high current account surplus and…

  • Business News

    Baht to climb higher against USD, more pressure on exports

    The Thai baht is set to soar further as one side effect of the latest escalation of the China-US trade war. Economists say the latest tit-for-tat trade sanctions will hasten foreign capital inflows into Thailand’s “safe haven” bond market while the US Federal Reserves may again cut interest rates, adding more fuel to the situation. Meanwhile the Thai export situation…

  • Business News

    Industry minister says exporters will still need help to work-around strong Thai currency

    The strong Thai baht is still a big problem for Thailand’s industries, exports and tourism, key drivers of the Thai economy. The baht’s strength has been partly driven by Thailand’s high current account surplus of US$17 billion this year, attracting investment in the currency as a ‘safe haven’. Industry Minister Suriya Juangroongruangkit says the ministry will continue to support exporters…

  • Business News

    Bank of Thailand cuts policy rate, to 1.5%

    The Bank of Thailand’s Monetary Policy Committee has made a surprise decision today to cut the policy interest rate amid pressure to avert an economic slowdown and hedge the heightened trade war between the US and China. The MPC cut the interest rate by only 25 basis points to 1.5 %. But the cut is significant. Of the seven-member committee,…

  • Business News

    Board of Trade want Bank of Thailand to urgently address the baht

    PHOTOS & GRAPHIC: The Nation The Board of Trade are meeting with the Bank of Thailand tomorrow (August 8) to discuss the value of the Thai baht, its appreciation against the US dollar and Chinese yuan, and the impact on the country’s exports. Sanan Angubolkul, the Board of Trade’s vice chairman, speaking to The Nation, says the baht has appreciated around…

  • Tourism News

    Currency investors factor in no-deal Brexit as pound flounders

    The world’s stock markets and economists think leaving the EU won’t have a sterling outcome. That’s the way the protracted Brexit negotiations are playing out in a slow, drawn out and economically painful rout of the GBP. The British pound hit a two year low of $1.212 against the USD on Tuesday, just another blow for the currency following several…

  • Business News

    Thailand’s baht is getting stronger, and that’s a problem

    Since the beginning of 2018, Thailand’s currency has jumped more than 5% against the US dollar. Year-on-year it’s bounced up nearly 8%. The Thai Central Bank may be forced to cut rates to curb the popular currency. The Thai baht continues to soar against the USD this year, significantly more than many other emerging market currencies. But the flexing Baht muscle…

  • Expats

    British and Australian expats and tourists ponder the Thai baht

    The British pound continues to sag against the strong Thai Baht. And things are predicted to worsen for British tourists and local expats relying on funds out of the UK, as analysts predict the GBP to drop further as the date approaches for a ‘no deal’ Brexit and the Thai Baht continues to surge. As of 11.30am Thai time, the…

  • Business News

    TMB – strong baht hits foreign investment funds

    TMB Bank are reporting that the strong baht has cut the value of the foreign investment fund under fund management, falling by 27 billion baht from 1.2 trillion baht at the start of the year. TMB said the drop reduced the fund’s return by 0.47%. The least impacted funds are those covering oil investment, gold, and property funds, at 0.53%,…

  • Tourism News

    Thailand’s tourism copes with surging baht headache

    PHOTO: Thailand’s new tourism & sports minister, Piphat Ratchakitprakarn, hoping the finance ministry will listen to his pleas about the high baht Thailand’s new tourism & sports minister, Piphat Ratchakitprakarn, is blaming the surge of the baht for sucking the life out of tourist arrivals into Southeast Asia’s second-largest economy. Piphat yesterday said he’ll discuss with the Bank of Thailand…

  • Business News

    More currencies in Asia strengthen – Indonesian rupiah crosses major threshold

    The Thai baht isn’t the only Asian currency performing well against some of the western currencies. The Indonesian rupiah has strengthened 0.54% to 13,932 to the US dollar yesterday (Monday) from 14,008 on Friday. It became the best performing currency in Asia, though other currencies in the region have also also strengthened: Yesterday there was improvement of 0.19% for the…

  • Business News

    The Thai Baht in 2022 – a prediction

    Please note: This is just ONE website’s predictions of the currencies in the future. It should not be taken as a serious representation of the state of the world currencies in 2022. Trying to find a few good numbers amid the bad we thought we’d look forward three years to some of the world’s major currencies and their projected performance…

  • Opinion

    Poll – Will the Thai Baht rise or fall (compared to other currencies)?

    Yesterday The Thaiger polled our Facebook readers asking them… “Will the Thai baht continue to rise in value against many of the western currencies? Or has it peaked?” Your responses were very mixed but the result was a slight leaning towards the baht dropping, but only by 52% to 48%, from 585 votes. Thanks for participating! Here are few of…

  • World News

    New Thai 1,000 baht note wins international award

    The first new Thai 1,000 baht banknotes, featuring the image of His Majesty King Maha Vajiralongkorn, has won The Best New Banknote Award at the High Security Printing Asia 2018 international conference held in Hanoi, Vietnam. The banknote was awarded for its unique printing technology using the optically variable magnetic ink (OVMI), the first of its kind for Thai banknotes…