
  • Covid-19 News

    Covid-19 UPDATE: 14 new cases found in quarantine; biggest increase in weeks

    The Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration reported 14 new cases of Covid-19 this morning, the biggest jump in several weeks. All were found in state quarantine and were imported cases by repatriated Thais; Thailand has not reported a domestically transmitted case in 47 days. Among the 14 new cases is a 9 year old who travelled with her family. •…

  • Covid-19 News

    Covid-19 UPDATE: All the latest news from the world

    Today the total number of Covid-19 patients in the world has nearly reached 12,625,155 with 562,769 people succumbing to the effects of the disease. Over 7.3 million people are registered as ‘recovered’ from their bout of Covid-19. The numbers of new cases, worldwide, is accelerating. The current hotspots are the US, Brazil, India, South Africa and Mexico – presenting with the…

  • Việt Nam

    Cập nhật tình hình COVID-19 tại Việt Nam (Ngày T6 10/7): Không ghi nhận ca nhiễm nCoV mới, thêm 3 bệnh nhân ra viện

    Tính tới 18h ngày 10/7, Bộ Y tế không ghi nhận thêm ca nhiễm nCoV mới. Tổng số ca nhiễm COVID-19 toàn quốc là 369 người, trong số đó, 350 người đã khỏi bệnh, 19 người đang tiếp tục điều trị. Như vậy, tính đến hết ngày 10/7, Việt Nam ghi nhận: Tổng số ca nhiễm: 369 Số ca khỏi…

  • World News

    Combined force arrests 107 illegal Cambodian migrants within a day

    Immigration officials in Sa Kaeo province, together with border police and the Thai military, have arrested 107 illegal immigrants since yesterday. Sa Kaeo lies about 200 kilometres east of Bangkok at the Cambodian border. The commander of the Burapha Armed Forces (Tigers of the East) – the nickname of the military clique attached to the 2nd Infantry Division, the Queen’s…

  • Covid-19 News

    Covid-19 UPDATE: Friday, July 10

    Today the total number of Covid-19 patients in the world has nearly reached 12.4 million with over 557,000 people succumbing to the effects of the disease. Nearly 7.2 million people are registered as ‘recovered’ from their bout of Covid-19. The numbers of new cases, worldwide, is accelerating. The current hotspots are the US, Brazil, India, South Africa and Mexico –…

  • Covid-19 News

    Desperate Thais stuck in the UK make plea to return home

    A Thai doctor based in the UK is appealing to the Thai government to allow Thai citizens currently stranded in the country to return home. Ekaphum Chamnanrabiabkij is a practising doctor in Bicester, in the English county of Oxfordshire, and has become something of a spokesman for his stranded compatriots who find themselves locked out of Thailand during the Covid-19…

  • Covid-19 News

    In the midst of re-opening, there are now new lockdowns around the world

    Countries that appeared, only a few weeks ago, to have their local Covid-19 outbreaks under control – Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore for example – are now seeing new waves of the virus drawing immediate attention from officials, locking down the affected areas. They know, for now, it’s the only solution to counter new outbreaks. These mini-outbreaks in formerly ‘low-risk’ areas…

  • Covid-19 News

    US Covid-19 cases surge past 3 million

    Over 3 million people in the US have now tested positive for Covid-19 since the start of the outbreak (3,158,932 as of midday Thai time). Nearly 135,000 deaths have been recorded and the country is now facing an acceleration of new cases in a number of key states, notably Florida, Texas, California, Arizona, Georgia and Tennessee. On a positive note,…

  • Covid-19 News

    Thai government “more confident” after recent re-openings see no new Covid cases

    A week after the re-opening of Thailand’s schools and nightlife venues, the government says it’s feeling more confident as the country records no new locally-spread cases of Covid-19. The final phase of re-opening was seen as the riskiest, involving venues such as pubs and nightclubs, where social distancing might prove more of a challenge. Thailand has now gone more than…

  • Covid-19 News

    No new cases today- Covid-19 update (July 7)

    Today, there have been no new reported cases of Covid-19 in Thailand over the past 24 hours leaving the total amount of cases remaining at 3,195 with 58 deaths since the pandemic began. The number of recovered patients remains at 3,072, leaving 65 still hospitalized. The Center for Covid-19 Situation Administration said that of the 3,195 accumulated cases, 2,444 contracted…

  • Covid-19 News

    Over 73,000 Thai farmers to get relief aid after appeals approved

    Over 73,000 Thai farmers are set to get much-needed aid after their appeals for financial help have been approved. The Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BAAC) says it will transfer the aid tomorrow, in the amount of 5,000 baht, to help with the Covid-19 economic fallout. BAAC secretary Anan Suwanrat says the ministry’s appeal panel has approved 73,975 appeals…

  • Covid-19 News

    Illegal migrants workers bring fears of new Covid infections

    After more than 3,000 illegal migrant workers were caught trying to enter Thailand, the Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration is warning that there is still a risk of new infections. CCSA spokesperson Dr. Taweesilp Visanuyothin says most of them have been detained and many have been sent back to their own countries but because they actually made it into the Kingdom,…

  • Covid-19 News

    Australia shuts down border between 2 most populous states over Covid-19 fears

    Australian officials are closing borders indefinitely starting from tomorrow for its two most populous states over Covid-19 fears, Victoria and New South Wales. The move comes after authorities scramble to contain a coronavirus outbreak in the northern suburbs of the city of Melbourne, with some fearing that even these current containment measures may not work to stop the spread of…

  • Tourism News

    New police division to track tourists’ movements in fight against Covid-19

    A new division of the Royal Thai Police is being formed to monitor tourists’ movements as part of the ongoing suppression of the Covid-19 virus. According to national police chief Chakthip Chaijinda, the newly-created department, named the Covid-19 Investigation Division, will reportedly monitor both foreign tourists and repatriated Thai citizens. The news comes as Thailand is beginning to gradually lift…

  • Covid-19 News

    India aims to have Covid-19 vaccine by mid-August

    But scientists are skeptical at the speed of the development. India has announced its plan to take its first Covid-19 vaccine from human trials to general use by mid-August, just 6 weeks from now. Bharat Biotech International, an unlisted vaccine maker, received regulatory approval to start human clinical trials for its experimental vaccine earlier this week, but it’s already got…

  • Việt Nam

    Cập nhật tình hình COVID-19 tại Việt Nam (Ngày T7 4/7): Không ghi nhận ca nhiễm nCoV mới

    Tính tới 18h ngày 4/7, Bộ Y tế không ghi nhận thêm ca nhiễm nCoV mới. Tổng số ca nhiễm COVID-19 toàn quốc là 355 người, trong số đó, 340 người đã khỏi bệnh, 15 người đang tiếp tục điều trị. Như vậy, tính đến hết ngày 4/7, Việt Nam ghi nhận: Tổng số ca nhiễm: 355 Số ca khỏi…

  • Covid-19 News

    WHO clarify the early days of the novel coronavirus

    As the coronavirus continues to spread worldwide, adding a million new infections in less than a week, NGOs and governments, alike, are starting to publish their official narrative about the early days of Covid-19. For the World Health Organisation, they now strenuously deny any complacency toward China and have published a series of notifications and communications with Chinese authorities outlining the…

  • Covid-19 News

    90 minute Covid-19 test at BKK being tested

    A Covid-19 test that takes about 90 minutes. This is a new ‘outside the box’ way at bringing people back into Thailand and checking them before they go through Immigration. The new ‘rapid’ tests were unveiled today at Suvarnabhumi International Airport. The new tests would be offered for overseas arrivals as the Thai government wrestles with the desire to reboot…

  • Việt Nam

    Cập nhật tình hình COVID-19 tại Việt Nam (Ngày T6 3/7): Không ghi nhận ca nhiễm nCoV mới, hội chẩn để bệnh nhân phi công người Anh về nước

    Tính tới 18h ngày 3/7, Bộ Y tế không ghi nhận thêm ca nhiễm nCoV mới. Tổng số ca nhiễm COVID-19 toàn quốc là 355 người, trong số đó, 340 người đã khỏi bệnh, 15 người đang tiếp tục điều trị. Như vậy, tính đến hết ngày 3/7, Việt Nam ghi nhận: Tổng số ca nhiễm: 355 Số ca khỏi…

  • Covid-19 News

    Hospital director proposes importing overseas Covid-19 patients for treatment

    With the Covid-19 situation in Thailand apparently well in hand (there have been no locally transmitted cases for well over a month), a hospital director in Bangkok is proposing flying in patients from abroad for treatment at his hospital. The director of Mongkutwattana Hospital is considering medical flights to bring international Covid-19 cases to the hospital for treatment, in an…

  • World News

    New Zealand’s health minister resigns over Covid-19 ‘mistakes’

    New Zealand’s health minister has handed in his resignation after receiving a backlash over his handling of the Covid-19 pandemic and allegedly committing a series of “personal mistakes”. Personal mistakes, as in he allegedly broke the law twice – once by riding a mountain bike outside his home in Dunedin and then another time by travelling about 20 kilometres to…

  • Covid-19 News

    Thailand proposes a 3 phase “travel bubble” strategy

    Thailand is proposing a “travel bubble” pilot scheme featuring a proposed five areas of the country to be tested before international tourists are officially allowed to enter. The move is reportedly to focus on safely reopening by using the areas of Chiang Mai, Koh Samui, Krabi, Phuket, and Pattaya, as experimental locations, which would allow tourists to enter at a maximum…

  • Việt Nam

    TP. HCM: Trường hợp nhiễm Covid-19 mới người Indonesia đã đến nhiều nơi tại Bình Dương và TP. HCM

    Nam bệnh nhân mới dương tính với SARS-CoV-2 (người Indonesia) có lịch sử di chuyển nhiều nơi tại Bình Dương và chợ Bến Thành (TP. HCM) sau khi lấy mẫu xét nghiệm Covid-19. Nội dung báo cáo nhanh ngày 1/7 (văn bản số 2031 KSBT-BTN) của Trung tâm Kiểm soát Bệnh tật, TP. HCM (CDC TP. HCM) cho biết, nam…

  • Economy News

    Up to 2.7 million Thai travel, hospitality and tourism workers unemployed by September

    The president of the Thai Tourism Industry Council says confidence among Thailand’s tourism business operators fell to the lowest level in a decade during the second quarter this year, with about 2.6 million workers already unemployed and about another 100,000 expected to be laid off in Q3 as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. The gloomy forecast is the result…

  • Covid-19 News

    Thai government extends contact-tracing app to Bangkok metro, Skytrain services

    Thai Chana is coming to an MRT station near you… As social distancing requirements are eased on public transport, the Thai government says that from today, passengers must check in and out of the capital’s metro and Skytrain services through the Thai Chana platform. Officials from both the MRT and BTS services say passengers are also asked to refrain from…

  • Covid-19 News

    Thailand praised by China for successful suppression of Covid-19

    An official from the Chinese Embassy in Bangkok has congratulated Thailand for its handling of the Covid-19 outbreak and seemingly successful suppression of the virus. Speaking on behalf of the Chinese Ambassador, the diplomat says such success is due to the measures implemented by the Thai government. Thailand has now gone more than a month without a case of community…

  • Covid-19 News

    Activists slam “politically motivated” decree extension

    Critics of the Thai government have condemned the extension of the emergency decree by another month, claiming it’s unnecessary and politically motivated. The extension was given the green light at a Cabinet meeting yesterday, after the PM said it was necessary in order to continue the successful suppression of the Covid-19 virus. Khaosod English reports that government spokeswoman Narumon Pinyosinwat…

  • Việt Nam

    Cập nhật tình hình COVID-19 tại Việt Nam (Ngày T3 30/6): Không ghi nhận ca nhiễm nCoV mới

    Tính tới 18h ngày 30/6, Bộ Y tế không ghi nhận thêm ca nhiễm nCoV mới. Tổng số ca nhiễm COVID-19 toàn quốc là 355 người, trong số đó, 335 người đã khỏi bệnh, 20 người đang tiếp tục điều trị. Như vậy, tính đến hết ngày 30/6, Việt Nam ghi nhận: Tổng số ca nhiễm: 355 Số ca khỏi…

  • Covid-19 News

    Thailand among 14 countries EU deems “safe” during Covid-19 pandemic

    Thailand has made the cut to be among the 14 countries listed by the EU that are deemed “safe” during the world Covid-19 pandemic. Citizens of these countries may be granted entry to the EU from July 1. It will come as little surprise to learn that the US and Brazil have been excluded from the list at this stage,…

  • Covid-19 News

    Thailand extends international arrival ban except for certain groups

    The current ban on international arrivals has been extended until further notice by the Civil Aviation Authority of Thailand, with the exception of certain categories of foreigners and returning Thais. The news came late last night in a social media post by the CAAT. According to the statement, the extension is due to the ongoing global Covid-19 crisis, which many…