
Discover the ultimate Thailand Guides from The Thaiger, your one-stop resource for all things Thailand. Immerse yourself in local culture, explore breathtaking nature, indulge in vibrant cuisine, and learn to navigate the country’s lifestyle with ease. Find informative articles to help plan your unforgettable journey to Thailand – from top destinations and hidden gems to visa information and essential tips. Our in-depth guides are expertly crafted and regularly updated to provide you with the latest insights. Experience Thailand like never before with our guides that cater to seasoned travellers and first-timers alike.

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    Which is the best copy trading platform?

    Copy trading has become increasingly popular with investors around the globe over the past decade. It's considered a simple way to capitalise on market opportunities with little effort. But is it really a shortcut to making big bucks in the...

  • Clever tips to upskill your tech career in Thailand

    In the dynamic realm of technology, continuous learning goes beyond being optional – it becomes imperative. Keen on ascending the corporate hierarchies in Thailand’s tech sphere? You’d need to adapt to an ecosystem that often deems sustained loyalty as preferable to frequent job changes. This, however, should not dissuade you. There exist strategies to fortify your career trajectory, preventing it…

  • What does the legal retirement age mean for older people in Thailand

    As you delve into the complexities of Thailand’s ageing population and the impact of mandatory retirement age policies, you’ll find a fascinating interplay of factors at work. A significant issue that’s come under the spotlight is the health status of older people, which is increasingly seen as a crucial element in encouraging employment among older individuals. In-depth studies have utilised…

  • Signs you’re overworked as a college student

    College students can struggle to balance lectures, assignments, and social life, leading to burnout. Recognizing signs of overwork can help prevent burnout. Checking for fatigue, difficulty focusing, or forgetting breaks can help identify potential workload issues. Understanding these signs can help adjust schedules and maintain a healthier balance, ensuring college is enjoyable without compromising health. Common indicators you are overworked…

  • Think Pink, Think foodpanda! It’s Pink Day with ‘Want it? foodpanda it!’

    Have you ever noticed a surge of pink in June? That’s because June 23rd marks “Pink Day”, a day dedicated to celebrating the colour and the message of equality it embodies! While the exact origin story remains a bit fuzzy, some believe The Color Association of the United States established Pink Day to promote inclusivity. On this day, everyone –…

  • Tennis as an outdoor activity in Thailand

    Delve into the captivating realm of tennis in Thailand, a nation where this sport surpasses being merely a recreational activity and symbolises a lifestyle. As you traverse through the historic metropolis of Chiang Mai, you will discover numerous tennis courts, each possessing its own distinctive allure. Regardless of your expertise level, from professionals to beginners, an inviting court awaits you.…

  • The Brass Bar unveils L’EXPÉRIENCE NOUVEAU

    The Brass Bar Presents Expérience Nouveau– An Art Nouveau Inspired Cocktail Menu The Brass Bar is excited to introduce its new cocktail list Expérience Nouveau. It is an intriguingly elegant cocktail that marries classic mixology with the fine charm of Art Nouveau. Ideally, each drink stands on its own, as Alphonse Mucha’s “Les Saisons,” on the menu of “Expérience Nouveau.” The menu is designed…

  • How TikTok is overtaking Google as a search engine

    With the continuous evolution of technology, change remains an integral part of our digital lives. A notable development in this realm is the rise of TikTok as a potential contender to Google in the search engine industry. Google, a pioneer for over twenty years, has consistently refined its algorithm, establishing itself as a synonym for speed, dependability, and flexibility. Yet,…

  • SARS-CoV-2 can linger in sperm for months even after recovery

    A groundbreaking study from the University of São Paulo (USP) in Brazil has revealed that SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for Covid-19, can persist in the sperm of infected men for up to 90 days after hospital discharge and up to 110 days post-infection. This discovery, published in the journal Andrology, highlights a potential risk for those planning to start families…

  • Should you invest in the Thai cannabis market

    If you are exploring investment opportunities in the cannabis market, Thailand can offer a progressive platform for your future ventures. By establishing a Thai Limited Company, you can position yourself effectively in this rapidly developing industry. Having a thorough comprehension of the diverse licensing options available in Thailand’s cannabis sector is of paramount importance. These licenses play a significant role…

  • How to prevent overworking for Thai college students

    Balancing academics with part-time jobs or internships as a college student in Thailand can be challenging, particularly when academic demands intensify. Recognizing the signs of overload is crucial for maintaining mental and physical health. This guide provides practical advice to manage your workload effectively, ensuring a harmonious balance between work, school, and personal life. Understanding overworking among Thai college students…

  • Bangkok Pride 2024: embracing gender identity with MyMediTravel’s sex reassignment surgery offer

    Happy Pride Month, everyone! This month is absolutely important because it celebrates the LGBTQ+ community and their journey, challenges, and wins. It’s all about boosting self-confidence, pride, and making sure LGBTQ+ individuals are seen and heard around the globe. Bangkok Pride 2024: Celebration of Love Bangkok is famous for being inclusive and progressive when it comes to the LGBTQ+ community.…

  • Negotiations and bartering business in Thailand

    Whether your interest lies in acquiring a high-end residence in the thriving city of Bangkok, or is searching for price-suitable deals at the energetic Chatuchak market, it is crucial to comprehend the skill of negotiation. The marketplace in Thailand is an active process of bargaining, wherein a properly-timed cordial smile and an agreeable counter-proposal can transform an average business interaction…

  • The rise and fall of the Lanna kingdom

    Nestled in the mountainous regions of Northern Thailand, the Lanna culture offers a unique blend of history, tradition, and cuisine that sets it apart from the rest of the country. The term “Lanna” refers to the ancient kingdom that once ruled this area, and its influence is still deeply felt today. From the distinct language spoken by its people to…

  • Best IB schools in Thailand

    Each academic programme has its own advantages and disadvantages, so the best one depends on your child’s future goals. One curriculum that is growing in popularity, especially among globetrotting expats, is the International Baccalaureate (IB). Not only is IB widely acclaimed and highly respected, but it also offers seamless transfer between schools around the world, making it easy for jet-setting…

  • How to manage time as a college student in Thailand

    Time management – it’s a phrase that’s thrown around often, especially in the bustling life of a college student. But what does it truly mean and how can it be effectively implemented in your daily routine? This article aims to delve into the intricacies of time management, specifically tailored for you, the hardworking college student in Thailand. Through the lens…

  • How embody the Thai working spirit

    Immerse yourself in the fascinating realm of Thai working spirit, a phenomenon deeply rooted in Thai society for over a century. This isn’t a new concept, but one that has shaped the leadership and power dynamics in Thailand for generations, transforming ordinary individuals into legendary figures. In the past few decades, the practice of embodying the spirit of revered Thai…

  • Must try drinks from Thai street vendors

    Thailand is so much more than its amazing street food – its refreshing drinks are something you’ve got to try as well! Full of unique local flavours and some healthy benefits, these drinks are just for cooling off and getting into the Thai spirit. So, when wandering through those vibrant markets, pick up one of these fantastic beverages. Classic drinks…

  • The best mango dishes to try in Thailand

    Mangoes are one of the most popular fruits in Thai cuisine and they are used in many different ways. Among the most well-liked dishes is Mango Coconut Sticky Rice, and with good reason. You’re in for a treat, though, if you’re eager to explore new recipes that also feature those mouthwatering Thai mangoes! These foods are not only incredibly easy…

  • Can cannabis help you drive in Thailand

    Navigating the congested roads of Thailand can be a complex task even for seasoned motorists. Adding cannabis use to this equation increases its complexity. It’s a topic surrounded by varied opinions and vastly differing regulations. The possibility that cannabis use may affect road safety stands to be a pressing concern, even in the face of limited concrete information. Research suggests…

  • How to behave at a Thai Cinema

    Ever wondered how to navigate the exciting world of Thai cinema? You’re in the right place. This article will guide you on the dos and don’ts, helping you to blend in like a local at a Thai movie theatre. With a rich cinematic history dating back to 1897, Thailand offers a unique movie-going experience that’s worth exploring. Whether you’re planning…

  • A man’s worst nightmare: Weak ejaculation

    For most males these days, a weak ejaculation can be a traumatic experience, especially having been brainwashed by the excessive online porn that usually has subtle computer graphics (CG) and post-production effects incorporated in them. From expecting some ‘shooting fireworks display’ to instead having just a small trickle, it can make many men experience increased anxiety and depression and make…

  • Airport tips for first time flyers

    Embarking on a flight journey for the first or after prolonged discontinuation could be exciting as well as intimidating. The dynamic environment of airports, meticulous processes, and the premonition of the ensuing flight might evoke a spectrum of feelings. However, assure yourself, that air travel does not necessarily need to be stressful. With appropriate anticipatory measures, it can be effortlessly…

  • Low testosterone levels increases risk of dying from cardiovascular issues for men

    A groundbreaking study has recently uncovered a concerning link between low testosterone levels in men and a higher risk of mortality, particularly from cardiovascular diseases (CVD). The findings of the study underscore the critical role testosterone plays not just in male characteristics and sexual health but also in overall physical well-being. The study: Unveiling the connection The study, a systematic…

  • Plastic pollution at the Thai beaches

    Picture a stroll on Thailand’s beautiful coastline, feeling the fine grains of sand between your toes and the spectacle of the setting sun on the horizon. However, an alarming reality juxtaposes this idyllic scene – the sight of plastic waste littering the stretch of sand, a picture that starkly contrasts the otherwise natural beauty. This unsettling image reflects the magnitude…

  • Transform your life with ambition coaching guidance

    Have you ever wondered why certain individuals consistently meet their objectives while others, filled with potential, simply fade away? The answer lies within the quest for ambition, a journey that is often easier to contemplate than conduct. However, rest assured that we are prepared to assist you throughout this process. The initial step towards success is to establish realistic goals.…

  • How to successfully obtain a non-immigrant B visa for Thailand

    Embarking on the journey to secure a non-immigrant B visa for Thailand? You’re not alone. This visa is a crucial stepping stone for those seeking to work or conduct business in the ‘Land of Smiles’. It’s a process that might seem daunting, but with the right guidance, it can be navigated with ease. In this article, we’ll unravel the intricacies…

  • Can cannabis enhance your confidence in public speaking

    Have you considered the possibility of cannabis enhancing your public speaking skills? This topic has garnered significant attention among professionals and enthusiasts. The objective of this article is to thoroughly examine this hypothesis, exploring the potential role that cannabis could play in enhancing public speaking abilities. This article will elucidate the scientific foundation of cannabis and its putative impacts on…

  • Working at home with children

    Adapting to a remote working environment while simultaneously addressing childcare obligations presents a considerable challenge to many working professionals in the contemporary world. The task is notably intricate, as the boundaries between work and personal life often become indistinct. This article aims to unfold the reality, obstacles, and potential resolutions related to this current conundrum. Working from home has acquired…

  • Explore the different types of rice in Thailand

    Thailand is establishing itself as a prominent leader in the rice industry, providing a diverse range of high-quality varieties upon which many countries depend. Understanding rice in Thai culture and cuisine is crucial before exploring the specifics. In Thailand, rice transcends the boundaries of mere sustenance to represent a cultural ethos. The expression “kin khao,” which signifies to eat, literally…

  • Governor Chadchart issues the 5 strict orders: Schools under the BMA must be free of e-cigarettes

    Chadchart Sittipunt, Governor of Bangkok, revealed that BMA attaches huge importance to the campaign to rid schools of smoking. Especially children and youth they are focusing on the prevention related to cigarettes and e-cigarettes. There is a continuous effort with this campaign every year. The 5 strict orders in the campaign to combat smoking at schools are: Let schools under…