Thailand Video News | Cannabis-induced paranoia police chase, Gay couple arrested in Bangkok for drugs and extortion

In today’s news, Alex and Jay present a lineup of captivating stories from Thailand. From a Phuket villa manager’s fake robbery to conceal misused deposits, to a high-speed chase in Phetchabun due to cannabis consumption, the headlines are as varied as they are compelling. Other highlights include a romance scam defrauding a Thai millionaire, an intentional vehicle clash outside a Pattaya pub, arrests of a gay couple in Bangkok for drug distribution and extortion, and controversy surrounding a Thai drama’s similarities to a Korean series.

Phuket Villa Manager Fakes Robbery to Conceal Misused Customer Deposits

In Phuket, Thailand, a 21-year-old luxury villa manager, Chananchida Harnkamjorn, was caught fabricating a story of being assaulted and robbed to hide her mishandling of customer deposits. Initially claiming to have been attacked and robbed of 100,000 baht, Harnkamjorn admitted to the police that she lost the money in foreign currency trading. The deception was uncovered by Kamala Police Station, under the leadership of Colonel Somsak Thongkliang, who noticed inconsistencies between Harnkamjorn’s account and the physical evidence. The investigation revealed that Harnkamjorn had created an elaborate ruse, including self-inflicting a wound, to support her false report of being robbed by a knife-wielding assailant. The police’s diligent examination of the evidence, including photograph timestamps and her financial activities, led to her confession. Harnkamjorn hoped to recover the funds through stock market investments before her scheme was detected, but her plan was foiled by the police’s efficient work, resulting in her facing charges for filing false statements.


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Cannabis Consumption Leads to High-Speed Chase and Arrest in Phetchabun

In Phetchabun province, a 23-year-old man, Amorn, triggered a police chase and was arrested after a cannabis-induced hallucinatory episode led him to flee from law enforcement. The incident unfolded when Officer Chaiwin Nantharat noticed Amorn riding his motorcycle without a helmet, number plate, or documentation, and attempted a routine stop. Amorn’s panicked response and attempt to escape, fueled by paranoia from consuming a large amount of cannabis, resulted in a chase that ended with his exhaustion and capture. Captured on video and widely viewed on Facebook, the event highlighted the officer’s commitment to duty. The police later learned that Amorn and a friend had consumed cannabis, causing his irrational fear and flight. Amorn now faces charges for modifying a vehicle without proper documentation and resisting police, with legal proceedings underway.


Thai Millionaire Defrauded of Over 63 Million Baht in Romance Scam

A Thai millionaire fell victim to a sophisticated romance scam, losing over 63 million baht to a group consisting of two women and three men over six years. The scam, led by 35-year-old Nontikarn, unraveled when the victim, nearing bankruptcy, reported to the Central Investigation Bureau. He had met Nontikarn, who introduced herself as Ice, on a dating website in 2016 but never met her in person. Their supposed relationship involved the victim sending money to cover her cancer treatment, family debts, and real estate investments, persuaded by interactions with others posing as her family. The police arrested Nontikarn in Ayutthaya and later apprehended four accomplices, uncovering their lavish spending of the swindled funds on luxury items and vacations. The scammers now face charges under the Criminal Law, Computer Act, and the Act on Prevention and Suppression of Money Laundering, marking a significant crackdown on online romance fraud in Thailand.

Intentional Vehicle Clash Outside Pattaya Pub Leaves One Injured

In a bizarre incident in Pattaya, luxury vans carrying Chinese tourists intentionally collided with each other outside a secretive pub, leading to a three-vehicle crash that resulted in serious injuries, including a broken nose for one individual. The confrontation began after the tourists, arriving post-closing time, were turned away by guards, prompting them to call on boxer friends to address the situation. This escalated into a physical altercation and subsequently, the deliberate vehicular crashes captured in a viral two-minute video. Pattaya’s Police Chief, Colonel Nawin Theerawit, indicated that the individuals involved could face charges of serious physical assault and attempted murder, contingent on the ongoing investigation’s findings. The shocking incident, detailed by Bangkok Post, underscores the extreme lengths of aggression, culminating in a distressing scene where a man was trapped under one of the vehicles, necessitating police intervention.


Bangkok Police Arrest Gay Couple for Drug Distribution and Extortion Targeting Professionals

In a recent crackdown in Nonthaburi province, Bangkok, police arrested a gay couple for operating a drug distribution and money extortion scheme, primarily victimizing medical professionals and education sector high-flyers within the LGBTQA+ community. The arrests of Krittaphat (Top), 37, and Srettayot (Keng), 42, were precipitated by a complaint from a Thai doctor who detailed his descent into drug addiction and exploitation at Top’s hands, including coerced drug-fueled sexual encounters and financial extortion that nearly led to bankruptcy. Investigations unveiled Keng’s role as an alleged drug lord and a deputy school director, known for hosting drug-laden gatherings and encouraging illicit activities among government officials. During the raid, authorities seized a substantial haul of narcotics, cash, and incriminating materials. Despite initial denials, the evidence forced both men to confess, revealing a concerning network potentially implicating high-ranking education officials and posing a risk to schoolchildren. The police have called for public assistance in shedding more light on these activities.


Thai Drama “Until We Love” Faces Controversy Over Similarities to Korean Series

The recent premiere of the Thai drama “Until We Love,” featuring a stepson and stepmother’s unconventional romance played by Mark Prin and Yaya Urassaya, has ignited online debate due to its noticeable resemblance to the 2020 Korean series “Lovestruck in the City.” Directed by Nok Thanthaphon, the show, while an adaptation of the novel and TV drama “Likit Kammathep” by Arita, showcases scenes eerily similar to the Korean counterpart, including the storyline of a heroine’s betrayal, a beach meeting, surfing lessons, and intimate camper van moments, leading to speculation and requests for clarification from the producers. This controversy underscores the fine line between drawing inspiration and direct imitation in creative works, spotlighting the widespread influence of Korean dramas globally, with the Thai drama’s production team yet to comment on the issue.

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