Do you qualify for a digital nomad visa?

Photo via pexels (Arina Krasnikova)

Is it your dream to travel the world? But is money an issue that keeps you chained to your desk at work? Well, as the world becomes increasingly interconnected and remote work continues to gain popularity, many countries have started offering digital nomad visas. These visas allow remote workers to live in a country for an extended period while working for an employer or running a business based elsewhere. If you’re considering this lifestyle, you might wonder if you qualify for a digital nomad visa. Let’s explore the typical requirements and some popular destinations offering these visas!

What is a digital nomad visa?

A digital nomad visa is a type of visa specifically designed for individuals who work remotely. Unlike traditional work visas, which require you to be employed by a company within the host country, digital nomad visas allow you to maintain your employment with a foreign company or run your own business while residing in the host country.

These visas cater to the growing number of professionals who do not need a fixed location to perform their jobs, offering them the flexibility to travel and live in different countries while maintaining their work commitments. This arrangement benefits the host country by boosting its economy through the expenditure of digital nomads on housing, food, and other local services.

Common eligibility requirements

digital nomad
Photo via pexels (Peter Olexa)

While the specific requirements can vary from country to country, there are several common criteria you must meet to qualify for a digital nomad visa:

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Proof of remote work

  • What it is: You must demonstrate that you work remotely. This can include employment contracts, proof of freelance work, or evidence of owning a business that operates primarily online.
  • Why it’s needed: Countries want to ensure that applicants are genuine remote workers who can support themselves financially without taking local jobs.

Minimum income threshold

  • What it is: Many countries require digital nomads to earn a minimum monthly income to ensure they can support themselves during their stay. This amount varies widely but typically ranges from $1,000 to $5,000 (USD) per month.
  • Why it’s needed: This requirement ensures that digital nomads have sufficient financial resources to live comfortably and do not become a burden on the host country’s social services.

Health insurance

  • What it is: Comprehensive health insurance that covers you in the host country is often a mandatory requirement.
  • Why it’s needed: Health insurance is crucial to cover any medical expenses that may arise during your stay, protecting both you and the host country from unforeseen healthcare costs.

Clean criminal record

  • What it is: A background check proving you have no criminal record may be necessary.
  • Why it’s needed: This helps ensure the safety and security of the host country’s residents and other expatriates.


  • What it is: Proof of accommodation, such as a rental agreement or property ownership, might be required.
  • Why it’s needed: This shows that you have a stable living arrangement during your stay, reducing the risk of homelessness or instability.

Popular destinations offering digital nomad visas


  • Requirements: Estonia was one of the first countries to introduce a digital nomad visa. To qualify, you need to earn at least €3,504 per month and have a remote job or business.
  • Attractions: Known for its advanced digital infrastructure, Estonia is ideal for tech-savvy nomads. The country offers a blend of medieval charm and modern conveniences.


  • Requirements: The Barbados Welcome Stamp allows you to live and work in Barbados for up to 12 months. You need to earn at least $50,000 per year and have health insurance.
  • Attractions: Barbados offers beautiful beaches, a warm climate, and a laid-back lifestyle, making it a perfect destination for those seeking a tropical escape.


portugal digital nomad
Photo via pexels (ArtHouse Studio)
  • Requirements: Portugal offers the D7 Passive Income Visa, which is popular among digital nomads. You must show proof of sufficient passive income or remote work earnings, typically around €7,620 per year for the primary applicant.
  • Attractions: Portugal is known for its rich history, vibrant culture, and stunning landscapes, from the Algarve’s beaches to Lisbon’s bustling streets.


  • Requirements: Mexico’s Temporary Resident Visa is ideal for digital nomads. You need to demonstrate an income of around $2,100 per month or have a bank balance of approximately $35,000.
  • Attractions: Mexico offers diverse experiences, from the cultural richness of Mexico City to the serene beaches of Tulum. Its relatively low cost of living is also a significant draw.


  • Requirements: Croatia’s digital nomad visa requires a minimum income of HRK 16,907.50 per month (approximately €2,250) and valid health insurance.
  • Attractions: Croatia is famous for its stunning Adriatic coastline, historic cities like Dubrovnik, and a relaxed Mediterranean lifestyle.

Application process

passport and digital nomad visa
Photo via pexels (Nataliya Vaitkevich)

The application process varies by country but generally involves the following steps:

Gather documentation

Collect all required documents, including proof of income, health insurance, employment or business verification, accommodation details, and a clean criminal record certificate. Make sure these documents are up-to-date and meet the specific requirements of the country you’re applying to. If you are not prepared, you are likely to have your application rejected.

Submit your application

Apply online or at the nearest consulate or embassy of the country you wish to move to. Some countries offer online application portals, while others require in-person submission.

Wait for approval

Processing times can vary, so it’s important to apply well in advance of your intended move. Some countries may process applications within a few weeks, while others might take several months.

Relocate to your new destination

Once approved, you can move to the host country and start your digital nomad journey. Make sure to comply with any additional requirements, such as registering your residence or obtaining a local tax number.

The digital nomad visa opens up a world of opportunities for remote workers seeking to experience new cultures and environments while maintaining their careers. By meeting the typical requirements—proof of remote work, minimum income, health insurance, a clean criminal record, and accommodation—you can qualify for a digital nomad visa in many enticing destinations. Whether you dream of living in a European city, an island paradise, or a vibrant Latin American country, there’s likely a digital nomad visa that suits your needs. Start planning your adventure today!

Visa Information

Bernice Zheng

With an interest in Product Management and Marketing, Bernice's experience consists of being a Growth Marketing Intern at RippleMatch, a Product Management Intern for TUMI, and the Co-Director of Princeton’s Entrepreneurship Club (Tigers In Product). Her passion for photography and videography has also drawn her to develop her marketing and content creation skills.

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