
  • Crime NewsMethamphetamine pills hidden in instant noodle packets delivered for Covid patient

    Methamphetamine pills hidden in instant noodle packets delivered for Covid patient

    Methamphetamine pills were found in packages of instant noodles that were dropped off yesterday morning for a Covid-19 patient being treated at Sanam Hospital in Nan, a province in northern Thailand bordering Laos. A young man, believed to be around 20 to 25 years old, came by the hospital to deliver the instant noodles to his 25 year old friend…

  • Economy NewsThai economy shrinks, pandemic to blame

    Thai economy shrinks, pandemic to blame

    The Thai economy is shrinking. A lot. So much that it’s close to hitting as low as it did in the 1998 financial crisis. Some say the coronavirus pandemic is to blame. For the second quarter, the Thai economy shrank by 12.2%, the National Economic Social Development Council says. That’s just a few decimal points away from a low in…

  • Phuket NewsLong road to recovery for Phuket property sector

    Long road to recovery for Phuket property sector

    The Vice-President of the Phuket Real Estate Association says there will be no quick bounce-back for the island’s property market, saying it will take at least 2 years for things to recover from the devastating effects of Covid-19. Speaking to Bangkok Post, Boon Yongsakul, owner of Boat Lagoon, says the fall-out has been particularly severe in Phuket because the province…

  • Covid-19 NewsWHO expert calls comments on asymptomatic virus transmission a “misunderstanding”

    WHO expert calls comments on asymptomatic virus transmission a “misunderstanding”

    After stirring some controversy with comments about asymptomatic transmission of the virus being “very rare”, a World Health Organisation Covid-19 expert has rushed to explain herself. In a Q&A session on social media, Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, says there is no definitive answer yet as to whether or not such transmission is rare but indicated that real world data showed…

  • Covid-19 NewsThailand to produce thermal face scanner for use in public spaces

    Thailand to produce thermal face scanner for use in public spaces

    For anyone who’s noticed their body temperature varying from store to store (The Thaiger has registered a temperature that would indicate hypothermia on more than one occasion), there may be a solution in the not-too-distant future. Two of Thailand’s top technology agencies are working together to develop a thermal facial scanner which it’s hoped will be able to provide the…

  • Covid-19 NewsLumpini boxing stadium officials side-lined over Covid-19 cluster

    Lumpini boxing stadium officials side-lined over Covid-19 cluster

    A report in Nation Thailand says that Thailand’s army chief Apirat Kongsompong has ordered the transfer of all committee members at the Lumpini Boxing Stadium in Bangkok. The dressing down and side-lining of the officials comes after the committee went ahead with a boxing match at the stadium on March 6, two days after the government ordered such venues to…

  • Covid-19 NewsShow of support for Japanese man stranded in Pattaya

    Show of support for Japanese man stranded in Pattaya

    Several local organisations have rallied to help a homeless Japanese man living on Pattaya beach after being left destitute by the Covid-19 crisis. It’s understood that Pattaya Tourist Police found the visibly upset man on the beach with his luggage. After a representative from the Pattaya Japanese Association was called to translate, police learned that the man had been stranded…

  • Covid-19 NewsGovernment says Cambodian workers should remain in Thailand during Covid-19

    Government says Cambodian workers should remain in Thailand during Covid-19

    The director general of Thailand’s Employment Department, Suchart Phonchaiwisetkun, says Cambodian labourers should remain in Thailand while the fight against the Covid-19 goes on in the region. He was speaking following a meeting with the the Cambodian Ambassador, Ouk Sorphorn, where they discussed how Thailand would deal with its migrant workforce during the pandemic. According to a report in Nation…

  • Pattaya NewsPattaya’s beaches have re-opened but no beach chairs yet

    Pattaya’s beaches have re-opened but no beach chairs yet

    After two months of being closed off as part of the Covid-19 lock-down measures, Pattaya’s beaches are once again open for everyone to enjoy. The beaches, in the normally swarmed tourist hotspot, reopened yesterday, with local officials hailing the day as a “success”, albeit a quiet one initially. The Pattaya News reports that some confusion was caused by signs that…

  • Covid-19 NewsPolice identify individuals seeking bribes from Pattaya hotels, no charges filed

    Police identify individuals seeking bribes from Pattaya hotels, no charges filed

    Pattaya police say they’ve identified a number of individuals seeking kickbacks from hotels in exchange for being listed as a Covid-19 quarantine facility. However, as none of the hotels involved have filed a complaint, the individuals in question have not been charged. Yet. With hotels across the city shut down as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, some people have…

  • Covid-19 NewsGovernment warns Thai residents over fake contact-tracing sites

    Government warns Thai residents over fake contact-tracing sites

    The Thai government has issued a warning after a number of complaints from people being sent incorrect links and annoying pop-ups when attempting to “check in” at various businesses. The country’s Covid-19 task force says the government’s official “Thai Chana” contact-tracing website does not do this and warned citizens to make sure they only follow legitimate links. Dr. Taweesin Visanuyothin,…

  • Politics NewsThai police deny using emergency decree as political tool

    Thai police deny using emergency decree as political tool

    Following the arrest of two activists in Bangkok on Friday, police deny using the emergency decree to suppress political dissent. Both activists were arrested at the Bangkok Arts and Culture Centre, where a small group was commemorating the 6th anniversary of the May 2014 military coup that swept PM Prayut Chan-o-cha to power, tossing out the elected government of Yingluck…

  • Covid-19 NewsCurfew violators made to volunteer at temples

    Curfew violators made to volunteer at temples

    As Thailand’s already crowded prisons struggle to cope with an influx of a new type of criminal, the “curfew violator”, the Department of Probation has come up with a novel solution – send them to the temples. Thailand has had a national curfew in place since the establishment of the country’s emergency decree on March 26. Initially it was from…

  • Politics NewsOpposition criticises Thai government over economic toll of Covid response

    Opposition criticises Thai government over economic toll of Covid response

    Opposition party Pheu Thai has condemned the government’s management of the Covid-19 crisis, saying total shutdown has had a devastating effect on the country’s economy. In a report in Nation Thailand, Paopoom Rojanasakul, vice secretary-general of the party says the hard-hitting restrictions imposed across the country have led to high unemployment, with the International Monetary Fund saying Thailand’s economy is…

  • Covid-19 NewsGovernment prepares for safe reopening of schools on July 1

    Government prepares for safe reopening of schools on July 1

    Officials from Thailand’s Ministry of Public Health are working closely with the Education Ministry to facilitate the safe reopening of schools on July 1. There has been recent debate if the schools system would be ready by that date. The rollout of online learning has only been since Monday this week, with early bugs being ironed out and teachers, and…

  • Covid-19 NewsSurvey finds Bangkok’s public transport lacking when it comes to safety measures

    Survey finds Bangkok’s public transport lacking when it comes to safety measures

    A survey carried out by the Thai Health Promotion Foundation shows that some users of public transport in the capital are not confident new health guidelines are being adhered to. The biggest concern appears to be a lack of social distancing, blamed on a shortage of vehicles during peak times. A report in Nation Thailand says those considered “high risk”…

  • Covid-19 NewsThailand’s contact tracing app currently unable to alert users

    Thailand’s contact tracing app currently unable to alert users

    The Thai government says its contact-tracing app is vital to reducing a new flare up of the Covid-19 virus, while admitting the app is currently unable to issue alerts. Covid-19 Task Force spokesman Dr. Taweeslip Wisanuyothin adds that as the technology has only been in use since Sunday, any new cases reported since then are likely to have contracted the…

  • Covid-19 NewsThai government urges the public to comply with contact-tracing system

    Thai government urges the public to comply with contact-tracing system

    The spokesman for Thailand’s Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration, Taweeslip Wisanuyothin, says it’s vital the public complies with the government’s tracking and tracing system if the virus is to be suppressed. The country is currently recording daily new cases in single digits, most of them returnees and already in state quarantine. One of the 3 new cases today was a 25 year…

  • World NewsDeath sentence handed down via video call in Singapore

    Death sentence handed down via video call in Singapore

    A prisoner in Singapore has been sentenced to death via a Zoom video call, the first time the city state has delivered capital punishment remotely. Thai PBS World reports that 37 year old Malaysian citizen Punithan Genasan was handed the death penalty as punishment for a 2011 heroin smuggling operation. Like Thailand, Singapore operates a zero-tolerance policy for drug trafficking…

  • Covid-19 NewsBars, nightlife venues may reopen early to mid-June if virus remains in check

    Bars, nightlife venues may reopen early to mid-June if virus remains in check

    Thailand’s Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration is mulling the possibility of bars and other entertainment venues being allowed to reopen on or before the current proposed date of June 15. This is when the country is scheduled to enter Phase Four of the easing of Covid-19 restrictions. According to a report in The Pattaya News, the CCSA says any decision…

  • Covid-19 NewsThai massage shops may reopen soon, from the waist down only

    Thai massage shops may reopen soon, from the waist down only

    The Thai Government is debating whether to allow massage shops to reopen soon, provided treatment is limited to the lower body. Coconuts reports that the director of the Health Service Support department, Thares Karassanairawiwong, says upper body massage, including the back, shoulders and neck, will not be permitted for now as it may involve a higher risk of Covid-19 infection.…

  • Covid-19 NewsThai virus expert says careful consideration needed before reopening schools

    Thai virus expert says careful consideration needed before reopening schools

    Thailand’s chief virologist Dr. Yong Poovorawan, from the Faculty of Medicine at Bangkok’s Chulalongkorn University, says reopening the country’s schools should not be a political decision. Instead, he says it should be based on science, with consideration given to the risks involved, and adequate safety measures put in place. Thai PBS World reports that Dr Yong says that while most…

  • Thailand NewsCompetition Commission warns food delivery companies over unfair practices

    Competition Commission warns food delivery companies over unfair practices

    The Office of Trade Competition Commission says it’s keeping an eye on the practices of food delivery companies to ensure restaurants that are currently unable to serve food on their premises are not being ripped off. Nation Thailand reports that the OTCC says operators who hike up their commission will face hefty fines of up to 10% of their annual revenue.…

  • Tourism NewsHotels across Thailand angered by European tour group’s failure to pay up

    Hotels across Thailand angered by European tour group’s failure to pay up

    Around 173 Thai hotels are appealing to the PM for help after a European tour group reneged on up to 2 billion baht in unpaid bills. Daily News reports that the TUI tour group has left hotels in Phuket, Phang Nga, Krabi and Surat Thani struggling with significant cash flow problems after trying to renegotiate its contract so that it would…

  • Covid-19 NewsEffectiveness of government contact tracing app called into question

    Effectiveness of government contact tracing app called into question

    As shopping centres around Thailand re-open for business, questions are being asked about the effectiveness of the contact-tracing procedures rolled out by the government. Most shoppers are now required to register their presence by providing their phone number each time they enter or leave a mall or store. Sometimes manually by a shop assistant physically writing down your phone number…

  • Covid-19 NewsNew Zealand social distancing rules see PM turned away from café

    New Zealand social distancing rules see PM turned away from café

    New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern has been turned away from a café due to restrictions she put in place as part of the country’s response to the Covid-19 virus. When the café, in the capital city of Wellington, reached the maximum number of customers permitted under social distancing rules, it was forced to turn away the PM, who had arrived with…

  • Covid-19 News250 Thai citizens repatriating from UK and Ireland today

    250 Thai citizens repatriating from UK and Ireland today

    The Royal Thai Embassy in London has confirmed that 250 Thai nationals are to be repatriated from the UK and Ireland today. The UK has recorded Europe’s highest number of deaths from the Covid-19 virus, currently standing at 34,636. Nation Thailand reports that once the returning citizens arrive in Bangkok, they will be required to enter a 14 day mandatory quarantine…

  • Covid-19 NewsGovernment confirms 14.5 million Thais qualify for 5,000 baht state aid

    Government confirms 14.5 million Thais qualify for 5,000 baht state aid

    The director of the Fiscal Policy Office and spokesman for the Finance Ministry says 14.5 million Thai citizens now qualify for the government’s 5,000 baht subsidy, having passed the relevant screening criteria. Thai PBS World reports that Lawan Saengsanit says this number includes 4.4 million people who succeeded at a preliminary round of screening and have already received their first…

  • World NewsSingapore nurse leads Covid-19 patients in dance routine – VIDEO

    Singapore nurse leads Covid-19 patients in dance routine – VIDEO

    A video posted online shows a Singaporean nurse at a Covid-19 isolation facility leading a group of patients in a morning dance routine. The patients are all migrant labourers now recovering after being treated for the virus. Singapore experienced an unexpected second wave of infections when over 20,000 migrant workers, all living in close proximity, caught the virus, with hundreds of…

  • Covid-19 NewsNew app latest weapon in Thailand’s fight against Covid-19

    New app latest weapon in Thailand’s fight against Covid-19

    In line with developments around the world, Thailand’s Covid-19 task force has developed a contact-tracing app as the fight to eradicate the virus continues. Coconuts reports that the Ministry of Digital Economy and Society says the app, known as Thai Chana (Thailand Wins) will be used to track people’s movements in order to easily contact anyone who may have visited…