Vietnamese jetsetters flock to Thailand and Taiwan as domestic airfares soar

Photo courtesy of VN Express

In a year-end revelation, Google’s search engine trends have unveiled a surprising travel trajectory for the Vietnamese populace, with overseas destinations topping the charts amid escalating domestic airfares.

The search giant’s findings disclosed a fervent interest in international getaways, presenting a shift in travel preferences for 2023.

Taiwan, with its captivating allure, emerged as the undisputed leader, dominating the list of Vietnamese travel preferences. Hot on its heels were perennial favourites Thailand and the enchanting expanse of Europe.

According to the Vietnam National Administration of Tourism, a staggering 332,000 Vietnamese visitors descended upon Taiwan from January to October. This influx positioned the island nation on a trajectory to rival the pre-pandemic peak of 405,400 visitors recorded in 2019.

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Thailand, too, emerged as a magnet for Vietnamese wanderlust, welcoming a colossal 900,000 visitors in the first ten months of the year. This figure nearly doubled the number of Thai visitors who ventured into Vietnam during the same period, as per official statistics.

Intriguingly, Bali and Singapore clinched the sixth and seventh spots, further underlining the shift towards international exploration.

Local destinations

The top 10 list took an unexpected twist with five Vietnamese destinations making the cut. Ha Giang, a northern mountainous highlands province, claimed an impressive fourth position. Its treacherous roads and perilous passes, challenging for even seasoned travellers, attract thrill-seeking tourists who opt for a daring 350-kilometre motorbike ride along the Ha Giang loop.

The bustling Mekong Delta city of Can Tho, renowned for its vibrant floating markets, secured the fifth spot, adding a touch of waterborne charm to the trending destinations, reported VN Express.

Despite grappling with a tourism crisis, the southern island of Phu Quoc valiantly clinched the eighth spot. The island faced a setback due to suspended domestic routes, a consequence of dwindling travel demand.

Phung Islet, nestled on the Tien River and a mere 12 kilometres from Ben Tre Province’s downtown area, took ninth place. Known for its abundant array of fruits, especially coconuts, and tantalising southeastern Vietnamese dishes, Phung Islet offered a unique culinary and natural escape.

Completing the top 10 was Buon Ma Thuot, the Central Highlands region’s largest city and Vietnam’s coffee capital. This unexpected inclusion underlines the diverse tastes of Vietnamese travellers, showcasing a penchant for both exotic foreign locales and the rich tapestry of their nation.

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Puntid Tantivangphaisal

Originally from Hong Kong, Puntid moved to Bangkok in 2020 to pursue further studies in translation. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Comparative Literature from the University of Hong Kong. Puntid spent 8 years living in Manchester, UK. Before joining The Thaiger, Puntid has been a freelance translator for 2 years. In her free time, she enjoys swimming and listening to music, as well as writing short fiction and poetry.

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