Phuket plans to set up 10 more isolation centres as Covid concerns linger

The escalating Covid situation in Phuket has prompted officials to establish 10 more isolation centres. Phuket’s governor, Narong Woonsiew said yesterday that the rise in infections mirrors the Covid situation in Bangkok 2 months ago.
Phuket has been averaging 200+ Covid cases a day for the past 13 days (between 206 and 258 new daily infections), which “represents a serious concern to residents that hospitals will be overwhelmed”, according to the Governor.
Earlier this week The Thaiger wrote how 81% of the hospital beds on Phuket are now currently occupied with Covid-related cases The governor says that there are around 300 infected people who are waiting to be admitted to a hospital, with that number is only expected to go up.
Governor Narong says he has given orders to local officials and community leaders to establish community isolation centres in every sub-district… a total of 10. The centres will serve to house asymptomatic cases and keep them segregated from their families and communities to curb the spread of the coronavirus.
8 hotels in Thalang and Muang will be converted into isolation centres and 2 more will be set up in Kathu. Health officials also plan to speed up the administration booster shots to residents and migrant workers.
The move to set up new isolation centres also mirrors Bangkok’s move 2 months prior when the capital set up 53 community isolation centres. Recently, there was a Phuket Provincial Hall meeting chaired by 3 advisors to Deputy Prime Minister Supattanapong Punmeechaow to discuss crucial issues currently affecting the island.
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