310 out of 50,000 repatriates tested positive for Covid-19: minister

PHOTO: Bloomberg

Thailand’s foreign affairs minister has reported to the Senate that full assistance is being provided to Thai nationals stranded overseas due to the Covid-19 world pandemic. This is despite the recent controversy surrounding an Egyptian airman visiting Thailand who tested positive after visiting shopping spots in the eastern Rayong province.

The minister responded to questions from Senators, pointing out that more than 50,000 Thais have been repatriated since the start of the crisis which has shut down most global travel, and that over 8,200 have registered for aid and are awaiting return trips this month. Of the Thais coming home already, 310 (0.6%) tested positive for the virus. He confirmed strict screening is being performed on everyone entering the kingdom, and stressed that Thai embassies and consulates abroad are checking Thais set to come back, saying most have “shown initiative in self care”.

The Royal Thai Embassy in Cairo dispatched its 6th repatriation flight yesterday after ensuring all passengers were fit to fly.

Regarding further relaxation of social restrictions, the minister assured the community that authorities are working to contain Covid-19 but said further evaluation of “travel bubbles” and other possible mechanisms is still needed.

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SOURCE: The Pattaya News

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