Chon Buri “closes” 2 factories and construction camp, work will continue

PHOTO:Kihong KimFollow/Flickr

Yesterday, the Chon Buri Governor announced that 2 more factories and a construction worker camp will be closed after Covid cases surfaced at the locations.

As part of Thailand’s “sealed bubble” strategy, the locations are closed down but the staff still gets to live and work while they also quarantine at the same time. Leaving or entering the locations is forbidden without being first granted permission from Chon Buri Public Health Officials.

Per the governor’s 56/2564 order, the following locations are closed:

1. Charoonrat Company Products Co., Ltd.

2. Hen Fong Company Home Living Technology (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

3. PDK Company Engineering and Construction Company Limited

The aforementioned locations have already been closed and will stay so until at least August 10.

SOURCE: The Pattaya News

Covid-19 News

Jack Connor

Jack is from the USA, has a B.A. in English, and writes on a variety of topics. He lives in Thailand.

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