Thailand Video News | Police catch British pedophile after 25 years in Thailand, Health ministry warns against consuming geckos for sexual prowess

In this video, Alex unfolds the latest news across Thailand. From the arrest warrant for Deputy Police Chief “Big Joke” on money laundering charges to the capture of a long-time fugitive pedophile in the UK. Meanwhile, Bangkok’s Motor Show boosts electric vehicle sales, a Pattaya BBQ restaurant owner faces backlash for employee mistreatment, and preparations for the Songkran Festival include toll exemptions to enhance travel. Additionally, the Thai Health Ministry warns against consuming geckos for sexual enhancement.

Arrest Warrant Issued for Thai Deputy Police Chief “Big Joke” Over Money Laundering Charges

In a significant legal development at the Criminal Court on Ratchadaphisek Road, Thailand, an arrest warrant has been issued for Deputy National Police Chief Surachate “Big Joke” Hakparn. This action follows three summonses related to charges of money laundering and conspiracy to commit a crime, linked to an investigation into the BNKMaster gambling website. Despite previous summonses, Hakparn remained unapprehended, leading to the latest court action. Financial investigations connected Hakparn to a case involving three police officers and a civilian. Amidst these proceedings, Hakparn has sought to clarify his position, arguing for a fair investigation and justice, amidst a backdrop of legal challenges and public scrutiny that highlights the complexities of high-profile criminal cases and their impact on law enforcement and judicial integrity in Thailand.


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UK’s Longtime Fugitive Pedophile Arrested at London Airport After Nearly Three Decades

After nearly three decades on the run, the UK police have apprehended one of the nation’s “most wanted” fugitives, Richard Burrows, at Heathrow Airport, ending a prolonged pursuit for the British pedophile accused of historic sex crimes. The 80-year-old, implicated in a series of child sex attacks dating from 1969 to 1971, had been eluding capture since failing to appear for his 1997 trial. His charges include two serious sexual assaults and 11 counts of indecent assault, some of which allegedly occurred at a children’s home in Cheshire and others in Worcestershire. Burrows, who previously worked as a Scoutmaster, fled to Thailand, where he remained hidden until his recent arrest. Now remanded in police custody, his capture marks a critical milestone in the case, offering potential closure to the victims. The arrest underscores the relentless efforts of UK law enforcement, in collaboration with the National Crime Agency and international partners, to bring fugitives to justice, no matter the length of time they have evaded capture.


Bangkok Motor Show Ignites Electric Vehicle Sales Boom Amid New Launches and Government Incentives

The Bangkok International Motor Show is driving a significant surge in electric vehicle (EV) demand, buoyed by the introduction of new models and enticing sales promotions. According to Surapong Paisitpatanapong, vice-chairman of the Federation of Thai Industries (FTI) and spokesperson for the FTI’s Automotive Industry Club, automakers are attracting buyers with competitive prices and low interest rates, particularly for instalment purchases. Halfway through the 12-day event, vehicle bookings have already topped 19,000 units, highlighting a robust interest in both conventional and electric vehicles. The show, which is also fostering competition among EV manufacturers with their innovative designs and technologies, is being amplified by the Thai government’s EV3.5 scheme, designed to spur EV industry growth through subsidies, tax reductions, and local production mandates. With a vision to have EVs constitute 30% of Thailand’s total car production by 2030, the early months of this year have seen a remarkable 111% increase in BEV passenger car sales, despite a temporary dip in February attributed to tighter car loan criteria. This event underscores the growing enthusiasm for electric mobility in Thailand, backed by supportive policies and market readiness for cleaner transportation solutions.

Pattaya BBQ Restaurant Owner Faces Backlash for Beating Late Employees

A BBQ restaurant owner in Pattaya, Yuwadee Boonsarn, has sparked controversy and public outcry after a video surfaced online showing her beating an employee with a wooden stick as punishment for tardiness. The incident, which took place in front of customers and staff, led to widespread criticism on Thai social media, with many calling the punishment inhumane and a violation of human rights. Despite Yuwadee’s explanation that the beatings were agreed upon by employees as an alternative to salary deductions or suspension—citing previous financial hardships caused by such penalties—the practice drew ire from netizens and legal scrutiny. Employees, including the beaten Pacharapon Sidapromp, defended Yuwadee, describing her as a kind employer and asserting their consent to the agreed punishment. However, the backlash led Yuwadee to cancel this form of discipline, reverting to salary deductions, a practice still at odds with Thai labor laws. The incident has highlighted complex issues surrounding workplace discipline, consent, and the legal framework governing employee rights and employer responsibilities in Thailand.


Thailand Announces Toll Exemptions for Songkran Festival to Ease Travel and Boost Celebrations

In a significant move to enhance travel experiences during the Songkran festival, the Thai government has announced toll exemptions on Motorway No. 7 and Motorway No. 9 for the duration of the seven-day traditional New Year celebration. Aimed at reducing traffic congestion and facilitating smoother journeys for citizens traveling home, the toll waiver will be effective from the early hours of April 11 until the end of April 17. This initiative, unveiled by government spokesperson Karom Polpornklang, reflects the government’s commitment to ensure hassle-free transportation during one of Thailand’s most cherished holidays. By removing toll charges on key motorways connecting Bangkok to various regions, the government anticipates easing financial burdens and promoting safer, more accessible travel during a period marked by family reunions, cultural festivities, and nationwide water festivities. This decision not only underscores the importance of the Songkran festival in Thai culture but also highlights the government’s proactive approach to managing the anticipated travel surge and enhancing the holiday experience for millions.


Thai Health Ministry Cautions Against Consuming Geckos for Sexual Enhancement

The Department of Health in Thailand has issued a stern warning against the consumption of live geckos, debunking claims that such practices enhance sexual performance. This alert comes in response to an alarming trend among middle-aged Thai men, highlighted by a 59-year-old’s social media stunt of eating a live gecko for supposed sexual benefits. Health officials, including Atthapol Kaewsamrit, Deputy Director-General of the Department of Health, have emphasized the absence of scientific evidence supporting these claims, highlighting the significant health risks involved. These include potential infections from protozoa, gastrointestinal issues, and salmonella, stemming from geckos’ diets and habitats. Instead, the Department advises a balanced diet rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals, alongside regular exercise and adequate rest, as proven methods for maintaining sexual health and overall well-being. This guidance seeks to steer public behavior away from hazardous practices and towards safe, nutritional alternatives

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