Thailand Video News | Songkran festival ends with 243 road deaths, Female police save woman from drunk foreigner during Songkran

In their video, Alex and Jay cover the conclusion of Thailand’s Songkran Festival, which was marked by troubling incidents. Nationwide traffic accidents resulted in 243 deaths, overshadowing the celebrations. Reports of violence in Phitsanulok added to the somber atmosphere. In Bangkok, two foreigners faced legal action for public indecency, while a petrol station water splash dispute sparked social media controversy. Meanwhile, a Chinese duo fled after stealing jewelry worth over 28,000 USD, and female police officers intervened to prevent an attempted abduction by a drunken foreigner, underscoring the challenges of the festivities.

Songkran Festival Ends with 243 Deaths Amidst Nationwide Traffic Accidents

The six-day Songkran festival in Thailand concluded with a tragic toll of 243 fatalities and 1,837 injuries due to traffic accidents, as reported by Education Minister Permpoon Chidchob. From April 11 to 16, coinciding with the festival, 1,811 accidents were recorded. Motorcycles were involved in 84.9% of these incidents. Chiang Rai experienced the highest number of accidents and fatalities, with 71 and 15 respectively. Despite the high number of incidents, nine provinces reported no fatalities. On the campaign’s last day alone, 242 incidents resulted in 32 deaths. Speeding, drink-driving, and reckless lane-switching were the leading causes of accidents. Additionally, 5,786 traffic violations were noted, mostly due to drink-driving, with the highest cases in Bangkok. Meanwhile, Phuket’s safety campaign reported no fatalities, although 39 people were hospitalised due to injuries during the period.


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Songkran Celebration Marred by Violent Gang Assault in Phitsanulok

The festive mood of Songkran in Phitsanulok took a dark turn as a violent incident involving a gang of youths resulted in serious injuries on April 13. The chaos began when a group of young men assaulted a woman atop a vehicle, escalating after they were confronted. Returning with over 15 accomplices, the group used knives in their assault. The police, led by Police Colonel Thatchapong Wongpatananiwas, are pursuing multiple suspects, including 22-year-old Lue Sak, known as “Way,” with others still at large. The attack occurred in front of a shop during the Songkran celebrations, leaving three men severely injured, including Ukkrit, who sustained deep cuts and skull fractures. The incident, which was captured and went viral on social media, has spurred police efforts to secure the area and ensure public safety amidst continued festivities.


Two Foreigners Face Legal Action for Public Indecency During Bangkok Songkran Festival

During the Songkran festival in Bangkok’s Ratchada neighborhood, two South Korean men were caught engaging in oral sex under a yellow tent, an act that was caught on video and circulated on social media. The incident, which took place at Ratchada Soi 4 near an entertainment venue’s entrance, occurred under a tent belonging to the Huay Kwang Police Station, although no officers were present at the time. Despite the visibility and lighting of the location, the men proceeded with their actions, leading to intervention by a security guard. Superintendent Prasopchok Iampinit of Huay Kwang Police Station confirmed the incident but noted that further investigation had not been initiated due to lack of a formal complaint from the venue. However, the police plan to summon the men to face charges under Section 278 of the Criminal Law, which could result in up to 10 years in prison and significant fines for public indecency.


Water Splash Dispute at Thai Petrol Station Escalates Into Social Media Controversy

A seemingly trivial incident involving a water splash turned contentious at a petrol station in Rayong, Thailand, during the Songkran festival. The conflict, captured in a viral social media video, began when Sorn, a Thai man, inadvertently splashed water into the coffee of a foreign passerby. The situation escalated as the foreign man and his Thai wife, a dentist in Rayong, argued with Sorn and others nearby. Despite Sorn’s apologies and offering a replacement coffee—which was subsequently thrown away by the foreigner’s wife—the couple remained aggrieved, citing their tax contributions and threatening legal action. Netizens are divided over the incident; some argue it’s typical Songkran fun, while others side with the couple, suggesting that not everyone wishes to participate in water fights. Sorn could potentially face legal consequences if deemed responsible for any harm or damage from his actions.

Chinese Duo Flees Thailand After Stealing Jewelry Worth Over 28,000 USD

Two Chinese nationals are at large after stealing a diamond and gold bracelet valued at approximately 1.04 million baht (28,245 USD) from a Bangkok jewelry store, with authorities confirming their departure from Thailand. The theft occurred on April 16, as detailed by Metropolitan Police Bureau deputy commander Pol. Maj. Gen. Noppasin Poolsawat. Surveillance footage revealed the female suspect concealing the bracelet under her blouse before fleeing the store. The suspects then made a swift escape to Suvarnabhumi Airport, passing through immigration by 7:11 p.m., completing their getaway in just about two and a half hours. The police have ceased tracking the suspects after their departure but are expediting evidence gathering to secure arrest warrants on charges of stealing conspiracy. Pol. Maj. Gen. Noppasin assured that the suspects would be arrested and prosecuted if they return to Thailand.


Female Police Officers Thwart Attempted Abduction by Drunken Foreigner During Songkran Festival

During the bustling Songkran festival on Khao San Road, a group of female police officers heroically saved a Thai woman from a drunken foreign man who was attempting to drag her away. The incident occurred around 11:50 pm, just days before the end of the festivities. Officers Suphannan Shinphatthachitchai, Nitiya Chanamin, Narinthon Saengchai, and Apirinya Jaksaran, who were part of the 1st Crowd Control Division, swiftly responded to a distress call about the altercation. They found the foreigner in a highly inebriated state attempting to forcibly take the woman with him. Acting decisively, the officers managed to separate them and ensured the woman’s safety. The situation was resolved without further legal action as the victim chose not to press charges

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