
  • Thailand video news

    Thailand News Update | Thailand Neutral Over Russian Invasion

    The Thai PM Prayut Chan-o-cha has announced that Thailand will maintain its neutrality in the Russia-Ukraine conflict. The government source announced that at a meeting of cabinet ministers discussed the issue extensively yesterday following some 25 ambassadors based in Thailand pressuring the government to speak out against Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Addressing the meeting, the PM said that the long-standing…

  • Thailand News

    Ukraine Embassy in Thailand asks for donations to support its citizens, save lives

    The Embassy of Ukraine in Thailand is seeking donations to support Ukraine and to save lives following Russia’s invasion. The embassy made a post on its Facebook page saying two special accounts in Thai baht have been opened to support the efforts. Donations can be made to Bangkok Bank account 911-0-20757-9. The embassy says “each donation matters.” Both Ukrainian and…

  • World News

    LATEST: Massive Russian convoy nears Kyiv, Kharkiv bombed, as peace talks falter

    On the fifth day of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, satellite images show a mammoth convoy of Russian armoured vehicles with militia about 64 kilometres long is slowly slithering down from the north toward the capital of Kyiv. The serpentine convoy is now less than 30 kilometres away. Air raid sirens have been sounded again, with Russian strikes on the…

  • World News

    Indonesia evacuates citizens from Ukraine to safety in Poland, Romania

    Indonesia has evacuated 31 Indonesian nationals residing in Ukraine into neighbouring Poland and Romania, where they are awaiting repatriation flights, as Russia’s attack on Ukraine enters its fifth day. A group of 25 Indonesians were evacuated from Odessa in southern Ukraine and arrived in Romania on Sunday, The Jakarta Post reported. Another group of 6 Indonesians and 1 foreign spouse…

  • Thailand video news

    Thailand News Update | Jimi Sandu murder suspect arrested in Canada

    Police plan to use lie detectors when they question people who were on the speedboat with TV actress Nida “Tangmo” Patcharaveerapong when she fell into the Chao Phraya River and drowned last week. The national police chief announced that a lie detector was a tool to facilitate the investigation. He said…. Every answer from Nida’s friends must be backed by…

  • World News

    Government to discuss measures to mitigate economic fallout from Russian invasion of Ukraine

    The Thai Cabinet meets later today to discuss a number of measures aimed at mitigating the fallout from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, according to a Bangkok Post report. Government spokesman Thanakorn Wangboonkongchana says PM Prayut Chan-o-cha will meet with officials to discuss the impact on the economy, in particular on global energy prices and instabilities in the equity and cryptocurrency…

  • World News

    China straddles diplomatic tightrope on Russia’s invasion, Ukraine’s sovereignty

    China has refused to condemn Russia’s attack on Ukraine, insisting it is not an invasion, and is standing by its biggest alley — without condoning its actions of unprovoked aggression on a sovereign nation. But its diplomatic ambiguity is forcing it to straddle an awkward line between Russia and the West. Like it or not, China’s Xi Jingping has become…

  • Thailand video news

    Thailand News Update | Thais evacuate Ukraine & Storm in Thailand damages 200 homes

    Forty-seven Thais arrived at the help centre in the Ukrainian city of Lviv with more on their way yesterday… this from the Thai embassy in Warsaw, in neighbouring Poland. The embassy, which is making arrangements to evacuate Thais from Ukraine currently under attack from Russian military forces, said 47 Thai citizens reached Lviv, the largest city in western Ukraine yesterday.…

  • World News

    Ukraine and Russia to meet for talks at Belarus border

    The office of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky says officials will meet for talks with a Russian delegation at the Belarus border. AFP reports that the move comes after a phone call between Zelensky and Belarusian leader, Alexander Lukashenko. “The politicians agreed that the Ukrainian delegation would meet the Russian one without preconditions at the Ukraine-Belarus border, near the Pripyat River.”…

  • World News

    ASEAN’s pathetic response to the people of Ukraine – OPINION

    OPINION Issuing its first cautious statement over the invasion of Ukraine, ASEAN calls on… “all parties concerned to exercise maximum restraint, to pursue dialogue through all channels, including diplomatic means to contain the situation, to prevent it from further escalation and to see peaceful resolution in accordance with international law and the UN Charter.” No condemnation, no demands for an…

  • World News

    LATEST: Russian troops heading to Kyiv, US congress asked to approve US$6.4 billion in funding

    Tracking the latest with the ongoing invasion of Ukraine by Russia… Russian forces are continuing to advance towards Ukraine’s capital, Kyiv, in what’s seen as a direct attack on the capital and seat of Ukrainian government. President Zelenskyy claimed in a recorded broadcast that Russian troops “would attempt to take” the capital city Kyiv during the night. “This night will…

  • World News

    Thailand to evacuate citizens from Ukraine, supports diplomatic peace talks

    Thailand’s permanent representative to the United Nations has voiced support for a diplomatic solution regarding the Russian-Ukraine conflict. Speaking during the 76th Session of the UN General Assembly, Suriya Chindawongse says Thailand has been following developments in Ukraine closely, especially the escalation of tension that is threating international peace and security. Chindawongse says his delegation agrees with the Secretary-General’s method…

  • Thailand video news

    Asia News Today | Asia’s stocks fluctuate, gold and Bitcoin rally

    In the Asia Pacific region, only Japan, South Korea and Australia have so far officially condemned the actions of Russia after its invasion of Ukraine yesterday. They’ve said they will join with the US in imposing international sanctions but have so far declined to add unilateral sanctions. Indonesia has taken a slightly different tack and is calling for negotiation and…

  • World News

    UK hits Russia hard with economic sanctions for Ukraine invasion; targets banks, oligarchs, airlines

    In an address to members of parliament, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced what he is calling “the largest and most severe package of economic sanctions that Russia has ever seen”. The new sanctions target Russian oligarchs and banks, which will now be excluded from UK’s financial system. Additionally, the Russian national airline Aeroflot will be banned from landing flights…

  • World News

    Asian stocks rise with new Russian sanctions, market volatility increases worldwide

    Asia markets ticked higher at opening on Friday, encouraged by a rebound of the US stock market, after Russia was struck with a flurry of international sanctions. US President Joe Biden has announced a new round of sanctions against Russia, crippling its ability to conduct business in major currencies. Many indexes were in the green on Friday morning, including Tokyo’s…

  • Thailand video news

    Thailand News Update | No impact to Thai aviation despite Ukraine-Russia tensions

    Recognising the current situation in Ukraine and the early phases of Russian aggression in the former Soviet state. Whilst there is no direct impact on Thailand as of right now we don’t have anything specific to report.Although the US and UK governments have already banned flights from the Russian national airline Aeroflot, planes are still arriving from Moscow to Thailand…

  • World News

    TAT says Russia-Ukraine conflict won’t affect Thailand-UK flight route

    The Tourism Authority of Thailand said today the current tensions between Russia and the Ukraine won’t affect the Thailand-UK flight route since the route doesn’t go through either Russia or the Ukraine. TAT’s governor said its London office will monitor the situation closely and contact airlines and travel agencies if needed. He said TAT will announce immediately if Russia-Ukraine tensions…

  • World News

    Thai Embassy in Poland preparing to evacuate Thai citizens from Ukraine

    The Thai Embassy in Poland says it’s making preparations to evacuate Thai nationals from Ukraine as a result of the escalating tensions with Russia. A spokesman for the embassy in Warsaw says officials have created a special Line group with which to communicate with 250 Thai citizens living in Ukraine. The embassy is preparing to evacuate them to safe houses…

  • World News

    Is Russia invading Ukraine? Biden says so

    US President Joe Biden has called out Russia’s Vladimir Putin for claiming two sections of land in eastern Ukraine under the guise of new “sovereign” states and for sending so called peacekeeping troops to the region. In a televised statement on Monday, Putin confirmed his recognition of Donetsk and Luhansk — 2 breakaway areas in the Donbas region of eastern…

  • World News

    US hits Russia with “first tranche” of sanctions after Putin sends troops to Ukraine

    The US has confirmed what it says are the “first tranche” of sanctions against Russia, following Moscow’s deployment of troops in eastern Ukraine. According to an AFP report, President Joe Biden announced the sanctions against 2 banks, as well as Russian oligarchs, describing the troop deployment as an invasion. Biden says the sanctions are in response to Russian President Vladimir…

  • World News

    Putin sends ‘peacekeeping’ troops to Ukraine after recognising breakaway provinces

    Russian President Vladimir Putin has sent troops to eastern Ukraine, after recognising two breakaway regions as independent entities on Monday. The move against Ukraine’s sovereignty puts the region one step closer to the brink of conflict, which the West has urgently tried to avoid in recent weeks through diplomatic talks and threats of sanctions. After Putin ordered the defense ministry…

  • World News

    US guarded on whether it considers Russia’s “peacekeeping” mission in Donbass an invasion

    Following Russia’s deployment of troops to separatist areas of Ukraine, in what President Vladimir Putin describes as a “peacekeeping” mission, the US is adopting a wait-and-see approach. According to an AFP report, US officials have declined to describe Putin’s latest move as an invasion, insisting that talks are still a possibility. US President Joe Biden has already imposed sanctions on…

  • Thailand video news

    Thailand News Update | CCSA say ‘no changes’ for now

    The CCSA spokesperson has pre-empted tomorrow’s official meeting saying that they will not impose any additional measures amid rising Thailand’s COVID-19 infections. But he says officials will strictly enforce the existing restrictions in the light of surging infections, mostly by the Omicron variant. She says that officials are taking into consideration all aspects of the Covid situation, including the number…

  • World News

    Ukraine-Russia crisis, western leaders “convinced” Russia will invade

    The British PM Boris Johnson claims he has evidence that Russia is planning “the biggest war in Europe since 1945”. Speaking to the BBC, Mr. Jonhson said “all the signs are that the plan has already in some senses begun”. “People need to understand the sheer cost in human life that could entail. Asked if a Russian invasion is imminent, Mr…

  • World News

    Thai government may evacuate citizens from Ukraine amid tensions with Russia

    The Thai government plans to evacuate its citizens from Ukraine in the event of an escalation in tensions with Russia. According to a Bangkok Post report, there are around 230 Thai nationals living in Ukraine. Tanee Sangrat from Thailand’s Foreign Ministry says officials at the Thai embassy in Poland have laid out a plan for their safe evacuation if necessary.…

  • Thailand video news

    Thailand News Update | Optimistic marketing plans to build Thai tourism

    The forever optimistic Tourism Authority of Thailand is continuing to roll out its current marketing plans to target both international and domestic travellers despite a luke-warm start to the year. 2022 started with only the Phuket Sandbox and a quarantine option available for international arrivals, and even after the Test & Go option was re-instated on February 1, the numbers…

  • Bangkok News

    Security ramped up at Ukrainian, Russian embassies in Bangkok as tensions mount

    Bangkok police say they have increased security in the areas surrounding the Ukrainian and Russian embassies as tensions between the 2 countries mounts. Conflict broke out when Russia threatened to avenge any move by Ukraine to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation. The ongoing tension, with Russia amassing troops at the Ukrainian border, has world leaders on edge. Kritsana Patanacharoen…

  • Thailand video news

    Asia News Today | Japan to ease border controls & Fears of Cambodian surveillance

    A new internet gateway in Cambodia, set to be launched today, is being delayed, apparently due to issues related to Covid 19 in the country. When enacted, all Internet traffic in Cambodia will be routed through the government-run National Internet Gateway, allowing authorities to monitor online activity, intercept and censor digital communications, and collect users’ personal data. But the Telecommunications…

  • World News

    European Union slaps travel restrictions on arrivals from Thailand

    Member states of the European Union have agreed to remove Thailand from the list of countries from which travellers can arrive freely during the pandemic. The EU operates a “green list” of countries, which are currently only around 20 in number. Visitors from these countries, which include the US, New Zealand, Canada, and Japan, can enter the EU without mandatory…

  • Koh Samui News

    Murder investigation launched as body of Ukrainian woman found on Koh Samui

    Two weeks after she went missing, the body of a 32 year old Ukrainian woman has been found in a wooded area of Koh Samui. The discovery has prompted local police to launch a full murder investigation. A report in Coconuts says the unnamed woman’s body was found off Soi Pracharat Pattana by hotel employee Uten Wiangnon. In a statement…