Thai officials watching bird flu after a woman’s death in China

While Covid-19 and Omicron are on everyone’s mind, the Department of Livestock Development has gone on high alert after a woman died from the bird flu last month. The woman died in China of the H5N6 strain of avian influenza and officials in Thailand are focused on making sure the virus doesn’t make it across the border and into the country.
Bird flu has been on the rise throughout the entire year with the World Organisation for Animal Health saying that 61 people have been infected this year with Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza. In the Sichuan province of China, a 54 year old woman was afflicted with the virus and died on November 23.
While Thailand looks to be safe for now, the Livestock Department is restricting the import and export of animals from any country that has identified an infection of the bird flu in order to prevent the possibility of cases within Thailand. The director-general of the department reports that there have been no cases in humans nor any found in animals in Thailand.
Nevertheless, officials have been warned to take preventive measures and to monitor their livestock, especially in provinces and areas along the international borders. The department also asks that farmers keep an especially close watch on all of their animals and their health to detect any possible bird flu. The director-general asked anyone who notices any abnormal symptoms in their animals, or any unusual death, to contact the authorities immediately in order for them to give assistance.
Anyone who does encounter a problem or has any questions or is in need of any assistance can contact the Department of Livestock Development, the Bureau of Disease Control and Veterinary Service, or use the DLD 4.0 application, or call the hotline 063-225-6888.
SOURCE: National News Bureau of Thailand