Potential of cannabis seed oil for healing burn wounds

PHOTO: Freepik

Cannabis is often associated with its psychoactive component, THC, but not all cannabis products are used for recreational purposes. Recently, researchers have been exploring the medicinal properties of cannabis seed oil (CSO), particularly its potential to heal burn wounds.

The study

Researchers wanted to see if cannabis seed oil could help heal skin wounds. They used 18 male albino rats and divided them into three groups: one group received no treatment, another was treated with a commonly used burn cream called silver sulfadiazine (SSD), and the last group was treated with CSO. Each rat had a small burn wound about the size of a dime.

What they found

Both the CSO and the SSD treatments helped reduce the size of the burn wounds significantly by day 5. By day 15, the wounds treated with CSO had nearly healed, showing a 98.8% reduction in size, which was slightly better than the SSD group’s 98.15%. By day 20, the wounds treated with CSO were completely healed.

cannabis seed oil helps with burns
Photo by Cullan Smith on Unsplash

When examining the wounds under a microscope, the researchers found that the CSO-treated wounds had new tissue growth, new blood vessels, and collagen fibres, all signs of good healing. They also found that certain compounds in CSO were effective in reducing inflammation, a key part of the healing process.

Why does CSO work?

Cannabis seed oil is rich in beneficial compounds like fatty acids, tocopherols (a form of Vitamin E), and sterols. These compounds help in various ways:

  • Anti-inflammatory Effects: Fatty acids in CSO help reduce inflammation at the wound site, speeding up the healing process.
  • Moisturising: These fatty acids also keep the wound area moist, preventing it from drying out, which can slow healing.
  • Antioxidants: Tocopherols protect cells from damage, promoting faster repair and regeneration.

Safety first

The study also checked if CSO had any harmful effects on the rats’ liver and kidneys. They found no significant changes, indicating that CSO is safe to use. In contrast, the SSD treatment showed some signs of liver stress, suggesting that CSO might be a safer alternative.

Researchers have tested cannabis seed oil on rats to see if there were any negative effect.
Photo by Sharon Waldron on Unsplash

Looking ahead

The results of this study are promising, showing that cannabis seed oil can effectively heal burn wounds without causing harm. However, more research is needed to fully understand how CSO works and to confirm its effectiveness in humans. Future studies should focus on exploring the exact ways CSO helps in the healing process.

Cannabis seed oil shows great potential as a natural remedy for healing burn wounds. Its ability to significantly reduce wound size, promote the growth of new tissue, and reduce inflammation makes it a promising alternative to traditional treatments. Moreover, its safety profile further supports its potential use in treating skin wounds.

As more research is conducted, CSO could become a valuable addition to the range of treatments available for wound healing, particularly for individuals seeking natural and effective alternatives. The promising results of this study pave the way for future clinical trials to confirm the efficacy and safety of CSO in humans, potentially revolutionising the way we approach wound care.

Wanna know more about the benefits of cannabis? Check out medical cannabis Thailand legalisation and benefits for patients

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Dr. Nikhil Prasad

Dr. Nikhil Prasad is an independent researcher, medical, pharma and health PR consultant, herbalists and phytochemical specialists and a medical and health writer for numerous international publications and sites including his own sites such as Thailand Medical News. He is based either at Sydney, New York, Shanghai, Mumbai or Bangkok.

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