Dr. Nikhil Prasad

Dr. Nikhil Prasad

Dr. Nikhil Prasad is an independent researcher, medical, pharma and health PR consultant, herbalists and phytochemical specialists and a medical and health writer for numerous international publications and sites including his own sites such as Thailand Medical News. He is based either at Sydney, New York, Shanghai, Mumbai or Bangkok.
  • Health

    Toxic PFAS found to be easily absorbed through skin

    Recent research reveals that toxic PFAS (per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances), often termed forever chemicals, can be absorbed through the skin at levels significantly higher than previously believed. This groundbreaking study, conducted by researchers at the University of Birmingham, demonstrates for the first time that human skin can absorb these chemicals at substantial rates, posing a significant source of exposure. The…

  • Health

    Frequent walks can reduce back pain

    Did you know that something as simple as walking can make a huge difference in managing and preventing lower back pain? A recent study published in The Lancet on June 19 has shown that taking regular walks can significantly reduce the risk of experiencing future episodes of low back pain. This easy, cost-effective activity also improves quality of life, sleep,…

  • Health

    Thailand’s Department of Disease Control warns about poisonous wild mushrooms

    If you’re one of the adventurous souls who enjoy foraging for wild mushrooms, especially in the rainy season when lots of wild mushrooms emerge, it’s time to be extra cautious. The Department of Disease Control, under Thailand’s Ministry of Public Health, has issued a stern warning: many wild mushrooms can be “poisonous mushrooms” and pose a serious risk, including death.…

  • Health

    Prunes boost bone health in postmenopausal women

    When it comes to maintaining strong bones, most people think of dairy products like milk, cheese, and yoghurt. However, a new study by Pennsylvania State University researchers reveals that prunes might be just as beneficial for bone health, especially for postmenopausal women. This groundbreaking research, published in Osteoporosis International, indicates that daily consumption of prunes can slow age-related bone loss…

  • Health

    New deadly Mpox strain raises concerns about possible global spread

    A new and highly dangerous strain of Mpox, previously known as monkeypox, has emerged in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), causing worldwide alarm. This mutated variant, identified as clade 1b, is spreading rapidly and has a significantly higher fatality rate compared to other known strains. The World Health Organization (WHO) and scientists are urging immediate action to contain this…

  • Health

    Hidden heart condition that can be fatal affects 1 in 4 seniors

    A recent study has unveiled a surprising and concerning fact: 28% of seniors over the age of 60 have undiagnosed heart valve disease. This revelation highlights the importance of better screening methods to manage health in older adults. The study, led by the University of East Anglia-UK, examined nearly 4,500 healthy, symptom-free seniors and found that more than a quarter…

  • Health

    New hope for men with delayed ejaculation

    Delayed ejaculation, often overlooked, affects between 1% and 3% of men worldwide. This condition involves a persistent difficulty or inability to ejaculate despite adequate sexual desire, erection, and stimulation. Despite its impact on quality of life, no medications have been approved by major health agencies like the UK’s Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulations Agency (MHRA), the US Food and Drug…

  • Cannabis News

    CBD and metformin show promise in treating autism-related behaviours

    Fragile X syndrome and Phelan-McDermid syndrome are two genetic conditions that lead to various neurodevelopmental difficulties throughout life. Both conditions often include autism spectrum disorder (ASD) symptoms, such as speech delay, social challenges, and repetitive behaviours. These disorders can make life particularly tough for children and their families, and finding effective treatments has been an ongoing challenge. Promising research unveiled…

  • Health

    New research raises concerns about anti-ageing therapies

    In our endless pursuit of youth and vitality, anti-ageing treatments have become increasingly popular. But could these treatments, intended to turn back the clock, actually be doing more harm than good? Recent research suggests that this might indeed be the case. The role of senescence: More than just ageing At the heart of this debate is the concept of senescence.…

  • Health

    Penile cancer and penile amputations rising globally

    Recent global health reports indicate a concerning rise in the incidence of penile cancer, a rare but increasingly prevalent disease affecting men. According to researchers from Sun Yat-Sen University in China, the number of penile cancer cases is expected to increase by 77% globally over the next 26 years. This significant uptick has been noted across various regions, with Germany…

  • Health

    Loneliness increases risk of strokes in older adults by 56 percent

    Loneliness, often overshadowed by more visible health concerns, is emerging as a significant risk factor for strokes among older adults. A study published in the peer-reviewed medical journal: The Clinical Medicine yesterday by researchers from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health has shed light on this silent threat, revealing that chronic feelings of loneliness can increase the risk of…

  • Health

    A new common health threat that most people are not aware of – CKM syndrome

    You might think that your heart and kidneys work separately within your body, but they are actually deeply connected. The health of your heart can significantly influence the health of your kidneys, and vice versa. This interconnectedness has led health experts to identify a new health issue called cardiovascular-kidney-metabolic (CKM) syndrome. What is CKM syndrome? CKM syndrome is a condition…

  • Health

    Snail mucus: The slimy secret to fighting bacterial infections

    In a world where antibiotic resistance is becoming a major health crisis, scientists are constantly on the hunt for new and effective treatments. One promising discovery comes from an unexpected source: snail mucus. Researchers have found that mucus from the garden snail, Cornu aspersum, contains powerful antibacterial properties. This slimy secretion could be a game-changer in the fight against harmful…

  • Health

    Onions can help with osteoporosis

    Who knew that onions, the humble kitchen staple known for making us cry, could hold the key to stronger bones for the elderly? Recent research reveals that onions might just be the unsung hero in the fight against osteoporosis, a common bone disease in the elderly that weakens bones and makes them prone to fractures. The study that unveiled the…

  • Covid-19 News

    Could cannabis help combat Covid-19?

    Recent research suggests that cannabis compounds may play a role in preventing and treating Covid-19. Studies have shown that cannabinoids, the active compounds in cannabis, could potentially prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection and reduce the severity of the disease. Cannabinoids and Covid prevention A comprehensive review conducted by researchers at Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia, Canada, indicates that cannabinoids might be used…

  • Health

    Fermented dairy products can be a tasty way to prevent cognitive decline

    As we age, maintaining cognitive health becomes a significant concern. Recent studies suggest that what we eat might play a crucial role in keeping our minds sharp. Among the various foods studied, fermented dairy products, such as cheeses, have shown promising results in preventing cognitive issues related to ageing. The link between diet and brain health The world’s population is…

  • Covid-19 News

    Covid-19 can cause bipolar disorder

    The global battle against Covid-19 has brought to light many immediate health issues, but there’s an emerging concern that needs attention: the potential link between Covid and bipolar disorder. While the pandemic’s physical toll is well-documented, its impact on mental health is still being explored. Recent studies suggest that the SARS-CoV-2 virus may be linked to the onset of bipolar…

  • Health

    6 types of depression identified by brain scans

    Depression is a complex mental health condition that affects millions worldwide. Traditional methods of treating depression involve trial and error, often taking months or even years to find the right medication or therapy. However, researchers at Stanford Medicine have made a groundbreaking discovery that could change how we approach depression treatment. By using brain imaging and artificial intelligence (AI), they…

  • Health

    Natural solutions for better sleep

    Sleep disturbances are a common issue in today’s fast-paced world. Many people struggle with getting a good night’s sleep due to stress, anxiety, and other factors. Traditional sleep medications often come with side effects, leading people to seek natural alternatives. Recent studies have highlighted the potential benefits of natural supplements like Lactium and L-theanine in improving sleep quality. The Study:…

  • Health

    Cannabis: A potential ally against long Covid brain inflammation

    After the initial wave of Covid-19, many people continue to suffer from long-term effects. Known as post-Covid condition (PCC) or long Covid, this condition can cause a variety of symptoms, including neuroinflammation. This inflammation in the brain can lead to headaches, fatigue, insomnia, depression, and anxiety. Although there’s no specific treatment for PCC yet, a research published in the peer-reviewed…

  • Health

    Is it time for airlines to restrict alcohol during long haul flights?

    Flying can be stressful, and many people enjoy a drink to relax. However, a new study reveals that combining alcohol with the cabin pressure experienced at cruising altitude can significantly impact heart health, even if you’re young and healthy. This discovery raises a critical question: should airlines restrict alcohol on long-haul flights? The study’s purpose Researchers from the Institute of…

  • Health

    Forget about erectile issues, viagra can also possibly help prevent dementia

    Viagra, commonly known for treating erectile dysfunction, may also help prevent dementia by boosting blood flow to the brain. A recent study suggests that this well-known medication might reduce the risk of developing vascular dementia, providing hope for those at risk of this debilitating condition. The unexpected benefits of viagra Originally designed to treat angina, Viagra gained fame in the…

  • Health

    The health dangers of ultra-processed plant-based meat substitutes

    Eating plant-based foods is often hailed as a healthier choice, but new research suggests that not all plant-based foods are created equal. While fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are beneficial, ultra-processed plant-based foods (UPFs) such as vegan meat substitutes, vegan burgers, vegan nuggets or sausages etc. might actually increase your risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). The study: What researchers discovered…

  • Health

    What you need to know about the rising cases of medical treatment mishaps

    Recent studies show a worrying trend: cases of harm from medical treatment mishaps have significantly increased globally over the past 30 years. According to a study published in BMJ Quality & Safety, incidents of patient harm rose from 11 million in 1990 to 18 million in 2019. This 59% increase surpasses the 45% growth in the global population during the…

  • Health

    A new test can predict dementia nearly a decade before symptoms show

    Researchers at Queen Mary University of London have developed a groundbreaking test that can predict dementia with over 80% accuracy up to nine years before diagnosis. This new method, which uses advanced brain imaging techniques, outperforms traditional diagnostic tools and offers hope for early intervention. A revolutionary approach The innovative technique, spearheaded by Professor Charles Marshall and his team, involves…

  • Health

    Evening workouts: A key to better blood sugar levels

    If you’re trying to manage your blood sugar levels, the timing of your exercise might be more important than you think. A recent study has shown that exercising in the evening can significantly lower blood sugar levels in overweight and obese adults. This finding is a breakthrough in understanding how the timing of physical activity can influence health. The study…

  • Health

    25 percent of the human population has a hole in the heart

    Imagine if you had a hole in your heart and didn’t even know it. Surprisingly, this is the reality for 25% of the population. This condition, known as patent foramen ovale (PFO), usually causes no symptoms and is often harmless. However, in some cases, it can lead to serious health problems. Here, we explore what PFO is, why it matters,…

  • Health

    Emulsifiers in processed food increases risk of diabetes

    Many of the foods we enjoy daily, from ice cream and chocolate to bread and biscuits, contain emulsifiers. These food additives improve texture, taste, and shelf life, making processed foods more appealing and convenient. However, recent research from France suggests that these ubiquitous ingredients may come with a hidden cost: an increased risk of type 2 diabetes. What are emulsifiers?…

  • Health

    Sugar substitute Xylitol linked to increased heart attack and stroke risk

    A new study by researchers at the Cleveland Clinic has revealed a significant association between the widely-used sugar substitute xylitol and an increased risk of cardiovascular events, including heart attacks and strokes. This surprising finding, detailed in the European Heart Journal, raises important questions about the safety of sugar alcohols commonly found in a variety of chewing gums, food and…

  • Health

    The hidden cardiac risks of energy drinks

    Energy drinks have become a staple in the diets of many individuals, particularly among younger demographics. Promoted as a quick solution for boosting energy and enhancing performance, these beverages have captured a significant market share globally. However, beneath the flashy marketing and promises of increased alertness, there lies a potential danger that has raised concerns among health professionals and researchers…