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New theory on Michael Rockefeller’s fate in New Guinea

Author suggests cannibalism in Michael Rockefeller's 1961 disappearance

Research into Michael Rockefeller’s disappearance suggests he might have faced a grim end in the Asmat region of southwestern New Guinea. Born in 1938, Michael was the son of Nelson A. Rockefeller, a former US Vice President, and his great-grandfather was John D. Rockefeller, co-founder of Standard Oil.

After graduating from Harvard, Michael went to the Asmat region, now part of Indonesia’s Papua province, to work on a documentary. In 1961, seven months into his research, Michael’s canoe capsized while he was travelling with anthropologist René Wassing.

He chose to swim to shore, estimating the distance to be between three and ten miles, but was never seen again. Officially declared dead by drowning, author Carl Hoffman offers a darker theory in his 2014 book, *Savage Harvest*. Hoffman believes Michael was killed and eaten by the cannibalistic Asmat tribe.

Hoffman claims the Dutch authorities, keen to maintain control over their colony, covered up the truth. He cites ‘hundreds of pages of original memos, cables, and letters’ exchanged between the Dutch and the Catholic Church.

In an interview, Hoffman revealed that within two weeks of Michael’s disappearance, two priests who spoke the local language heard rumours that Michael had swum ashore and was killed by men from the village of Otsjanep. The priests conducted further investigations, writing detailed reports naming those who possessed parts of Michael’s skeleton.

These reports were sent to their church superiors and the Dutch government, who chose not to inform the Rockefeller family. Hoffman stated that a full investigation by the Dutch, including sending a police officer to live in Otsjanep, was also kept secret.

During an AMA session on Reddit, Hoffman discussed his time with the Asmat tribe, noting that cannibalism, linked to headhunting and rituals, dwindled in the 1960s.

Hoffman speculated that the locals might have consumed Michael’s body in retaliation for a 1958 Dutch government raid on Otsjanep, which killed five people, including four key village leaders. This disrupted the Asmat cosmic balance, and the new leaders were present when Michael arrived, exhausted and alone. They killed him.

What Other Media Are Saying
  • The Mirror reports that footage of a naked white man hunting with cannibal tribesmen in Papua New Guinea has reignited the 60-year mystery of Michael Rockefeller’s disappearance.(read more)
Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions asked about this news

Who was Michael Rockefeller?

Michael Rockefeller was the son of Nelson A. Rockefeller and a Harvard graduate who vanished in New Guinea in 1961.

What happened to Michael Rockefeller in 1961?

Michael Rockefeller vanished while swimming to shore after his canoe capsized in the Asmat region of New Guinea.

What is Carl Hoffman’s theory about Michael Rockefeller’s disappearance?

Carl Hoffman theorizes that Michael Rockefeller was killed and eaten by the Asmat tribe.

Why does Hoffman believe the Dutch covered up Rockefeller’s death?

Hoffman believes the Dutch covered up Rockefeller’s death to maintain control and show efficiency in their colony.

What evidence supports Hoffman’s theory on Rockefeller’s fate?

Hoffman cites memos, cables, and reports from priests and the Dutch, detailing rumors and investigations into Rockefeller’s death.

Lee Shuyi

Lee is an expat writer living in Thailand. She specialises in Southeast Asian news for the Thaiger. When she's not writing, Lee enjoys immersing herself in Thai culture and learning Thai.

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