Thailand Video News | Pro-cannabis activists rally at the Ministry of Health, Teenage gang leader arrested after samurai sword spree

In this Thailand video news, Alex and Jay delve into varied stories from across the country. Beginning with pro-cannabis activists converged at the Ministry of Health, advocating for marijuana reforms, while law enforcement apprehended a teenage gang leader responsible for a violent samurai sword spree. In a separate incident, a man faced charges for allegedly concealing his boyfriend’s murder as a car accident. The judicial system also sentenced a street vendor to seven years for deceiving customers in a durian scam. On the economic front, Alipay teamed up with the Tourism Authority of Thailand to boost the travel sector. Meanwhile, heavy rains inundated streets, transforming them into rivers and disrupting daily life.

Torrential May downpour turns streets into rivers

Relentless rain wreaked havoc across Bang Saray, transforming streets into rivers and causing chaos for locals. Since early morning, continuous rain inundated Sukhumvit Road and surrounding areas in Sattahip District, overwhelming drainage systems and causing severe traffic snarls. The heaviest flooding occurred on Sukhumvit Road, affecting motorists from Pattaya to Sattahip. In response, Bang Saray Subdistrict Municipality deployed water pumps, working for one to two hours to restore normalcy to the streets, providing respite from the flooding.


Pro-cannabis activists rally at the Ministry of Health

Dozens of pro-cannabis advocates rallied at the health ministry in Nonthaburi, near Bangkok, to oppose the Thai government’s plan to relist cannabis as a narcotic, two years after its decriminalisation. The rally followed Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin’s recent announcement of his intention to reclassify cannabis as a narcotic by the end of the year. While Thailand was the first Asian country to decriminalise cannabis in 2022 for medical purposes, the unregulated market has raised public concerns over misuse and crime. About 30 demonstrators, led by Prasitchai Nunuan, petitioned Health Minister Somsak Thepsuthin, arguing that proper regulation, not rescheduling, is needed to protect the burgeoning industry. Somsak, who recently took office, emphasised that his stance remains that cannabis should be limited to medical use. Activist Chokwan “Kitty” Chopaka criticised the government’s reversal as politically motivated rather than scientifically based.


Man accused of covering up boyfriend’s murder in car accident

A Thai man’s family and friends in Chaiyaphum’s Isaan province accused his boyfriend of murder and staging a car accident to cover up the crime. The incident occurred on May 14 when 25-year-old Mark mysteriously died after returning from his birthday party. Mark’s boyfriend claimed Mark opened the car door and jumped out while they were teasing each other, rolling for about 500 meters before losing consciousness. However, Mark’s friends and family were suspicious, noting the boyfriend’s lack of emotion and the absence of injuries consistent with the boyfriend’s account. The autopsy revealed a fractured skull, bruised internal organs, and internal bleeding, inconsistent with the boyfriend’s story. Additionally, the boyfriend’s insistence on a quick cremation and threats of legal action against the family heightened suspicions. Non-profit organisation Saimai Survive and the police are now investigating the case.


Teenage gang leader arrested after samurai sword spree

Chiang Mai authorities apprehended an 18-year-old gang leader, Bung Peach (pseudonym), following a series of robberies involving a samurai sword. Bung Peach, along with 17-year-old Black and 14-year-old Dao, threatened and attacked local skateboarders and other victims before fleeing on motorcycles. The spree began on May 11, when Bung Peach and his gang assaulted 20-year-olds Kangchit and Thakdanai at Prasertsaran Land, injuring Kangchit with a samurai sword. The gang continued their rampage, robbing and assaulting victims across Hang Dong, San Pa, and Chang Phueak districts. Police tracked the suspects through CCTV footage, leading to their arrest. Bung Peach confessed to the crimes and was taken to re-enact the incidents before formal charges were pressed.


Durian scam street vendor gets seven years for scale trickery

A woman in Chumphon province has been sentenced to seven years in prison after being caught using a rigged scale to deceive customers at her durian stall. The scam came to light when a customer, who purchased two durians weighing 16 kilograms for 1,640 baht, found the actual weight to be only 11.68 kilograms. The customer reported the discrepancy to the Department of Internal Trade. Undercover officers discovered the vendor’s modified digital scale, which had black tape obscuring the weight and unit price, misleading buyers. The vendor faced multiple violations under the Weights and Measures Act for using an uncertified and tampered scale, and was charged with fraud under Article 271 of the Criminal Code, leading to a seven-year prison sentence and a fine of 280,000 baht. In related news, a 22-year-old Thai woman is making waves on social media for selling durian in a bikini, a tactic that previously sparked controversy.


Alipay partners with Tourism Authority of Thailand to enhance travel experience

Thai tourism is embracing a digital transformation as Alipay+ partners with the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) to enhance the travel experience. This collaboration introduces Alipay+ D-hub, a pioneering in-app mini-program providing essential travel insights, local hotspots, and comprehensive guides to Thai destinations, marking a global first. TAT’s Deputy Governor, Chattan Kunjara Na Ayudhya, emphasised the initiative’s role in transforming Thai tourism. The partnership aims to boost the economy, particularly benefiting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), through Alipay+’s extensive coverage and user-friendly interface. Edward Yue of Ant International highlighted the commitment to enriching the travel experience, allowing tourists to explore, shop, and dine with ease. From January to April, Thailand saw a record 12,127,447 international arrivals, with Alipay+ transactions surging by 70%. Notably, transactions increased by 52% during Songkran, reflecting successful marketing efforts. Alipay+ now supports over 400,000 merchants across Thailand, including smaller regions. Plans to integrate Alipay+ into the Bangkok Mass Transit System (BTS) will further streamline tourist transportation. This evolving ecosystem promises unparalleled convenience, enabling tourists to fully immerse in Thailand’s vibrant culture and offerings.

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