
  • World News

    Indonesia participates in Phase 3 clinical trials for Chinese C-19 vaccine

    Indonesians have been getting involved in Phase 3 of testing for a Covid-19 vaccine developed by a Chinese company. The partnership between the Indonesian state-owned Bio Farma and Chinese company Sinovac BioTech started in early July. Now Indonesia has recruited 1,620 volunteers for the critical part of the vaccine trial. The first 20 Indonesians rolled up their sleeves for the candidate…

  • Covid-19 News

    COVID-19 update: 0 new cases, 82 days without a local transmission

    After reporting its biggest single-day increase of confirmed Covid-19 cases in weeks – 17 – Thailand reported not a single new case today, its 82nd consecutive day without a locally transmitted case. Total infections in Thailand, to date, are 3,376, with 3,193 recoveries, a rate of 94.5%. 125 people are still in hospital. Of total infections, 2,444 were locally acquired…

  • Tourism News

    Thai minister encourages hotels to stop price-gouging expats

    The thorny issue of dual pricing has raised its ugly head again, this time with the current offerings for hotels as Thailand slowly winds up its tourism industry again. Tourism and Sports Ministry, Phiphat Ratchakitprakarn, is asking hotels to offer “fair packages to expats and resident foreigners, and avoid price discrimination”. He said that there are 2 million foreign residents who…

  • Covid-19 News

    NZ Covid-19 oubreak spread beyond Auckland with 12 new confirmed cases

    In a major blow to New Zealand’s efforts to contain Covid-19, health officials there announced today that the resurgent coronavirus outbreak has spread beyond Auckland, its largest city. Health Minister Chris Hipkins said there were 12 confirmed cases of local transmission and 1 probable, following the shock reemergence of the virus in Auckland on Tuesday. He said 2 of the…

  • Covid-19 News

    Auckland cluster grows with 13 new Covid-19 infections reported

    Health officials in New Zealand announced yesterday that the new coronavirus cluster in Auckland has risen to 17 cases, raising the prospect of an extended lockdown in the country’s biggest city. National health chief Ashley Bloomfield said there are 13 new confirmed infections, all linked to 4 family members found on Tuesday, ending New Zealand’s record of 102 days without…

  • Covid-19 News

    No tourists until 2021 – Thailand shuns travel bubbles and general travel

    Thailand is currently caught in a number of quandaries that will continue to threaten the economy and stability of the country. Meanwhile the borders remain largely sealed, with the prospect of general tourist travel being pushed forward until at least 2021. There have been a number of official comments to support the prediction that Thailand’s borders will remain closed to…

  • Covid-19 News

    New Zealand surprised by 4 new confirmed Covid-19 local transmissions

    Its first Covid-19 new cases in 3 months has New Zealand reeling and Auckland, its biggest city, back on lockdown. The country went 102 days without a local transmission, until late yesterday with the announcement that 4 new cases were found in an Auckland household. A further 4 probable cases were identified today. Authorities are trying to stop spread to…

  • Covid-19 News

    Russia claims a breakthrough in the global Covid-19 vaccine race before completing testing

    Russia has jumped past a number of critical steps in its rush to announce a breakthrough in the development of a vaccine for Covid-19. The vaccine formula was developed by the Gamaleya Institute in Moscow. The vaccine even has a name – Sputnik V – referencing the first orbital satellite launched by the Soviet Union in 1957. The name evokes…

  • Covid-19 News

    Thailand’s international borders not re-opening for tourists until 2021 – TAT

    Thailand is unlikely to reopen its borders to international tourists before the end of the year – the prediction from a deputy governor of the Tourism Authority of Thailand. Speaking at yet another webinar, this time hosted by Mekong Tourism and TravelMole, the deputy governor for international marketing at TAT, Chattan Kunjara Na Ayudhya, noted that there has been “no…

  • Covid-19 News

    Repatriation flights suspended after Thai staff contract Covid-19 at foreign embassies

    Thai embassies in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia have been hit with outbreaks of Covid-19, affecting a number of Thai staff, according to the Foreign Ministry. The Thai embassy in Manama, the capital of Bahrain, said that a foreign employee was suffering “mild symptoms” and tested positive for Covid-19. The official was reportedly receiving medical treatment. The embassy has also suspended arrangements…

  • Covid-19 News

    Global cases of Covid-19 top 20 million

    While Thailand has recorded no new case of Covid-19 in the last 24 hours, the pandemic continues to escalate around the world, with global cases of the virus now topping 20 million. The Thai government’s Covid-19 task force says confirmed cases in Thailand stand at 3,351, with 414 of those detected among people in state quarantine. Nation Thailand reports that…

  • Covid-19 News

    Repatriation of Thai citizens from Bahrain suspended as embassy worker tests positive for virus

    All consular services at the Thai Embassy in Bahrain, including the repatriation of Thai citizens, have been suspended, as an official in the consular office has tested positive for Covid-19. Thailand’s Foreign Ministry spokesman, Cherdkiat Atthakor, says it’s hoped services can resume at the embassy in the Bahraini capital, Manama, from August 22. The temporary measure is being implemented after…

  • Covid-19 News

    Covid-19 update: 3 new imported cases, no deaths (August 9)

    The Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration reported 3 new cases of the coronavirus today, while the Public Health Ministry confirmed none of the concertgoers in Nakhon Si Thammarat were infected. Today marks the 76th day without a locally transmitted case in Thailand. The CCSA said 1 of the new cases is a 31 year old Bangladeshi man who tested positive…

  • Covid-19 News

    UPDATE: Covid-19. The world about to surpass 20 million infections

    Coronavirus cases around the world will pass through the 20 million milestone in the next 24 hours. Whilst the early ‘hotspots’ for Covid-19 were China, Spain, UK and Italy, over the past month the largest growth in cases, per capita, has been the US, most South American countries, South Africa, India, and locally, Philippines and Indonesia. As of today there…

  • Covid-19 News

    Covid-19 update: 3 new imported cases, no new deaths (August 8)

    The Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration reported 3 new Covid-19 cases today. All are Thai nationals, 2 recently repatriated from Saudi Arabia and 1 from Indonesia, bringing the total to 3,348. The death toll remained unchanged at 58. Today marks 75 days without a locally transmitted case being identified in Thailand. 2 of the new cases are students, both 24,…

  • Covid-19 News

    Covid-19 update: 15 new imported cases, no new deaths (August 7)

    In the biggest jump in weeks, perhaps months, the Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration today reported that 15 Thais tested positive in state quarantine over the previous 24 hour period. It was, however, the 74th day without a domestically transmitted case. CCSA spokesman Dr Taweesin Visanuyothin said all 15 new patients were asymptomatic, 4 men who recently returned from Egypt…

  • World News

    US fares worse than Mexico and Russia in world misery ranking

    The Bloomberg Misery Index for 2020 has been released, using economic predictions for 2020 inflation rates and employment compared to figures from 2019. The list features 60 countries where sufficient economic forecasting data is available to Bloomberg. It’s not looking good for the US, which has plummeted 25 spots. The timing couldn’t be worse for President Trump as he campaigns…

  • Covid-19 News

    Senator questions the admission of US troops during state of emergency

    A Thai senator is questioning the need for US troops to participate in joint exercises with their Thai counterparts while a state of emergency is still in place in the country. The emergency decree was extended for the third time at the end of July and is now set to expire at the end of this month. Senator Kamnoon Sidhisamarn…

  • World News

    Philippines’ capital to re-enter lockdown as Covid cases surge in Manila

    Manila and the surrounding Philippine provinces are heading back into lockdown from tomorrow, for a period of at least 2 weeks. The decision comes as the Philippines’ capital recorded a significant spike of over 100,000 new cases of the Covid-19 virus. Thai PBS World reports that the country’s President, Rodrigo Duterte, is imposing the lock-down on Manila and the adjacent…

  • Tourism News

    Phuket may be chosen as test case in phased re-opening to foreign tourists

    As the Tourism Authority of Thailand considers how the country might safely re-open its borders, the Bangkok Post reports that there are tentative plans afoot to kick off the project with Phuket, possibly in October. The director-general of the Department of Health, Panpimon Wipulakorn, says Phuket’s position as a self-contained island means it would be easier to control any potential…

  • Covid-19 News

    Covid-19 UPDATE: 5 new cases found in quarantine, no deaths (August 2)

    The Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration announced 5 new cases of the virus in state quarantine, all Thais returning from abroad. The new cases bring the total number of infections in Thailand to 3,317 since the outbreak began. There hasn’t been a community infection of Covid-19 for over 2 months. 7 people were discharged from hospital today bringing the total…

  • Việt Nam

    Update: Nhận biết 3 triệu chứng và 4 tips phòng tránh viêm phổi do virus corona (Covid-19)

    Dưới đây là những triệu chứng cơ bản nhưng vô cùng quan trọng để nhận biết sớm bệnh viêm phổi do chủng virus corona mới (Covid-19). Ngoài ra, bạn có thể tham khảo những tips bổ ích dưới đây nhằm phòng ngừa dịch Covid-19 nhé! Update: 4 biện pháp phòng tránh Covid-19: 1. Để chống lại coronavirus, hãy làm theo…

  • Việt Nam

    COVID-19: Phân biệt các triệu chứng của virus corona với cúm, cảm lạnh, dị ứng

    Cùng là những bệnh tác động tới hệ hô hấp của con người, do đó nhiều người dễ đánh giá nhầm lẫn triệu chứng của virus corona với dị ứng, cúm và cảm lạnh thông thường. Các triệu chứng bệnh khá giống nhau như đau họng, mệt mỏi và ho khan có thể cùng xuất hiện ở những bệnh nhân…

  • Covid-19 News

    Covid-19 update: 6 new imported cases, deaths still at 58 (July 31)

    The Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration reported 6 new cases of Covid-19 among returnees from Egypt and the Netherlands, lifting the national total to 3,310 since the outbreak began in January. Spokesman Dr Taweesilp Visanuyothin announced the new figure at this morning’s daily press briefing. Taweesilp said 5 of the new patients recently returned from Egypt; 4 are male students,…

  • Việt Nam

    COVID-19: Liệu đau rát họng có phải là triệu chứng của virus corona?

    Cũng có khả năng bạn bị nhiễm virus corona nếu cảm thấy đau rát họng, nhưng những triệu chứng khác có vẻ phổ biến và quan trọng hơn nhiều! Nghiên cứu chỉ ra rằng COVID-19 có một loạt các triệu chứng, song nhiều người cảm thấy bối rối khi nhiều triệu chứng trong số này rất giống với dấu hiệu…

  • World News

    Hong Kong reverses daytime ban on restaurant dining after workers forced to eat in the street

    Hong Kong officials are rowing back on a decision to extend a ban on restaurant dining to daytime hours and will now allow tables of up to 2, until 6pm. The move comes after photos went viral of workers having to balance takeaway boxes on the backs of cars, or on narrow ledges along the side of buildings. Some were…

  • World News

    What’s behind Hong Kong’s third wave of Covid-19 infections?

    Hong Kong has had its ups and downs throughout the early phases of the coronavirus pandemic but its reaction was considered a text book response as it contained the virus quickly. But then there was a smaller 2nd wave, and now a 3rd. Despite being a part of China and sharing a border with the mainland to the north, Hong…

  • Việt Nam

    Covid-19: Ớn lạnh, đau họng là triệu chứng nhiễm virus corona

    Danh sách triệu chứng của virus corona vừa dài thêm với sự bổ sung của các dấu hiệu: cảm giác ớn lạnh, đau cơ, nhức đầu và đau họng. Sau khuyến nghị của Hội đồng Chuyên gia Dịch tễ Tiểu bang (CSTE) và quan sát của các bác sĩ sau khi điều trị cho hàng nghìn trường hợp dương tính…

  • Việt Nam

    Cập nhật tình hình COVID-19 tại Việt Nam (Chiều T5 30/7): Quảng Nam ghi nhận thêm 5 ca nhiễm nCoV mới

    Tính tới chiều nay (ngày 30/7), Bộ Y tế ghi nhận thêm 5 ca nhiễm nCoV mới ở tỉnh Quảng Nam. Tổng số ca nhiễm COVID-19 toàn quốc là 464 người, trong số đó, 369 người đã khỏi bệnh, 95 người đang tiếp tục điều trị. Như vậy, tính đến hết ngày 30/7, Việt Nam ghi nhận: Tổng số ca…

  • Việt Nam

    Tin Covid-19: Triệu chứng mới của người nhiễm virus corona chủng mới

    Mới đây, các bác sĩ tại Nga cho biết phát ban là một trong số những triệu chứng mới của virus corona chủng mới, bên cạnh những triệu chứng ban đầu như ho, sốt, khó thở. “Chúng tôi thấy biểu hiện trên da của 10% bệnh nhân nhiễm nCoV (được điều trị tại Kommunarka, Moskva), song điều này ít được…