Sri Lanka to start 4 day work week so people can grow food amidst crisis

Sri Lanka, photo by Wikipedia.

Amidst Sri Lanka’s unrest, the country’s government announced yesterday that it will start a 4 day work week for public sector workers for the next 3 months. The Department of Government Information said the day off could be a day for people to grow food, since Sri Lanka is expecting a food shortage. The department said…

“It seems appropriate to grant government officials leave of one working day… to engage in agricultural activities in their backyards or elsewhere as a solution to the food shortage that is expected.”


The department added that fewer work days will be a relief to workers affected by power cuts and transport disruptions. The 4 day work week, which would give workers Friday off, will not apply to workers in ‘essential services’, such as hospital staff and workers at ports. It also won’t include workers in the power and water sectors.

Sri Lanka has been in chaos since protests began in March following the country’s longest power blackout, which lasted for 13 hours, ever recorded. Since then, the country has been unable to pay for fuel, medicine, and other necessary items. Last month, Sri Lanka’s now former PM Mahinda Rajapaksa quit his position and went into hiding in a military base.

Now, Sri Lanka’s government is eager to encourage citizens to take jobs abroad and send money back home. It said public sector workers will be granted leave without pay of up to five years “without prejudice” if they decide to work outside of Sri Lanka.


Politics NewsWorld News

Tara Abhasakun

A Thai-American dual citizen, Tara has reported news and spoken on a number of human rights and cultural news issues in Thailand. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in history from The College of Wooster. She interned at Southeast Asia Globe, and has written for a number of outlets. Tara reports on a range of Thailand news issues.

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