Hong Kong tragedy: Tourist group’s beach photo shoot turns sad as sudden wave drowns woman

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A 43 year old woman was swept away by a large wave while attempting to take a group photo with fellow tourists at Ap Lei Chau Harbour in Hong Kong. Despite immediate efforts to rescue the woman, Sai Jong, the powerful wave proved fatal, leaving the group devastated by the unexpected loss.

The event took place at Ap Lei Chau Harbour in Hong Kong when a group of tourists visited the beach to take photos and enjoy the seaside. Around 1pm on Tuesday, May 30, approximately 10 people were standing near the shoreline, unaware of the potential danger posed by the incoming tide. As the weather was unpredictable, large waves crashed onto them in intervals, but the group remained unaffected, laughing and enjoying the experience, reported Sanook.

However, moments later, some members realised that Sai Jong had disappeared. She had been swept away by a powerful wave into the sea. Two men jumped into the water to save her, while local police were alerted and rushed to help all three. Unfortunately, despite being taken to the hospital, Sai Jong did not survive.

A mountain and river enthusiast social platform in Hong Kong brought together 12 tourists, according to the report. They were unprepared for the tragic event that unfolded during their trip.

There have been several tragic drownings in Thailand over the past week. Yesterday The Thaiger reported that a two month old baby drowned in a nearby river in the Pak Kret district of Nonthaburi province.

Last week, a Russian man drowned while swimming off the coast of Patong Beach when. The drowning was reported to Patong Police Station. Rescue workers, lifeguards, and Patong Hospital personnel attempted to save the man.

Despite their best efforts to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation, the man could not be saved. The man’s wife informed the police that both she and her husband, 53 year old Pavel Rafaylovich, were Russian nationals. The couple had been staying at a hotel near the beach and decided to go for an early morning swim. Read more HERE.

World News

Samantha Rose

Samantha was a successful freelance journalist who worked with international news organisations before joining Thaiger. With a Bachelor's degree in Journalism from London, her global perspective on news and current affairs is influenced by her days in the UK, Singapore, and across Thailand. She now covers general stories related to Thailand.

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