
The Thaiger Opinion Columns

  • Sponsored

    Pullman Phuket Panwa Beach Resort puts sustainability at its heart

    The term sustainability is often thrown around as a buzzword in the hospitality industry, but at Pullman Phuket Panwa Beach Resort, it’s genuinely part of their mission. Located in Makham Bay, just south of Phuket Town, the beautiful resort puts...

  • Thai Kra Canal – numbers don’t stack up

    Thai Kra Canal – numbers don’t stack up

    OPINION The possibility of Thailand being sliced into 2, with a canal running east to west through the middle of the Isthmus of Kra (the Thai section of the Malay Peninsula), is back on the table. There’s a lot of heated response from readers, for and against the plans. Is there an economic model to support the new canal? How…

  • Trials and tribulations 2. Returning to Thailand in the Covid era – a personal view

    Trials and tribulations 2. Returning to Thailand in the Covid era – a personal view

    by guest writer David Jackson Part II in the series of articles from David who has been writing from his quarantine room. David waxes lyrical as even the tiniest moments seem larger than life in his 25 square metre cocoon… I begin writing this second article on Day 7 of my quarantine in a Bangkok hotel, so the sentence of…

  • Trials and tribulations of returning to Thailand in the Covid era – a personal view

    Trials and tribulations of returning to Thailand in the Covid era – a personal view

    A series of articles by David Jackson Sunday morning and I am sitting inside my viewless window in a Bangkok Hotel waiting in anticipation for a trip down to reception where, after five lonely days, I get to experience my first brief contact with a human – a nurse who will presumably force a swab up my nose. Welcome to…

  • Splitting atoms in the Big Bang – a day in the Big Mango

    Splitting atoms in the Big Bang – a day in the Big Mango

    OPINION by Bill Barnett of c9hotelworks.com Despite the global pandemic, Bangkok’s rapid-fire megacity growth trajectory has remained largely in place. While life in Covid-19 times is a bit like sparring with wild gangs of chaos monkeys in a dead-end ally, thankfully one of the singular guilty pleasures of these strange times is the ability to at least travel domestically. Last…

  • When will the world open up again for travel?

    When will the world open up again for travel?

    OPINION 9 months since the first outbreak in China, international borders remain mostly sealed. Most travellers, excepting certain categories, are prevented from leaving or entering in the majority of countries. The shutters went up in March and April in much of the world, a bit later in some countries, as governments and medical officials figure out how to safely re-open…

  • Phuket’s ‘safe and sealed’ plan does nothing for the majority of the island’s hospitality sector

    Phuket’s ‘safe and sealed’ plan does nothing for the majority of the island’s hospitality sector

    OPINION Damned if they do and damed if they don’t. Thailand is now taking a decisive step towards reopenits its borders to tourists with a pilot project in Phuket this October. The pilot precedes the annual high-season, and if successful, then will form the basis of a wider push for re-opening the country’s borders to the lucrative tourist market. TAT…

  • Can the Thai government put the cat back in the bag?

    Can the Thai government put the cat back in the bag?

    OPNION Who will be better at engaging a broad audience on social media? An incumbent conservative government run by former Army general and career politicians? Or a young, nimble, motivated group who are intuitive when it comes to using the modern online platforms? This is the current pickle for Thailand’s government, under the leadership of PM Prayut Chan-o-cha and his…

  • The year of living dangerously – Thai protesters utter the unthinkable

    The year of living dangerously – Thai protesters utter the unthinkable

    OPINION An estimated 10,000 anti-government protesters packed Bangkok’s Democracy Monument and the roads either side on a warm Sunday afternoon, calling for democratic reform, changes to the NCPO-written constitution and for the dissolution of parliament. They also spoke about the country’s head of state, questioning the institution. Even a few months ago this would have been considered an absolute no-go topic…

  • Trump decries “Thighland’s” unfair trade practices

    Trump decries “Thighland’s” unfair trade practices

    OPINION Gaffe-prone US President Donald Trump, recently mocked for his mispronunciation of the name of Yosemite National Park as “YO-semite”, has stuck his foot in it again: Finland is obviously for fins, Switzerland for switzers, Iceland for ice and Holland for the nethers. Surely there’s a home for everyone’s favourite part of the leg, between hip and knee? Very stable…

  • Mushroom clouds and nuclear explosions – the fallout from the Beirut explosion – VIDEO

    Mushroom clouds and nuclear explosions – the fallout from the Beirut explosion – VIDEO

    The world of instant experts and budding journalists kicks in moments after any event these days and reaches out almost instantaneously. The majority of people in the world first read about the Beirut chemical explosion on social media feeds, rather than mainstream media sources. Whilst most of the videos appeared horrifyingly authentic, captured by residents from wherever they were at…

  • Phuket’s killer boat Phoenix ripped apart for scrap metal

    Phuket’s killer boat Phoenix ripped apart for scrap metal

    OPINION A very sorry sight today as an infamous relic of Thailand’s worst maritime disaster ends up being ripped apart and sold for scrap. Thai authorities will be glad to see the ghosts of ‘Phoenix’ gone once and for all. On July 5, 2018, two tour boats capsized off the south west coast of Phuket, during a sudden storm. 46 people…

  • “Let us stay – Why can’t Thai Immigration extend our visas?”

    “Let us stay – Why can’t Thai Immigration extend our visas?”

    OPINION The current visa amnesty, and what will happen to foreigners after its conclusion (at this stage on July 31), is a constant source of confusion and stress for many foreigners. Some were truly stranded in the Kingdom when the borders were closed and flights become limited for a return to their home countries. Others decided to stay in the…

  • Thailand tourism recovery- are we doing enough?

    Thailand tourism recovery- are we doing enough?

    OPINION by Andrew J Wood The wheels of Thailand’s tourism industry are slowly turning. Travel and tourism is starting to move again. Weekends in Hua Hin hotels for instance are close to capacity (with some resorts experiencing 90% occupancy and some even higher). Being close to Bangkok; the weather, air quality and the fact that you can drive from the metropolis definitely…

  • Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble – Thailand’s international travel quandary

    Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble – Thailand’s international travel quandary

    With apologies to William Shakespeare. You’re going to hear a lot more about travel bubbles in the next few months. Indeed it will become the ‘new normal’ in the short-term for Thailand’s battered tourism and hospitality industry. The world is NOT going to magically re-open up and travel as they did before, at least not in the next few years.…

  • Will Pattaya bar customers want ID tracing and bar girls with masks and gloves?

    Will Pattaya bar customers want ID tracing and bar girls with masks and gloves?

    OPINION Why do people travel to Pattaya? If it’s for the legendary bar scene, they’re going to be in for a surprise if proposed Covid-era measures are adopted. Likely it’s not going to be the ‘Pattaya’ they were expecting, or had been accustomed to in the past. Social distancing (surely a phrase to be added to dictionaries from this year),…

  • Thailand’s wildlife is thriving in shutdown, but maybe not for long

    Thailand’s wildlife is thriving in shutdown, but maybe not for long

    by Ben Schaye There have been a lot of viral news stories going around Thailand the last few weeks about the way wildlife is rebounding while humans are all hunkered down at home under Covid-19 lockdown. Dugongs (sea cows) have been seen frolicking off the coast of Trang, a pod of false killer whales appeared near Koh Lanta, and endangered leatherback…

  • PCT – we’re all going to be suffering from Post-Coronavirus Trauma

    PCT – we’re all going to be suffering from Post-Coronavirus Trauma

    OPINION The sun will rise. All this utter disruption to our lives will come to an end at some time. But the hangover will linger a lot longer than the fairly sudden stop to just everything we were familiar with. Whilst economists will argue whether it’s a recession or depression, the world will go into a long re-awakening after the…

  • March 2020, the Thai month of cancellations

    March 2020, the Thai month of cancellations

    March will end up as the long month of cancellations. With Songkran looming, one of the busiest times for travel in Thailand, and increasingly one of the biggest annual tourist magnets to the Kingdom, cancelling Songkran would take Thailand into unchartered tourism and economic territory. Fears, real or imagined, are forcing companies and governments to assess their risks associated with…

  • OPINION: Doomsday, the Black Swan and no fear

    OPINION: Doomsday, the Black Swan and no fear

    by Bill Barnett of c9hotelworks.com “I’m mad as hell, and I’m not going to take it anymore” is how I am feeling on a Saturday afternoon. My senses are bruised and battered after a weeklong barrage of panic, blurring sensational bad news headlines and a mounting sense of fear amongst my fellow humans. What is clear in the grand scheme…

  • Ten reasons western foreign tourists are not wanted in Thailand

    Ten reasons western foreign tourists are not wanted in Thailand

    Adam Judd, writing for Pattaya Unplugged, has opined about western foreign tourists not being wanted in Thailand. He brings up some interesting topics, largely from the standpoint of an American living in Pattaya. Tell us what you think on our Facebook page. The following are my opinions but based on many talks with people from many different backgrounds and cultures.…

  • The knock-on effect. Coronavirus hits Phuket hotels.

    The knock-on effect. Coronavirus hits Phuket hotels.

    The Thaiger’s occasional Phuket hotel management contributor is back with some inside knowledge of the current situation for hoteliers on the holiday island. That the coronavirus situation is affecting hotel bookings, is an understatement, he says. Here’s some of the current thinking as Phuket hoteliers stand around the water-cooler and mull the situation. Our writer has asked to remain anonymous……

  • Brexit – a personal diary

    Brexit – a personal diary

    Opinion by David Skelcey Friday, June 24, 2016 I woke up in my caravan at Glastonbury Music Festival, headed to the toilet and while doing my business read the news I was dreading. The Leave campaign had won the Brexit referendum by 51% to 49%. After getting dressed and kissing my sleeping partner and kids goodbye I headed off to…

  • The Coronavirus Effect – Phuket by numbers

    The Coronavirus Effect – Phuket by numbers

    by Bill Barnett of c9hotelworks.com The impact of the current outbreak of the novel coronavirus in China, and a limited spread to 18 other countries, will be felt in the months ahead. Whilst the headlines loom large at the moment with statistics and stories of the spread, the downstream effects on Thai tourism, and particularly the areas favoured by Chinese…

  • Guns, tanks and political speeches. Just another Children’s Day in Thailand.

    Guns, tanks and political speeches. Just another Children’s Day in Thailand.

    Children’s Day has come and gone for another year. As usual, the media like to follow the Thai PM in the hope of a perfect photo of him and an unsuspecting Thai child. The prime minister certainly enjoys the annual interaction and appears more comfortable surrounded by children than performing in Parliament. It’s also a day that the Thai armed…

  • Phuket’s water supply running on empty

    Phuket’s water supply running on empty

    PHOTO: No, it’s not the moon, it’s Bang Neow Dam this week Phuket shuffles into the high season with meagre water reserves and no concrete, sustainable plans to meet the upcoming seasonal water demands. In April this year the local water authority shuffled uncomfortably about the crisis at the end of the 2018/2019 dry season, denying there was a problem…

  • Thailand’s swift response to the ‘fall armyworm’ pest

    Thailand’s swift response to the ‘fall armyworm’ pest

    OPINION: Somsak Samanwong – Regional Technical Educator for APAC, Corteva Agriscience. PHOTO: East-East Seed In Thailand, corn is an indispensable staple crop, used as an important source of feed for a thriving poultry and livestock industry. About 1.04 million hectares of our land is used to produce corn, with this year’s yields estimated at a record high of 5.3 million tonnes.…

  • Opinion: Retirees and medical insurance in Thailand

    Opinion: Retirees and medical insurance in Thailand

    By Barry Kenyon of The Pattaya Mail Thai government spokespeople, in recent years, have emphasised that that Thai hospitals are not free for foreigners. They have cited examples of sick and crowd-funded aliens desperate to get back to their home countries, or annual reports from public hospitals bemoaning the unpaid bills of foreign nationals. So far not a lot has…

  • Buddhists call for boycott of Hilton & Waldorf Astoria Hotels with the opening of Siddhartha Lounge

    Buddhists call for boycott of Hilton & Waldorf Astoria Hotels with the opening of Siddhartha Lounge

    OPINION: The Buddhist Times Since its creation in 1996, Buddha-Bar Paris has been using the name and image of Buddha in it’s Bars and Hotels throughout the world. Typically the franchises use large statues of Buddha in their Bars and around dance floors and in restaurants similar to a Buddhist temple. What makes the use of Buddha’s image in these bars…

  • OPINION: It’s time to go – Brexit

    OPINION: It’s time to go – Brexit

    by Gill Parker (The opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the owners, staff or management of The Thaiger) Adios, Au revior, Auf wiedersehen, Ha dee and Addio Europe. Breaking up is hard to do but we’re outta here. Enough is enough. The British people voted to leave the European Union and that’s that. You can argue…

  • OPINION: Well, here’s another nice mess you’ve gotten me into – Brexit

    OPINION: Well, here’s another nice mess you’ve gotten me into – Brexit

    OPINION: David Skelcey, Thailand (The opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the owners, staff or management of The Thaiger) Whether you are British or not, it will be hard to escape yesterday’s news that British Prime Minister Johnson has been dealt a massive blow by the UK’s highest court over his decision to suspend parliament. The…