Thailand among 25 countries with least paid leave days

Thailand is among a list of countries offering the least amount of days of paid leave and paid public holidays in the world, according to a new study by

No East/Southeast Asian country whatsoever made it into the top 25 countries with the most amount of paid public holidays and paid annual leave days.

Advertisements‘s study found out how much annual leave and paid public holidays are available on average in every country in 197 countries around the world.

The study gathered data from government websites, the International Labour Organisation, and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

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The study combines the minimum amount of bookable annual leave days as well as paid public holidays into ‘paid vacation days.’

Iran has the most public holidays in the world (27) and the most paid vacation days overall (53).

Top 25 Countries With The Most Overall Paid Vacation Days
  1. Iran (53)
  2. San Marino (46)
  3. Yemen (45)
  4. Andorra (44)
  5. Bhutan (44)
  6. Bahrain (44)
  7. Togo (43)
  8. Niger (43)
  9. Madagascar (43)
  10. Monaco (42)
  11. Kuwait (42)
  12. Turkmenistan (42)
  13. Azerbaijan (42)
  14. Mali (Africa)
  15. Peru (42)
  16. Russia (42)
  17. Maldives (41)
  18. Equatorial Guinea (41)
  19. Georgia (41)
  20. Panama (41)
  21. Guinea (41)
  22. Cote d’Ivoire (41)
  23. Algeria (41)
  24. Iceland (40)
  25. Djibouti (40)

Micronesia offers the least amount of overall paid vacation days (nine).


Asian nations who made the ‘25 countries with the least overall paid vacation days‘ include…

  • The Philippines (17)
  • Taiwan (17)
  • Singapore (18)
  • India (18)
  • Malaysia (19)
  • Thailand (19)

There are some countries in the world that offer no statutory annual paid leave at all, including Nauru, Micronesia, Kiribati and most surprisingly: the United States.

Top 25 Countries With The Least Statutory Annual Paid Leave
  1. Nauru (0)
  2. Micronesia (0)
  3. Kiribati (0)
  4. United States of America (0)
  5. Palau (1)
  6. Tanzania (3)
  7. Philippines (5)
  8. China (5)
  9. Thailand (6)
  10. Mexico (6)
  11. Nigeria (6)
  12. Brunei (7)
  13. Singapore (7)
  14. Taiwan (7)
  15. Malaysia (8)
  16. Grenada (10)
  17. Samoa (10)
  18. Bahamas (10)
  19. Belize (10)
  20. Fiji (10)
  21. Trinidad and Tobago (10)
  22. Jamaica (10)
  23. Liberia (10)
  24. Honduras (10)
  25. Cuba (10)

As for paid public holidays, India has some of the least in the world with only three.

Japan and Indonesia have some of the most paid public holidays with 16 days.

In June, Sweden’s ambassador to Thailand said that he is delighted 12 companies from his native homeland have promised to give male employees one month’s paid paternity leave.

Thailand News


Leah is a translator and news writer for the Thaiger. Leah studied East Asian Religions and Thai Studies at the University of Leeds and Chiang Mai University. Leah covers crime, politics, environment, human rights, entertainment, travel and culture in Thailand and southeast Asia.

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