Thai woman finds brother-in-law dead in Pathum Thani home

Photo courtesy of KhaoSod

A tragic discovery occurred yesterday evening at a residence in Pathum Thani when a woman, returning from the market, found her brother-in-law lifeless on the floor, his body surrounded by a pool of blood, with a notable amount having come out of his ears.

Police Lieutenant Colonel Surachai Pothiphanrach, an investigative officer from the Klong 5 Police Station, was alerted to the death at house number 161 in the Klong Hok sub-district of Klong Luang district and promptly arrived at the scene with the on-duty medical team from Klong Luang Hospital and officials from the Poh Teck Tung Foundation.

Upon arrival, they encountered the body of 56 year old Noppawit lying deceased in the center of the house, with an abundant amount of blood on the floor. A preliminary inspection revealed no visible wounds on the body, but a significant amount of blood was found to have come from his ears when the body was examined by the medical examiner. It is estimated that Noppawit had passed away about four hours prior to the discovery.

Saengduen, the 56 year old sister-in-law of the deceased, reported that five individuals lived in the house together. She had gone out to shop in the evening and returned around 7pm, finding the house still in darkness. Upon entering, she discovered her brother-in-law’s body.

Noppawit was known to own a dog, which led to initial speculation that he might have died due to an accidental fall caused while playing with the pet, resulting in a fatal injury, reported KhaoSod.

Authorities are currently interviewing those connected to the deceased to gather more information. The body has been sent for an autopsy to determine the exact cause of death before proceeding further with the investigations.

In related news, a 43 year old Thai man fatally shot his brother in law at his home in Phatthalung province yesterday. The perpetrator turned himself in to the authorities, while his wife attempted to delete CCTV footage of the crime.

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Puntid Tantivangphaisal

Originally from Hong Kong, Puntid moved to Bangkok in 2020 to pursue further studies in translation. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Comparative Literature from the University of Hong Kong. Puntid spent 8 years living in Manchester, UK. Before joining The Thaiger, Puntid has been a freelance translator for 2 years. In her free time, she enjoys swimming and listening to music, as well as writing short fiction and poetry.

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