Student rejoins class amid clothing controversy, MSDHS holds meeting without representation

A 15 year old Thai student was able to return to her regular classes at an educational development school despite controversy over her clothing choices. The Ministry of Social Development and Human Security (MSDHS) held a meeting today on the issue.
At 7.40am this morning, Yok attended school in a white T-shirt, black warm-up pants, and sneakers, carrying an iPad. Her guardian, Bung Netiporn, expressed relief that there were no issues with Yok attending class and no one at the school opposed her, KhaoSod reported.
However, Netiporn revealed that just yesterday, a maths teacher refused to check Yok’s homework because it was completed on an iPad. The teacher reportedly told Yok they wouldn’t check her work as she “doesn’t have a name.” Despite this, Yok had been attending classes and completing homework without any issues prior to this incident.
Netiporn also mentioned that while some students supported Yok by displaying banners reading “Freedom of dress,” others disagreed. Yok, however, was described as staying strong and standing her ground. Netiporn remains attentive, waiting outside the school in case any worrying situations arise.
Meanwhile, the MSDHS is holding a meeting but has not included any representative of Yok or her legal team. The resolution from yesterday’s talks between Wiroj Lakkhanaadisorn and Bencha Saengchantra, members of Parliament from the Move Forward Party, and the school remains unclear. The school’s director has yet to speak on the matter, fuelling suspicion that the law may have been breached.
Yok’s guardian concluded, emphasising her belief that Yok remained resilient amidst the controversy surrounding her clothing, and she hopes the school would allow the teenager to study like other students.
For more of a background on what’s going on with Yok Thanalop, she is the second youngest person ever accused of lese majeste in Thailand. She had been in a detention centre in Nakhon Pathom province for 51 days before she was let out on bail. HERE is the full story.