Royal treatment: Princess Diana, Kate Middleton, Meghan Markle most requested as sex dolls

A sex doll manufacturing company has revealed that members of the British royal family are the most requested by its consumers.

Inferno Dolls, a China-based company known for producing realistic dolls and toys, reports that their most popular celebrity sex doll requests include Princess Diana, Kate Middleton, and Meghan Markle. However, the company’s CEO states that he declines these requests due to considerations of “taste” and “decency” for the customers’ kinky desires.

Toymakers at Inferno, located in Shenzhen in southeastern China, receive a large number of requests for life-size replicas, but the company refuses to fulfil requests for racy royal dolls.

CEO Ben Stroud told South West News Service yesterday…

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“We get requests for Princess Diana regularly, especially after the latest series of The Crown, but we would never open ourselves up to accusations of cheapening her memory.

“If we were just motivated by money we would create Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton dolls and see through sales who is the most popular, but at heart, I am a royalist.”

Royal treatment: Princess Diana, Kate Middleton, Meghan Markle most requested as sex dolls | News by Thaiger

But that’s not all. There’s something for the ladies too.

The British businessman has reported receiving a high volume of requests for sex dolls resembling British actor Tom Hardy. Stroud said…

“We get so many requests for a Tom Hardy doll, from men and women, and all over the world. I presumed he would be popular in the UK, but Americans and Asians love him too.”

Stroud stated that his company has not yet created a sexually explicit replica of the Peaky Blinders star but he hopes the actor will partner with them to create an official sex doll product that does him justice.

Royal treatment: Princess Diana, Kate Middleton, Meghan Markle most requested as sex dolls | News by Thaiger
Tom Hardy

Stroud also revealed that customers often request sex dolls resembling Tupac, but the company has not made a doll in the late rapper’s image.

Currently, Inferno uses advanced silicone engineering to produce cutting-edge sex dolls modelled after real-life porn stars.

One of the company’s best-selling products is a sex doll based on adult actor Thor Johnson, who said he enjoyed being involved in the creation process and believes Tom Hardy would too.

Inferno claims to be the world’s largest manufacturer of TPE and silicone dolls, which are incredibly lifelike and include features like hair, muscles, birthmarks, and replica genitalia. Custom-made dolls cost just under US$1,000, and some can be rented for around US$750 for three days.

Only last week, The Thaiger exclusively revealed a story involving a Thai sex doll collector who took to Facebook to share some spooky stories that would not look out of place in a horror movie after he bought a new doll from a stranger online. Read about the story, HERE.

In Thailand, sex dolls and other sex toys are considered illegal.

According to Thai Customs, exporting or importing sex toys can lead to imprisonment of up to three years, a fine of up to 60,000 baht, or both.

Royal treatment: Princess Diana, Kate Middleton, Meghan Markle most requested as sex dolls | News by Thaiger
Kate Middleton

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Bob Scott

Bob Scott is an experienced writer and editor with a passion for travel. Born and raised in Newcastle, England, he spent more than 10 years in Asia. He worked as a sports writer in the north of England and London before relocating to Asia. Now he resides in Bangkok, Thailand, where he is the Editor-in-Chief for The Thaiger English News. With a vast amount of experience from living and writing abroad, Bob Scott is an expert on all things related to Asian culture and lifestyle.

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