Four Pit Bull mixes attack 76 year old grandma in northeast Thailand

Four Pit Bull mixed breed dogs attacked an elderly Thai lady in the Mueang district of Nakhon Phanom province in northeast Thailand on Tuesday leaving her seriously injured and in need of urgent hospital treatment.
It is the fourth time the four dogs have injured people in the village.
The victim, 76 year old Thongpoon “Grandma Yoon” Sasanasupin, was walking to her daughter-in-law’s house on Tuesday when she was swarmed and knocked down by the four big dogs.
Neighbours ran outside and hit the Pit Bull mixes with bats until they ran away, but the savage dogs had already left gaping wounds on both of Grandma Yoon’s ears, which had to be stitched up.
Grandma Yoon also sustained a severe wound on her leg and scratches all over her face.
If no one stepped in to help, then the attack could have ended fatally.
Grandma Yoon’s 54 year old neighbour Yuttaya Penglun said he was eating breakfast outside his house at around 9am when he saw grandma walk outside and head toward her granddaughter-in-law’s house, located just three of four houses down the road.
Yuttaya said four Pit Bull mixes ran out from the house opposite his and swarmed Grandma Yoon. Two of the dogs jumped on the elderly woman, knocking her down, before all four attacked and bit her, said Yuttaya, who swiftly grabbed a two-metre long bat and ran to help. He hit the dogs and chased them away.
The dogs may have escaped from their owners’ property due to the owner’s relative parking on the driveway and not shutting the gate fully, said Yuttaya.
Grandma Yoon was rushed to Nakhon Pathom Hospital to have her injuries treated, where she remains as medical staff observer her recovery.
This is the fifth time the four dogs have attacked and bitten people in the village causing injury.
Grandma’s son Chalermphon Sasanasupin took CCTV footage as evidence and reported the incident at Mueang Nakhon Phanom Police Station.
The Chief of the Nong Yat subdistrict ordered the Pit Bull’s owners to move the dogs somewhere far away from the village.
Vicious Pit Bull attacks are quite common in Thailand, often ending fatally.