Flaming hot: toxic spicy noodles recalled

Some people like their noodles as spicy as possible. But there’s such a thing as to0 flaming hot, as the Thai Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a recall on Mie Sedaap brand Korean Spicy Chicken noodles due to contamination with a flammable pesticide. The instant noodles are being recalled by the FDA after traces of a pesticide called ethylene oxide were found in two sample batches.
The deputy secretary-general of the Thai FDA says two samples that were produced in Indonesia were detected to have traces of the flammable and carcinogenic pesticide. Ethylene oxide is classified as cancer-causing and contact can irritate the eyes, lungs, and skin. It is a colourless gas that is used as a sterilizing agent and can be identified by its sweet smell.
The two batches where contaminated samples were found were produced about two weeks apart in an Indonesian factory and shipped to various places including Thailand and Singapore. The Singapore Food Agency issued a recall on four varieties of the Mie Sedaap brand instant noodles after they detected the same pesticide in batches shipped to their country. This prompted inspections from the FDA.
The recall has launched a nationwide search for contaminated noodles, according to the Bangkok Post. The FDA has asked public health officials nationwide to perform inspections on the distribution of the noodle packages. They’ve ordered that all of the noodles in the warehouse of the importer be confiscated. They are also considering legal action against the importer, pushing for them to work to recall the contaminated noodles.
The first contaminated batch of noodles was manufactured on November 25 of last year and has an expiration date of November 25 this year. The second batch also has a year-long expiration date and was manufactured on December 7 of last year.
Anyone who purchased Mie Sedaap’s Korean Spicy Chicken instant noodles is advised to check the expiration dates of their noodle packets carefully before consumption.