Covid vaccine advertisements by private hospitals to be tightly regulated

Advertisements for Covid-19 vaccines by private hospitals will be tightly regulated to prevent exaggeration or any statements that may mislead the public. The Public Health Ministry has set regulations for private hospitals offering to order Covid-19 vaccines for customers including guidelines on promoting injection services as well as rules to ensure quality and safety.
Department of Health Service Support director-general Tares Krassanairawiwong says the ministry has issued 5 regulations for vaccination services at private hospitals. Regulations on advertising are meant to protect customers against exaggerated claims and also make sure there is fair competition among the private hospitals offering vaccine injection services, Tares says. The promotions must also make it clear that the injection services sold by private hospitals are an alternative service and the government is providing vaccinations for free.
Advertisements for Covid-19 vaccinations must include the following statement…
“The government provides free Covid-19 vaccines to all people. Ordering a Covid-19 vaccine through this private hospital is an alternative service that you must pay for yourself.”
All Covid-19 vaccines must be registered for use and approved for advertising through Thailand’s Food and Drug Administration. Covid-19 vaccination advertisements must also be submitted to the DHSS or the provincial public health office before being posted. Some advertisements that have been posted without approval have been suspended, according to DHSS deputy director-general Arkom Praditsuwan.
SOURCE: Bangkok Post