Bee chaos at Ubon Ratchathani temple market injures 6 (video)

Chaos ensued at a temple market in Ubon Ratchathaniโ€™s Warin Chamrap district yesterday when a swarm of local bees attacked a hive of wild bees brought for sale. Six people, including the elderly and disabled, sustained injuries from bee stings and required medical attention.

The incident occurred at the Phasukaram Templeโ€™s amulet market when a vendor attempted to sell a large hive of wild bees.

This attracted the attention of a local hive of bees residing within the temple. The local bees, upon detecting the scent of the wild bees, aggressively swarmed the area, resulting in mass panic among vendors and visitors.

Several people, unable to flee in time, were stung by the bees. Among the injured were visually impaired individuals and elderly vendors.

Residents quickly intervened, helping to remove stingers and calling for emergency medical services, which transported the injured to Sapphasit Prasong Hospital and Warin Chamrap Hospital. Fortunately, all six injured people are now in stable condition.

Bee chaos at Ubon Ratchathani temple market injures 6 (video) | News by Thaiger
Screenshots from Thairath TV Originals YouTube video

Rungchat, a 56 year old vendor, recounted the events. She stated that the vendor selling the wild bees had opened a box containing both honey and bees, which triggered the local bees to attack.

This resulted in injuries to several people in the vicinity, including visually impaired individuals and a 66 year old man. She advised those intending to sell honey to verify the presence of local bee hives to prevent such incidents.

Bee chaos at Ubon Ratchathani temple market injures 6 (video) | News by Thaiger

Sampan described his experience, explaining that he was unaware of the unfolding situation until he was suddenly swarmed by bees. In an attempt to protect himself, the 66 year old covered his head with his shirt and ran, only to discover later that he had over 50 bee stingers embedded in his body.

Locals assisted by removing the stingers and taking him to the hospital for antihistamine treatment before he was discharged.

Bee chaos at Ubon Ratchathani temple market injures 6 (video) | News by Thaiger

Vendors at the market, which has operated for over 10 years without prior incidents, expressed their surprise at the attack. They noted that the local bees had never been aggressive towards people before.

This unusual occurrence sparked discussions about the scientific explanation of territorial defence by the bees or local beliefs that the bees might have objected to the sale of honey within the temple grounds, reported KhaoSod.

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Puntid Tantivangphaisal

Originally from Hong Kong, Puntid moved to Bangkok in 2020 to pursue further studies in translation. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Comparative Literature from the University of Hong Kong. Puntid spent 8 years living in Manchester, UK. Before joining The Thaiger, Puntid has been a freelance translator for 2 years. In her free time, she enjoys swimming and listening to music, as well as writing short fiction and poetry.

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