Thai advertisers deserting Print, but love Cinema and Transit ads

Thai businesses are shunning newspapers and magazines for advertising, but still support cinema advertising and ‘transit’ media.

Newspaper advertising spend dropped nearly 28%. Magazine spending wasn’t far behind dropping nearly 25%, year on year.

Thailand’s advertising spend dropped 0.42% year on year in July to about 9.143 billion baht, according to Nielsen media report. The report says that only cinema, in-store, and transit media showed growth.

Cinema advertising posted the highest growth in advertising spending in July at 55.9% to 979 million baht, up from 628 million baht earned in July last year. Meanwhile, ad spending on in-store media jumped 8.8 % to 99 million baht, up from 91 million baht. Ad spending on transit media (like BTS and MRT stations and trains) also increased slightly by 1.20% to 504 million baht in July this year, up from 498 million baht in 2018.

Newspapers still suffered the biggest slump in ad spending, down 27.7% to 400 million baht from 553 million a year ago. Ad spending on magazines also fell significantly by 24.8% from 101 million baht to 76 million baht.

Ad spending on terrestrial and digital TVs dropped 3.33% in July this year, Cable and satellite TVs also saw a 3.5% drop, radio advertising only dropped 1.44% while outdoor media followed the same trend, dipping a minor 0.34%.

Advertising spending in the first seven months of 2019 continued to fall, going down to 59.861 billion baht from 60.920 billion baht.

SOURCE: The Nation

Business NewsThailand News
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