Top tools for winning keyword research: google trends & planner

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The best free keyword research tools

In the realm of SEO, leveraging the right tools for keyword research is crucial for your strategy. Thankfully, there are several high-quality, free options available that can help you uncover the keywords you need to enhance your content’s visibility online. In this section, we dive into some of the best free keyword research tools available today.

Free keyword tool by backlinko

Starting with the Free Keyword Tool by Backlinko, this tool represents a pivotal breakthrough for those who are initially sceptical about investing in premium SEO tools. Powered by Semrush’s extensive database, it delivers actionable insights on low-competition keywords, sparking innovative ideas for blog content. It’s specially designed to provide vital data, including monthly search volumes, without the need for a financial commitment. This accessibility makes it a favourite for both newbies in SEO and seasoned professionals looking for quick keyword discoveries.

Top tools for winning keyword research: google trends & planner | News by Thaiger
Photo taken by Anna Nekrashevich


Next, TopicRanker stands out with its unique approach to evaluating and prioritising keywords. By identifying problems and gaps within SERP (Search Engine Results Pages), it surfaces opportunities that often go unnoticed by other tools. What sets TopicRanker apart is its efficiency and the relevance of its findings. The forthcoming integration of AI and NLP for content creation promises to elevate its utility even further, making it an indispensable asset for SEO enthusiasts. And with its affordable price point, it’s an attractive option for both individual bloggers and larger organisations.

Google search console

Google Search Console may not first come to mind when thinking of keyword research tools, yet it’s a goldmine for understanding how your content performs in real-life searches. By analysing the performance data of your actual web pages, you can identify which keywords are driving traffic to your site. This insight allows you to fine-tune your content strategy to boost your rankings for specific keywords. Google Search Console is direct feedback from the search engine giant itself, offering a clear perspective on how your content resonates with users and search algorithms.

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Top tools for winning keyword research: google trends & planner | News by Thaiger

Keyword snatcher

Lastly, Keyword Snatcher is a tool that generates a massive list of keyword ideas based on a single seed keyword. What makes it unique is the volume and variety of the suggestions it provides. This tool scrapes keywords from Google, YouTube, Bing, and Yahoo, offering a comprehensive view of potential search terms across different platforms. While it thrives in generating long lists of keywords, the depth of data on competition, search volume, and potential traffic for each keyword is what truly aids in refining your keyword strategy.

By leveraging these tools, you’re better equipped to conduct effective keyword research, tailoring your content to meet the needs of your audience and the demands of search engines. Each tool offers unique benefits, and incorporating them into your SEO workflow can significantly enhance your online visibility.

Top tools for winning keyword research: google trends & planner | News by Thaiger
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What makes the best keyword research tool?

When venturing into the digital landscape, your success heavily relies on targeting the right keywords. This journey begins with choosing the best keyword research tool. But what really sets a tool apart in the crowded market of SEO utilities? Let’s dive into two standout options that have become staples for digital marketers worldwide.

Google Trends stands out as a unique tool in keyword research. It’s not just about numbers; it offers insights into the popularity of search terms over time. This can be invaluable for identifying seasonal trends or sudden spikes in interest due to current events. You’ll see firsthand how your selected keywords perform across different locales, allowing for a more tailored approach to your SEO strategy.

  • Free to use
  • Provides insights into search term popularity over time
  • Location-based popularity insights

Using Google Trends, you’ll get a deeper understanding of your audience’s changing interests. It’s crucial for planning content that resonates and for staying ahead in highly competitive markets. For example, if you’re in the fashion industry, tracking seasonal changes can help you align your content with upcoming trends, thus attracting more traffic to your site.

Google keyword planner

Google Keyword Planner is another powerhouse you shouldn’t overlook. Straight from the behemoth of search engines itself, this tool offers direct insights into Google’s database. It’s designed not just to find keywords but to plan comprehensive ad campaigns. Here’s what makes it stand out:

  • Access to Google’s own data on search queries
  • Can create highly targeted ad campaigns
  • Offers mobile vs. desktop insights for better optimization

Imagine knowing the exact terms people use when they turn to Google and understanding how these searches vary across different devices. That’s what Keyword Planner offers. It’s particularly beneficial for businesses focusing on a mobile-first world, enabling you to tailor your content strategy to where your audience is most active. Additionally, by analysing competition and search volumes, you’ll be equipped to make educated decisions on keyword targeting that can elevate your SEO game significantly.

Both Google Trends and Google Keyword Planner offer unique vantage points for keyword research. While Google Trends provides a broader picture of keyword popularity and trends, Google Keyword Planner offers the nitty-gritty details on search volumes and competition. Together, they can help shape a robust keyword strategy that addresses both immediate and long-term SEO goals.

In the realm of keyword research, Google Trends emerges as a pivotal tool for those aiming to outshine in digital marketing. This free, insightful platform offers you the means to track the popularity of search terms across various regions and time periods. It’s particularly beneficial when targeting specific locations, providing you with crucial insights into regional preferences and interests.

Top tools for winning keyword research: google trends & planner | News by Thaiger
Photo taken by Czapp Árpád

Google Trends stands out not just for its ability to display keyword popularity over time but also for its utility in uncovering seasonal trends and understanding how news or events might influence search behaviors. This can be a game-changer in preparing content that resonates with your audience on a deeper level. Think of it as your radar for capturing the pulse of market interests and shifts, ensuring your SEO strategies are both timely and relevant.

Moreover, its no-cost appeal makes it an accessible tool for businesses of all sizes. You can easily integrate Google Trends into your keyword research process, alongside other tools, to refine your search engine optimization efforts. Here’s a quick insight into what makes Google Trends invaluable:

  • Region-based insights: Tailor your strategies with location-specific search trends.
  • Seasonal changes detection: Plan your content calendar around high-interest periods.
  • Event impact analysis: Adapt your keywords based on current events influencing search behavior.

By incorporating Google Trends into your toolkit, you’re not just staying updated with SEO trends; you’re also leveraging a strategic advantage that allows for niche, user-oriented content creation. Remember, the depth of your keyword research can significantly impact your online visibility. With Google Trends, you have the data needed to make informed decisions and craft compelling, targeted campaigns that capture the interest of your intended audience.

Keyword overview

Unlocking the potential of your online content starts with understanding the tools at your disposal. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to refine your SEO strategy, Google Trends and Google Keyword Planner are indispensable. With these tools, you’ll not only identify the keywords that resonate with your audience but also gain insights into market trends and user behaviour. Remember, the key to successful content is not just about what you say, but how and when you say it. By leveraging these powerful tools, you’re well on your way to creating content that not only ranks but also genuinely connects with your audience. So dive in, explore, and let the data guide your path to SEO success.

Parts of this article, including images, may have been generated using AI tools before an editor reviewed it.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Konain Asif

A digital storyteller & explorer - Konain Asif is a proud graduate in Digital Marketing from Assumption University, Thailand, where he honed his skills to weave narratives and seek adventures in the digital realm.

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