10 Best Fruits and Vegetables in Thailand

PHOTO: Thai vegetables by jcomp from Freepik

Thailand is home to some of the most bizarre fruits and vegetables in the world. As it is part of Southeast Asia, many of these foods are shared with other nearby nations. Visitors clearly will get a mouthful upon tasting durian, one of the most controversial fruits in a matter of taste. Apart from durian, Thailand is famous for other fruits and veggies that are undoubtedly some of the best cancer-fighting foods in the world.

As it is true that fruits and vegetables should be part of one’s daily diet, these mouth-watering bites make it easy to get your daily servings. Just going to a market can open up your mind when you see the many types of vegetables and fruits displayed. Moreover, a market trip is the best way to sample some of the most delicious foods in the world.

10 Must Try Fruits and Vegetables in Thailand

The best of Thailand’s fruits and vegetables are listed below.

1. Mangosteen

This beautiful, purple fruit is sometimes called the ‘queen of fruits’ as its taste is mouthwatering. It features just the right combination of sweet and sour tastes. Moreover, upon biting into it, its white, grape-like fleshy inside is juicy and refreshing. Despite its dessert-like taste, mangosteen offers many health benefits. The bizarre fruit is loaded with nutrients, fibre, and antioxidants, making it a good fruit to fight cancer.

The miraculous fruit is also known to help with weight loss. Furthermore, adding it to your daily diet may help you shed body fat as it helps speed up your metabolism. Mangosteen also has been studied to control blood sugar levels.

PHOTO: Mangosteen by jcomp from Freepik
PHOTO: Mangosteen by jcomp from Freepik

2. Eggplant

When you hear of eggplant, you may be thinking of the long, purple type. But Thai eggplants are small, round, and green. As it is most used in Thailand’s green curry dish, it is also used in other cuisines. Although they are quite crunchy at first, upon cooking the eggplant, it becomes softer and more flavourful when cooked.

Thai eggplant is also known for its health benefits. Studies have shown that it can help with weight loss and fight cancer. Although it is usually referred to as a vegetable, it is technically a fruit, as it grows from a flowering plant and contains seeds. Regardless of its classification, Thai eggplant is a nutrient-dense food and only contains 20 calories per cup!

PHOTO: Eggplants by KamranAydinov from Freepik
PHOTO: Eggplants by KamranAydinov from Freepik

3. Durian

Despite its ability to turn off people due to its strong aroma, durian remains one of the most popular fruits in Southeast Asia. But don’t even think about bringing it on a public transportation system, as it is often banned. However, if you are still interested after holding your nose, try tasting durian-flavoured food products like ice cream. If this is okay for you, then you can ease into trying the fruit.

It can be said that once you try durian and get its infamous taste in your mouth, you will be a lover for life. Moreover, eating durian can help your health in many different ways. First, it is said that pregnant women should incorporate the fruit into their diet as it features a lot of folic acid. Durian also is said to aid in anaemia as its folic acid increases the production of haemoglobin, which is what is lacking in an anaemia diagnosis. Furthermore, the fruit can work wonders for depression as it contains the amino acid tryptophan, which the body requires to produce serotonin and melatonin.

Durian Fruit Tropical - Free photo on Pixabay

4. Rambutan

Rambutans are one of the most bizarre-looking fruits in which to try. But, make no mistake, it is also one of the most delicious. As its outside looks quite furry, the red fruit features a white, fleshy centre, much like mangosteen. Most who try rambutan compare it to a grape in taste and it is truly a light and refreshing mouthful.

Although rambutan is native to Malaysia, it is still grown in Thailand and its popularity is spreading worldwide. These fruits are native to Malaysia but have recently begun to spread throughout the rest of the world. Moreover, the fruit is packed with nutrients and provides vital nutrition. Much like durian, it is recommended for pregnant women to eat as it contains folate. Furthermore, the fruit offers potassium and vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant and immune system booster.

PHOTO: Rambutan by suksan from Freepik
PHOTO: Rambutan by suksan from Freepik

5. Galanga

The galanga root is used to improve certain illnesses. For example, it is believed to reduce inflammation, fight cancer, and treat infections. Furthermore, it is thought to increase male fertility.

Even though it is similar to ginger and turmeric, galanga’s taste is sharper, spicier and a bit more peppery than its peers. Regardless, it is one spice that is thought to be very important to one’s health.

10 Best Fruits and Vegetables in Thailand | News by Thaiger
PHOTO: azerbaijan_stockers from Freepik

6. Thai Chili

Thai chilli is one of many types of chilis that are consumed worldwide. Although it looks like a vegetable, it is categorised as a fruit. Known for its spicy taste, its main ingredient is capsaicin, which is packed with health benefits.

Vitamin C is plentiful in this fruit and it aids in many types of health problems. However, chilis also includes vitamin B6, which helps in metabolism and vitamin K1, which is essential for helping blood to clot. K1 also helps with healthy bones and kidneys. Furthermore, chilis also features potassium, which can help reduce your risk of heart disease. But, perhaps the most unique ingredient, is copper. Known to be a deficiency in Western diets, copper is important for maintaining strong bones and healthy neurons.

PHOTO: Thai chilli from 8photo by Freepik
PHOTO: Thai chilli from 8photo by Freepik

7. Longan

Despite its less-than-appealing appearance, once you bite into Longan, your mouth will be delighted. As with mangosteen and rambutan, longan also features a fleshy, white interior. However, its sweetness is a step higher than rambutan’s and is a great light snack.

Longan features vitamin C, with 1 ounce of the fruit making up almost 40% of the recommended daily amount of the vitamin. Vitamin C is one of the most important vitamins for humans, as it aids in healthy bone development, blood vessels, skin and immunity. Although the fruit isn’t as power-packed with nutrients as its peers, it still has several nutrients that are important for one’s health. Moreover, grabbing a bag of longan is cheap and can be eaten by just peeling the shell with your hand. This fruit is one of convenience!

PHOTO: Longan by mrsiraphol from Freepik
PHOTO: Longan by mrsiraphol from Freepik

8. Dragon Fruit

A climbing cactus called Hylocereus features this growing fruit in tropical regions worldwide. Dragon fruit, unlike other fruits, is quite tasteless. But, don’t be misled, as its mild taste gives way to some major health benefits. Antioxidants are plentiful in this fruit, which are known to protect your cells from free radical damage, helping your body fight off cancer.

As it is naturally fat-free and high in fibre, those who try dragon fruit, say it definitely can help you stay full for longer, those who use this fruit to eat less, report its weight-reducing properties. Furthermore, it has prebiotics, which helps balance the relationship between good and bad bacteria in your intestines. The fruit is also known for its high amounts of vitamin C and iron, which help improve immunity and energy.

PHOTO: Dragon fruit by jcomp from Freepik
PHOTO: Dragon fruit by jcomp from Freepik

9. Lychee

Similar to Longan, lychee tastes and looks quite like its peer. As it is fat-free, lychee is a good replacement for other, more fattening snacks. Furthermore, fresh lychee provides vitamins like niacin, vitamin B6 and folate. These nutrients help with cholesterol and the healthy development of a baby in its mother’s womb. Phosphorus, potassium, copper, and manganese are also ingredients in lychee, which undoubtedly aid in health.

For those on a diet, the fruit’s polyphenol extract can reduce body weight, abdominal circumference, and visceral fat. The latter, most definitely, is a strong indicator of possible future heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Lychee also includes fibre and antioxidants, in case you weren’t already convinced of its health properties.

PHOTO: Lychee by jcomp from Freepik
PHOTO: Lychee by jcomp from Freepik

10. Bamboo Shoot

Bamboo shoots are gaining popularity worldwide as health nuts are taking notice. Now featured in a variety of products like breakfast cereals, and shredded cheese, bamboo is finally being recognised for its health benefits. Known as a seasonal delicacy, Thailand uses the shoots in mind-blowing curries as well as stir-fried on its own.

Bamboo shoots are rich in nutrients, including proteins, carbohydrates, and minerals. Furthermore, they are low in sugar and fat. One of the most promising components of bamboo is its high amount of phytosterols and fibre. These nutrients are now being labelled by scientists as natural medicines or nutraceuticals after further testing. Moreover, bamboo shoots have been found to aid in the fight against cancer, and viruses.

PHOTO: Bamboo by zoo monkey from Unsplash
PHOTO: Bamboo by zoo monkey from Unsplash

No matter what kind of fruit or vegetable you see at any of the Thai markets, it is sure to be a delightful bite. With many being unknown to those in the Western world, trying one of these juicy treats can boost both your mood and health.

Packed with nutrients, it is a good idea to incorporate fruits and veggies into your diet, and there may not be a better place in which to try unique ones than at a market in Thailand. Cheap and tasty, healthy and light, these delicacies will surely increase your energy and keep you hydrated in the hot, tropical sun.

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Best ofFoodLifestyle

Ann Carter

Ann Carter is an award-winning journalist from the United States with over 12 years experience in print and broadcast news. Her work has been featured in America, China and Thailand as she has worked internationally at major news stations as a writer and producer. Carter graduated from the Walter Williams Missouri School of Journalism in the USA.

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